Chapter 10: Love and Reunited (Part 3)

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The entire gang immediately got into the swimming pool. The monster ball game was divided into two teams. The first team was Dracula, Martha, Mavis, Johnny, and Dennis while the second team was Frank, Eunice, Murray, Vlad, and Griffin.

The ones who weren't playing were Lydia, Gene, Klaus, Hank, Pedro, Wendy, Sophie, Charlotte, Wayne, Wanda, Winnie, Blobby, Crystal, and Alfred are watching the game.

HANK: Oh yeah! I'm gonna enjoy watching this game! Go get them mom and dad!

FRANK: Don't worry, son! I'll show them who's the boss of Monster ball.

PEDRO: (*laugh) Good thing my man, Murray, and your parents are at the same team. They're going to kick their buts less than a minute.

WENDY: I don't know with you two but I'm on Mavis' side. GO MAVIS!

VLAD: Lydia, you sure you don't wanna join? It's going to be fun.

LYDIA: No thank you, father. I am just not used into these childish games. Never want to spend my time with that kind of nonsense.

After a few minutes of preparation, the two teams were ready.

MURRAY: All right, who is ready to get pummeled?

Murray had the scared monster volleyball on his hand ready while Johnny some stretches preparing for himself.

JOHNNY: I gotta warn you, I sometimes consider myself as a man.... with many talents.

FRANK: Sure, pal. Whatever you say.

Frank towered over Johnny with his massive size.

EUNICE: Everybody, just please, watch the hair. Watch the hair!

DRACULA: Oh ho, let's go. Let's do this!

MARTHA: I'm so excited! I haven't had this much fun for centuries!

MAVIS: Oh my gosh, this is gonna be so much fun!

MURRAY: Get ready! Here comes the paaaaaaain!

Murray served the ball hard over the net straight at Martha, who struck the ball back to the other side aiming it right at Eunice.

EUNICE: Not the hair, not the hair!

Eunice flinched and unknowingly hitting the ball over the net. Johnny screamed as the ball passed over his head while Mavis dove forward to reach the ball and hit it. Dracula levitated high into the air and struck the ball over the net toward Eunice.

EUNICE: No no no no no no!!!!

The ball hit the water and the splash soaked her big hair while Vlad just chuckled at this. Everyone on Dracula's team cheered.

Mavis smirked and raised an eyebrow at Johnny, who embarrassingly smiled at her for not hitting the ball.

Continuing the game, it was Dracula who made the serve this as the ball flew the other side. Vlad roared frightfully with laser red eyes and longer fangs scaring the ball to fly move back the other way.

Martha used her vampire strength to hit the ball so high allowing Dennis to float on midair and hits the ball on their opponents' side.

Frank spiked the ball back with his own super strength. The ball screamed as it flew higher and hung in the air for a moment until it came rocketing downward, straight toward Dracula, who eventually missed the shot.

The ball crash landed on his head, creating a huge explosive splash. Martha, Mavis, Dennis, Johnny were all shocked and startled from what happened.

FRANK: Woo-hoo! What I say!

HANK: Alright, mom and dad! You guys got this!

PEDRO: Oh yeah! It's a tie! One more score and they'll win this game!

Both Hank and Pedro gave each other an high five while Martha helped Dracula get rid off the ball from his head and gave a playful kiss on his cheek. This made Dracula blushed and giggled.

Griffin was the player who served the ball this time. As the ball nearly hits the water, Dracula spiked the ball passing over to Mavis and hit it back to the other side. Murray strongly hits the ball back to vampires and Johnny.

As the ball closely hits the side of Dracula's team, it was Johnny who decided to finally give the last shot. Johnny stepped on the pool's edge and jumped so high that he hits the ball at the other side.

EUNICE: No wait Johnny, not again!!!

The ball hit the water and the splash soaked Eunice big hair even more while Johnny splashed down at the water completely soaked.

WENDY: Uncle Drac's team wins! Woohoo!

Dracula, Martha, Mavis, and Martha cheered in victory and gave Johnny high fives and fist bumps. The audience also cheered for the winner.

DRACULA: Oh, dude man! Nice score!

DENNIS: Daddy, that was awesome!

GRIFFIN: Alright, settle down people. It was a good but we're all winners here (*chuckle)

MARTHA: Good job, Johnny! We just won the game!

MAVIS: You managed to score this one but you didn't take the first shot earlier.

JOHNNY: (*chuckle) I clearly meant to do that, Mavy. It's part of the plan. Besides, I'm a man with many talents remember?

Johnny examined his nails smugly while Mavis rolled her eyes for fun.

The audience also cheered for the winner, mostly Wendy, Sophie and Charlotte while Hank and Pedro frowned in defeat.

The players got out from the pool and wiped themselves with their towels. Alfred went over to Johnny.

ALFRED: Well, sounds you had a lot of fun tonight.

JOHNNY: (*chuckle) Yeah I guess you could say that, Al. Too bad Brett, Kent, and Melly aren't here with us right now.

ALFRED: Yes. Sadly, they would've had much fun as you.

Out of the sudden, both Johnny and Alfred can see the Bat-signal coming from the human village.

JOHNNY: Looks like Gordon has got something new.

ALFRED: You know, there's always a good reason to stay with your family, Johnny.

JOHNNY: (*sigh) Al, even if I want to stay regardless I just can't ignore it. This might have something to do with that Riddler guy.

ALFRED: Alright, Johnny. Just be careful out there.

JOHNNY: Don't worry about it.

To be Continued....

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