Chapter 57: The Batmobile Chase

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

After Batman/Johnny and Robin rescued the police officers, underneath there construction site was the Arkham Knight and his militia troops preparing for extraction.

Batman/Johnny and Robin entered the Batmobile where they have cornered the Arkham Knight and the militia soldiers

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Dammit, he's here! Open the doors! OPEN THE DOORS!

Arkham Knight quickly enters his armored truck vehicle to escape while the militia soldiers kept shooting the Batmobile, which was bulletproof.

The Batmobile passed by the militia soldiers and chased down armored truck around town.

ROBIN: Batman, the Batmobile's thermal scanner is only picking up one body inside that armored truck.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: The Arkham Knight. He's not going anywhere this time! Not on my watch!

All of the civilians were shocked to see the heavy car chase on the road and some of them ran for their lives.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: (*scream) Somebody deal with him already!

(militia): Support class is on the way. Firing rockets now!

3 more armored vehicles showed up to back up the Arkham Knight.

The 3 armored trucks kept firing rocket launchers while the Batmobile was able to use its power slide to avoid the upcoming missiles

The Batmobile also shot its own missiles that was firing the Arkham Knight's armored vehicle.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: I'm taking enemy fire!

(militia): Dammit! This guy's crazy!

The militia soldier were struggling to aim their missile launchers at the Batmobile because of its ability to slide to the other lane of the road.

The Batmobile continued firing its missile at the Arkham Knight's armored vehicle.


(militia): We're trying but the movement on that thing, it's difficult to lock the target on!

The Batmobile used its acceleration to increase its speed as it wrecked all the 3 armored vehicles in front of him.

It didn't take too long for the Batmobile to catch up with the Arkham Knight's armored vehicle as he smashed the last truck.

The armored truck kept spinning around the road until it roughly smashed a nearby wall.

After the armored truck was destroyed, the Arkham Knight kicked the door open and his body immediately fell to the ground.

The Arkham Knight breathes heavily and felt weakened from the crash. While the Arkham Knight tried to gain his strength back, he actives his earpiece within his helmet requesting for backup.

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Attention all units, this is the Arkham Knight: the APC is down! I repeat, the APC is down! Requesting for immediate extraction.

(militia sergeant): The chopper is on its way to your current location, sir.

Batman/Johnny ejected himself from the Batmobile and trying to perform a glide kick at the Arkham Knight but he was fast enough to evade the attack.

Batman/Johnny tried to punch the Arkham Knight but used his forearm to block the attack. Batman/Johnny used his other free hand to strangle the Arkham Knight, who also used his other free hand strangle Batman/Johnny.

Both Batman/Johnny and the Arkham Knight were strangling to death.

BATMAN/JOHNNY: Who.... are.... you....

ARKHAM KNIGHT: Not yet, Dark Knight.

The Arkham Knight pulled himself away from Batman/Johnny and threw a smoke bomb. Within the smoke, Arkham Knight used his own Grapnel Gun to boost himself up on a nearby high ground.

Batman/Johnny and Robin also used their Grapnel Gun to chase down the Arkham Knight.

To be continued.....


Author's note:- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story

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Author's note:
- Hope you guys like this chapter and PLEASE leave a comment on what you guys think about this story.

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