Chapter 49: Saving the Loughrans

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

Inside the Asylum....
Van Helsing was in his private study, which was to rooftop of the castle, sitting on a chair doing nothing, or expecting something to happen, while Brett, Kent, Melly, Troy, Parker and Connor were all tied up at the corner.

While sitting on a chair, Van Helsing heard the Arkham Knight communicating to him through the radio channel.

VAN HELSING: What is it?

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Van Helsing, do read me? My men have stopped reporting in. And that only means one thing. You only have seconds before Batman comes to you.

VAN HELSING: Understood. I will see in a moment. There are lose ends that is need to be finished.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Chopper is on its way. Prepare for extraction.

While the Loughrans tried their best struggling to break free, Batman/Johnny silently dropped down beside them to avoid being detected by Van Helsing.

BRETT, KENT, and MELLY: (*whisper) Batman!

BATMAN/JOHNNY: (*whisper) Shh... keep your voice down. I'm going to get you all out of here.

Batman/Johnny started to untie Brett, Kent, Melly, Troy, Parker, and Connor.


Batman/Johnny quickly turned around and saw two upcoming arrows towards him.

Batman/Johnny dodges the first arrow and blocked the second arrow by using his gauntlet.

Van Helsing lowered his crossbow and went face to face with Batman/Johnny.

VAN HELSING: Who would've thought that The Dark Knight would travel all the way here just to die alongside with these disgusting creatures.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Whatever you and the Arkham Knight are planning, it ends tonight!

VAN HELSING: Oh, Batman. The night is still young. You'll be fascinated at whatever we have planned for you.


VAN HELSING: Gentlemen, show The Batman what the Arkham Knight have taught you for the last few months. Do not disappoint.

Militia soldiers appeared to back up Van Helsing.

MILITIA SOLDIER: We've got our orders, Batman! We're taking you down!

BATMAN/JOHNNY: You're relived.

Batman/Johnny started to beat down every militia soldier he sees to protect his family.

Brett, Kent, and Melly stayed away from the fight while Troy, Parker, and Connor were enjoying this as if they were like watching an action movie.

Batman/Johnny easily defeated the militia soldiers with only Van Helsing standing.

Van Helsing slowly walks back towards the edge of the rooftop.

VAN HELSING: Impressive. How many more bones would you crush? How many lives you will destroy to pursue on what you call 'Justice'? All you do is to endanger the people closest to you.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: You're trap! There's no where to run!

VAN HELSING: (*chuckle) Who says anything about running?

Van Helsing jumped at the edge of the rooftop leaving Batman/Johnny in shock.

Batman/Johnny then heard a gust of wind getting louder and louder.

Just then, a militia chopper rose up with Van Helsing holding at the ladder. Inside the chopper was a bunch of militia soldiers and the Arkham Knight.

Batman/Johnny grabbed his Grapnel Gun to pursue Van Helsing but the Arkham Knight grabbed a bigger weapon, an RPG.

As the Arkham Knight fired the RPG, Batman/Johnny was fast enough to dodge the rockets and hit the wall behind him.

The rockets exploded so big that it made Batman/Johnny fell to the ground from behind.

This gave Van Helsing and the Arkham Knight to escape.

Brett, Kent, Melly, Troy, Parker, and Connor ran towards Batman/Johnny to his aid. Robin also got there in time.

They helped Batman/Johnny to get back up on his feet.

MELLY: Batman, are you okay!

BATMAN/JOHNNY: (*grunt)... I'll be alright. Is anyone safe?

BRETT: Yes. All of my family are here. No one got hurt. Thank you.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I'm just glad you're all alright.

ROBIN: Seriously. How are we getting this people out of here?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Leave that to me. The police are on their way.

To be continued.....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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