Chapter 26: The Ambush

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Author's note:
- Another chapter published! Please like this chapter and leave a comment for the review. For the next two chapters, I'm FINALLY going to introduce to you guys the 2 main villains of the story.

- Enjoy this chapter and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

The 4 vampires - Dracula, Martha, Mavis, and Dennis - we're in their bat-forms flying all together through the fluffy clouds and play hide and seek.

Martha, Mavis, and Dennis kept laughing throughout the entire game trying to hide but unfortunately for them, Dracula was a master of hide and seek as he found his family easily.

While Dracula and Dennis were away, Both Martha and Mavis had the opportunity to fly together throughout the sky just mother and daughter.

MAVIS: I'm really enjoying this night, mom. I wish we could have some 'girl-time' more often. I mean I'm okay with just hanging out with boys but I could really get used to this.

MARTHA: Aww.... me too, Honey Bat. Let's just let the boys have their fun for now while spend some time together.

MAVIS: Sounds a great idea, mom!

Mavis hugged Martha tightly while she hugged her daughter back.

Martha and Mavis spend more time together throughout the night by flying through the clouds and talking. While doing this, Martha noticed that something was bothering Mavis.

MARTHA: Mavis? Is everything okay, sweetie?

MAVIS: Huh?... oh, it's nothing mom. I just feel bad for Johnny.

MARTHA: What do you mean, sweetie?

MAVIS: I just wish he could've joined us flying tonight but instead, he's all alone back at the hotel. Besides, I haven't told him about turning him into a vampire yet.

MARTHA: Mavis, you know your father and I are always here for you. If you're scared of telling Johnny, maybe I can help you with that.

MAVIS: Thanks, mom. I really appreciate it but I think it would be best if talk to Johnny myself.

MARTHA: Okay, Mavis If you insist. But for now, let's stop worrying about Johnny and have some fun tonight. I'm sure that's what he wanted for all of us. (*chuckle)... I can perfectly hear your father and little Dennis enjoying themselves.

Both Martha and Mavis were disturbed when they saw Dracula and Dennis chasing each other and laughing out loud.

DENNIS: (*giggle) Mommy! Grandma! Help me... (*giggle)... save me from Papa Drac!

DRACULA: (*evil laugh) I'm going to catch you little, Dennisovich!

Dennis kept squealing while Dracula chases him. Both Martha and Mavis just laughed.

MARTHA: So shall we join the boys, my darling daughter.

MAVIS: Yeah I guess you're right, mom. I'm sure Johnny's just doing fine back at the hotel.

Meanwhile at the Human Village....
Batman/Johnny was on top of the rooftops, standing on a gargoyle, while looking throughout the town in case crime happens.

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