Chapter 93: A Serious House on a Serious Earth

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.
- 6 chapters left then I'll finally end the story!

Inside the old Arkham Asylum, Batman once again walked through the dark and quiet hallway where the old walls were cracked and beetles crawling around the floor. Even though Batman has been here before, the environment never creeped him out. Batman also encountered the former prison cell of Amadeus Arkham with the writings on wall in the form of a circle.

Batman made it to the gigantic room where he sees the Joker sitting on his throne of skeletons.

Dracula, Martha, and Mavis were locked inside a cage and they still had that silver chain strapped around them preventing them to escape

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Dracula, Martha, and Mavis were locked inside a cage and they still had that silver chain strapped around them preventing them to escape.

As Batman looks up at the Joker, he noticed that his illness was getting worse. The red veins and rashes can be seen around the Joker's pale face and there were also the redness on his eyes. Joker coughed heavily as blood was coming out.

JOKER: Welcome to the madness, Batman! I set a trap, and you sprang it gloriously!

BATMAN: It's over, Joker. Let them go NOW!

JOKER: Over? Why, my dear delusional Dark Knight, it hasn't even begun. Looks like it's time to teach you some respect!

The Joker jumped down from his throne of skeletons.

BATMAN: There's nothing you can teach me, Joker.

JOKER: Oh, come on. There's always something to learn. Let's start with... getting your ass kicked 101. Seconds out!

The Joker postured himself in a fighting position right in front of Batman.

JOKER: Just you and me, Batman! Oh, give me your best shot, Bats!

Batman went easy on Joker since he was already dying. Batman would basically just avoid the Joker's punches and land some light punches on him.

The Joker purposely fell to the ground begging to stop the fight.

JOKER: (*cough) Please... stop! I can't take it anymore! You win! You beat me! Hang on, did I say me? I meant me... and these guys!

Just then, all of Joker's goons came out of the room to assist their boss.

Batman used his natural combat/martial arts skills and gadgets against the goons and didn't want to depend too much with his new vampire abilities.

Even though Batman still pretended being a normal human, he was able to knock half of the goons despite how many they are.

After Batman defeated all of the thugs, it was just him and the Joker left standing.

JOKER: How about a little joke? There were these two guys in a lunatic asylum and.... ah, you already heard this one before.

Batman punched Joker right on the face knocking him out. Batman used the blades on his gauntlets to destroy the padlock of the cage and removed the silver chains off of Dracula, Martha, and Mavis.

Mavis quickly hugged Batman tightly and hugged her back.

BATMAN: It's okay. You're safe now.

MAVIS: What happened to Dennis!? Did everyone got out of the Hotel?!

BATMAN: Dennis is safe, Mavy. We were able to get everyone out of the hotel to safety.

While Batman was thinking about getting Dracula, Martha, and Mavis to safety, the Joker slowly got back up from his feet.

JOKER: (*cough) See now.... after all of that drama... Don't you feel better..... Johnny?

The Joker aimed pistol at Batman, Dracula, Martha, and Mavis. Batman stood in front to protect his family from the Joker.

JOKER: Mavis Dracula, The Count Dracula, Martha Lubov. You know that I know. But I don't care. I won't tell. The world can never know your name. You might stop doing this if I do.

BATMAN: What do you want, Joker?

JOKER: You know what I want, Bats. I want my damn cure before.... (*cough).... you know.... All Van Helsing ever wanted was to extinct every monster who dares to step on our world. And this so-called 'Arkham Knight'? All he wanted was to kill you.... but I have different plans for you.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: What's the punchline here, Joker?

JOKER: Oh this isn't a joke, Bats. There's no final twist. Not until I decide to put my hand on the knife in your heart. I am CHAOS. I am the DEVIL. I am nothing to you and everything. It was never the Joker who was truly broken.... It was the BATMAN!

JOKER: Broken by a pain greater than anything I could ever do to you. So I worked with Van Helsing and the Arkham Knight just to get to you. No matter how many villains you fought throughout the years, I will always be the greatest pain in your life! ME!

The Joker shouted as he clenched his pistol tightly.

JOKER: I'll cut you! I'll hurt you! I'll keep twisting that knife in your heart until the time we both die tonight. TOGETHER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Without waisting any more time, Batman quickly threw his Batarang at the Joker's hand making him drop his weapon. Batman then jumped right at the Joker grabbing him by the collar of his coat.

The Joker just laughed as the acid from his flower on his coat came out damaging the right armored shoulder pad of Batman.

Batman lets go of the Joker and removed the burning armor plating from his shoulder. The Joker took this opportunity to escape and ran to another place of the Asylum.

BATMAN: (*grunt) I can't let Joker run away this time. Head outside and find a safe place.

DRACULA: I'll get Martha and Mavis out of here but I'm coming back to help you.

BATMAN: No. they need you right now, Drac. Gordon and the police are on their way here. I just want to make sure you got out okay.

Dracula didn't want to argue with his son-in-law anymore so he decided to respect his decision.

Before they could even escape the old castle, Mavis gave one deep kiss on Batman's lips.

MAVIS: Be careful.

BATMAN: I will.

Batman started chasing after the Joker while Dracula, Martha, and Mavis escapes the Asylum.

To be continued....

Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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