Chapter 13: The Riddler

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At the hospital....
There were 4 armed Riddler goons guarding the entrance in case the police arrived to stop them. Batman/Johnny and Robin hid behind the shadows trying to figure out how to take them out.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Robin, stay here while I find a way to take out Riddler's goons. We'll take them down faster if we work together.

ROBIN: When do I join in?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: You'll know when you see it.

Batman/Johnny crouched down sneaking behind the two thugs unnoticed right before he performed a double takedown the goons unconscious. This alerted the other two goons as they aimed their guns at Batman/Johnny but Robin was able to drop in as he used his Bo Staff to knock down the two thugs.

ROBIN: (*chuckle) You sure took your time back there.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: I was testing your self-control.

ROBIN: Oh really? Did I pass?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: A little more practice can help it. Let's go find Riddler.

With that said, Batman/Johnny and Robin entered the hospital and rescue the hostages.

Inside the hospital was the hostages, nurses, doctors, and patients, all tied up while the heavily armed goons were guarding their every move. Also with them was the Riddler, wearing a green suit, purple necktie, purples mask, black gloves, a green hat with a little yellow question mark on it, and lastly he was holding question mark-shaped hook cane. He was just standing there waiting for the dynamic duo to arrive. Speaking of the dynamic duo,

Batman/Johnny and Robin entered the room only to be stopped by the armed goons aiming their guns at them.

HOSTAGE 1: It's Batman and Robin! They're going to save us!

HOSTAGE 2: Thank god! This will all be over!

GOON: Look out! Batman and Robin are here!

The thugs aimed their guns at the dynamic duo when the Riddler joined in.

RIDDLER: Batman! You're ahead of schedule. I can see also brought your little helper to assist you. I'm a little busy right now, but I'll see if I can fit you two in.

Two of Riddler's men aimed their guns at Batman/Johnny and Robin but Riddler stopped them.

RIDDLER: Not them, the hostage. Shoot the hostages!

The two thugs quickly aimed their guns at the hostages ready to end their lives. Batman/Johnny quickly grabbed one of his new gadgets, The Remote Claw, from his Utility Belt to disarm the hostages.

The Remote Claw is a gadget which allows Batman/Johnny to target two objects, pull them together, including enemies; it can also launch objects at enemies, or string up enemies or objects.

Batman/Johnny fired the Remote Claw at one of the thugs and pulled them together hitting each other as they fell to ground while Batman/Johnny and Robin performed ground takedowns to incapacitate the thugs.

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