Chapter 15

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If my morning couldn’t get any worse the rain coming down in the village seemed unyielding, really gave me a beating as I was walking home. Soaked to the bone and to be honest probably deserved every minute of it. Each droplet of water that hit me sent me deeper into a mild state of depression, each droplet reminding me of the hell I have waiting for me at home. I did this to myself and warrant everything waiting for me at home.

As I walk up towards my house I go over ever possible scenario that could happen with my mother one more time, preparing myself for every eventuality that might arise. Not that I am expecting to defend myself from being murdered, I just think that it’s a possibility. I am naïve enough to wish that she won’t be that bothered about me being missing for the last 24 hours.

Taking a deep breath in, I prepare myself to enter the mad house. As quite as I can I open the door in hopes that maybe I can sneak straight into my room, where I can proclaim I have been for most of the night.

Unheeding to my entrance, mother is quietly perched on the arm chair in the living room. I try not to catch her eye as I walk past her, knowing that silence is never a good sign. Although the rain is now pounding against the windows, you could hear a pin drop after she cleared her throat.

This isn’t what I need right now. What I need right now is a shower, a boiling hot shower to rid me of everything bad that happened this morning. Did I mention that I need a shower? There is nothing else on my mind right now, anything that my mother wants to say to me can wait for all I care.

The tension isn’t quite like it usually is in the house, usually you can tell there has been a fight just by how uncomfortable the atmosphere makes you. This tension is unlike any I have every felt, for once it was directed at me.

 “Where have you been?” Her voice unlike I’ve ever heard was full of anger but came out in just a whisper. I pause, trying to think of the best way to handle the situation which would actually make me feel proud of myself.

“Out with a friend” I shrug, and continue walking towards the stairs- eager for a shower.

“All night” It came out as a statement rather than a question, she knows that answer but wants to hear it from me. The level of her voice remains quiet and monotone, it’s enough to make a tiger back down. But not me, not today.

“Yeah” One foot on the step, ready for me to bolt at any moment. I’m not a chicken, I’m smart. She remains in the armchair, eyes full of scrutiny as they watch my every move. The eyes which used to be able to cut me off mid-sentence with just one glance, they didn’t seem to be working on me for some strange reason. “I’m just going to-“

“So who is he then” Voice hard and firm, louder this time so I could feel the disappointment with every syllable.

“What? What are you on about?” She’s gone mad, mean there is a guy but she’s acting like dating someone is illegal.

“The guy you was with last night” There is no way she knows about this.

“Huh? Mum I wasn’t”

“Don’t lie to me Eva. I know you were out partying until the early hours of the night.”

 Okay well maybe she somehow knows?

“How could you even know that?”

“Well, when I didn’t hear from you all day I started to worry. You’re never one to not come back, so I tracked your phone, the apps been on your phone since you’ve had it. Just in case situations like this ever did occur.” Remorse was absent from her face, vacant of any emotion. She now stood tall and straightened out her hair.

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