Chapter 16: The Party

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Later that night...
Dracula and Martha were still inside their room getting dressed up while most of the guest are already in the ballroom. Dracula wore an elegant tuxedo with his cape while Martha wore a formal long black dress with golden bat-shaped earrings and her chocker. Dracula couldn't help it but to stare at Martha mesmerized at her beauty.

MARTHA: So, what do you think?

DRACULA: Martha, you look very beautiful as always.

MARTHA: Aww. Thanks, handsome. We should probably head downstairs to the ballroom. Wouldn't want to keep everyone waiting.

DRACULA: Of course, my love.

Martha planted a quick kiss on Dracula's lips before leaving their room. While walking through the hallway, they encountered Mavis, Johnny and Dennis. Mavis was wearing a long silky black dress while both Johnny and Dennis wore their own suit and tie.

DENNIS: Hi, Papa Drac! Hi, Grandma!

MARTHA: Aww, hello my little Dennis! Look how cute you are!

Martha quickly gave Dennis a big hug while he hugged his grandmother back and finally lets go.

DRACULA: Mavis, Johnny? What are you still doing here?

MAVIS: Same as you guys. We were already on our to the ballroom and I thought you and mom were already there.

DRACULA: We were just getting dressed up for the night, honey bat. That's all.

JOHNNY: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's head down to the ballroom and join the party (*chuckle).

Martha, Johnny, and Dennis walked towards the elevator while both Dracula and Mavis stayed behind for a little.

DRACULA: Have you talked to Johnny about the 'thing' we've discussed earlier?

MAVIS: (*sigh) I didn't told him yet, dad. I don't even know if this could work or not.

DRACULA: Devil chops, I know you're scared about this but I also know Johnathan won't force you if you're not ready yet. He loves you and Dennis so much that he would do everything to spend eternity with you. But you have to let Johnny know about this before turning him into a vampire.

MAVIS: Yes, daddy. I will.

Dracula and Mavis joined Martha, Johnny, and Dennis in the elevator.

The Ballroom....
Dracula, Martha, Mavis, Johnny, and Dennis shortly arrived to join the party. All the monsters smiled and greeted the vampires' arrivals, especially for Martha.

The family then walked towards to Frank, Eunice, Wayne, Wanda, Murray, Griffin, Vlad, Lydia, and Gene for a sweet family conversation.

FRANK: There he is! My main man, Drac!

DRACULA: Hello, Frank. I must say you and Eunice look wonderful tonight.

EUNICE: Same to you and Martha, Drac.

MARTHA: Thank you, Eunice.

Winnie came out of no where to grab Dennis surprising everyone from how fast it happened.

WINNIE: Dennis, I love you! Zing, zing!

DENNIS: Hi, Winnie.

Winnie playfully pounced on Dennis to the ground and then vigorously licking him, making Dennis giggle. The grownups were awed in affection to see how cute the kids interact with each other.

Hotel Transylvania: Johnny is THE BATMAN (Part 2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora