Chapter 22: Riddler Trial (Part 4)

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Meanwhile in Riddler's Hideout....
Inside the building were the two last remaining hostages crying for help from the heavily armed men.

GOON 1: Quit whining you big baby.

GOON 2: Just ignore them. They'll be dead soon anyway. (*Evil laugh)

GOON 3: Hey, you idiots stop screwing around. We've got a job to do.

GOON 2: No one told us anything about the Bat coming here. Ain't this place suppose to be a secret?

GOON 3: The boss just found out that Batman and Robin freed the rest of the hostages. He sounded really pissed so he told us to stay on guard. Why? You scared of the big bad bat?

GOON 2: No! Not scared exactly, but... well, he broke three of my ribs back when I used to roll with the Joker's crew and my arm six months ago.

GOON 1: How many times have you seen the Bat?

GOON 2: I told you. Too many.

GOON 1: And how many times did you pee in your pants?

GOON 2: (*scoff) Funny.

GOON 1: Look, I'm sorry, man. I just can't believe you're so scared of a man dressed up like every night is Halloween. He's probably just an urban myth.

GOON 2: Urban myth? A freakin urban myth!? There's a hotel full of monsters with the REAL Count Dracula and Frankenstein and you're telling me that the Bat is just an urban myth!?

GOON 1: Chill out, man. I'm sure he's nothing. If he is real, he's mine. You can thank me later. Besides, who the hell does he think he is? SUPERMAN?

GOON 3: Would you two just shut up already! We're trying to work here and all I can hear is you idiots yapping in ear!

GOON 1: Alright, we're sorry.... Cheez.

Little did the goons know, Batman/Johnny and Robin were hiding in the shadows of the high vantage points.

ROBIN: How many are they?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Seven goons, all armed. Two hostages. This is going to be easy.

ROBIN: So what's the plan, boss?

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Just stay in your position and be ready for my signal. We'll take them all down together.

Batman/Johnny glides down to the ground unnoticeable and silently sneaks behind a goon performing a silent takedown at him. After the goon was incapacitated, Batman/Johnny quickly grappled up to a high vantage point.

Batman/Johnny used his grappnel gun to switch between vantage points where he sees another lonely goon on the ground walking not minding his surroundings.


Robin quickly dropped down and performed a knockout smash takedown on that thug. The takedown was so loud that it alerted the other henchmen.

GOON 4: What the hell was that!?

GOON 5: It sounded like it came from over there! Come on!

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