Chapter 4

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The shift at the local café is only halfway done and my day can only go from bad to worse. Much worse. Technology nowadays is ridiculous. The screen had frozen and the transaction won't go through, contactless on the card machine won't work. To top it all off there is now a cute girl at the back of the line giggling to her self about it all, I'm done now- I just want to go home and sleep. Who needs this shit? Whatever happened to paper and god damn human contact. Customers needed to be served and here I stand hitting a chunky metal block for not doing what it's supposed to.

"Need any help there," she asks, slowly raising my head enabling me to see the features on her face, I hold a look of curiosity towards her as her lips are still tugged up into a half crooked smile. I feel like I know that voice, so familiar to me.

Damn that smile, that could sink a sailing ship - definitely- pearls of the ocean and eyes like the sky. The eyes that could break a thousand men, oh I feel a song coming on. I feel my mind work in music mode, trying invisible tunes out, while another works out the beat, and another works out how many guitar layers I will need.

Sometimes I wish heartbreak and love could come with a warning bell, just to prepare myself. I don't think I can go through it again. Another girl, another part my heart that I'll never get back. If I could only detect when a girl worth singing about enters the room- A girl like her, standing in front of me...waiting to be served.

"Welcome the 89 coffee house, what may I get for you today," I ask, monotone professional working voice being reeled off, playing off the fact that I was distracted. I'm not a bad employee and I don't mind working here at all, this place pays good money which is what I need to survive right now. I just wish I could dedicate all of my time to my music, with no financial struggles, I can't do that though unless I want to be homeless.

"Is it possible if I could just have a decaf caramel macchiato please?" Her voice is so soft, so perfect- and it's bugging me where I know it from. I fondle about with my back turned, grabbing what I need. Trying to keep my brain switched on, crucial if I don't want to embarrass myself in front of a pretty girl.

"Thank you so much, see you around." She says, angelically.

Trying to concentrate on getting good lyrics for my song I take a quick break to go outside, plonking myself down in some plastic crates stacked up against a grimy wall. The smell of rotten cabbage and piss lingers around, I know for a fact that I won't be staying out here for long. I let out a huff, trying to continue from where I left off in my head.

She was in my thoughts now, a muse. A mystery girl in an unusual location, something that can maybe help write a song. Which is what I'm going to do, just for her.



I sit in my usual chair, the perfect place to people-watch. It's a comfort thing to watch people, to compare them to your life. The girl with the dog, what is her life like? Does she enjoy life the way I want to? The old guy with the walking stick, has he always been on his own- I wonder how he copes every day.

My phone rings in my back pocket, placing my cup down I go to answer it but hesitates- it's my mother. Why is she phoning, she never phones me when I'm out? I answer knowing what is about to be said is important. "Hello?" I answer quietly, trying not to draw any attention to myself from the other coffee drinkers.

"Eva darling, where are you, sweetie? I need to see you. I need to talk to you." She sounds desperate. She never loses composure like this, it must be serious. Aw shit, that means revealing my undiscovered coffee shop.

"I'm in the coffee shop down a bit from the park opposite the bakery. You know the one I'm on about?"

"Yes, I'll be there shortly, order me a cup of tea please." She requests. I roll my eyes, this conversation is going to take a while.


Keep calm? How dare she tell me to keep calm. Nothing about this situation is calming to me. This is unacceptable, I can't go on living like this. My father is leaving now, going out of town. "Going away for a few weeks," she said so she can see what its like to be a single parent. That's bull shit and she knows it, my father is hardly ever around anyway so she's kidding herself if she thinks I believe that. I don't want to make life hard for her because I know it must be difficult to go through a divorce, but what she needs to remember that it isn't just the two of them going through this, I am too.

"Eva- don't make a scene." She whispers, but not like a usually gentle whisper. There was a hidden message behind it-warning me not to do this.

Scrapping the tattered wooden chair along the floor I swiftly stand to my feet, glancing down at my mother. Her eyes following every move I make. "I'll be back now" Marching away from the table I have no idea where I should go to now. I see a sign that says fire exit with the door under slightly notched open, there is where my quiet escape will be- through that door and away from all this drama. I push it open silently, so no one sees me exit this way, I only need air so I won't be out here long. I secure the door with my foot to keep it open, unsure how it managed to stay open on its own before.

The barista guy from earlier was sat down on a pile of crates to my surprise. He's singing with a tremendous voice, he hasn't seen me yet as his eyes were closed through the passion of the song. It's amazing- he's amazing. I stare in awe, not being able to comprehend a sentence together. I know I should say something before he catches me just standing here being a creep, but I can't- I'm captured by him.

I take a step forward figuring that maybe my brain might make words for me on the spot, instead the metal door closes with a massive bang, I squeak in surprise. The blonde boy fell on the floor, his head hitting the wall as he went. "Oh my god are you okay? I wasn't creeping up on you or anything I just wanted air, I've been wanting it a lot lately, then I came out here and here you are singing, and I didn't know what to do but I felt awkward just standing there and then the door closed and now you're on the floor" He lets out a low-pitched grunt, his eyes continue to stay closed, and his body ridged. "Oh, damn do you need a help up. I forgot about that". It's typical that I would forget that there is a cute boy in pain on a manky floor because of me. I look into his eyes, but he gives nothing in return, besides a rub to his head to check for any blood. Thankfully there wasn't anything, I don't think this day could get any worse if he ended up in the hospital because of me.

He looks up at me again but doesn't bother to take my hand. Instead, he stares at me. "Do I know you?" He asks, tilting his head. He's confused. Maybe I gave him a concussion, of course, I would end up giving a cute boy concussion- that's how the world works for me. "I recognize your voice from somewhere"

Got another update, I'm on a roll and no one can stop me now.

Vote and comment. Let me know what you think.

Abi xx


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