Chapter 19

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+ I'm sorry I got the lyrics wrong at the end, stupid website :(

The long winding roads were just how I pictured them in the darkness, they seemed as if they were a projection of my dreams. I held Eva's hand tight in my own while we casually strolled under the illuminated street lamps to our first scheduled place of the night, there was a lot planned for our busy night out so we'd have to stick to it.

We arrived at a good enough diner, there were a few people scattered around the place not enough to get noticed, plus Eva looked content with it which meant that I was content. Entering the diner I could already tell that it was a place that looked better from the outside then it was in the inside, pulling out the chair for Eva, I offered to take her coat being the gentlemen that I am. She beams up at me from her low seat seeming pleased that I had even offered in the first place.

Settled down in the quite corner of the fatty food diner, Eva went quiet, too quiet for Eva. I was willing to talk about almost anything to her if she wanted, just as long as this thick silence was cut. Clearing my throat I wished she was caught by the sound, yet this only seemed to banish her far deeper into her thoughts. Oh what I'd pay to get a glimpse of what she is thinking.

"Do we need to stick to a schedule tonight?" Eva suddenly asks after a while, oblivious that she hasn't spoken a word for over 20 minutes. I look at her confused for a moment, what is she thinking of doing?

"I did have one planned up yes, unless you have other ideas for tonight" I don't know where I was heading with that suggestive comment, I just wanted to know what page we were on and how hard I'd have to work to make her mine. She blushed furiously, I could only smile. Well it is a good thought that she's been thinking about the two of us, together, alone.

The time spent in the diner was nothing compared to what we were doing now, sat on a bank of a lake, just like I was when I watched her for the first time. Gently holding her hand in my own we looked around us taking everything in. I stare obviously at her, soaking up every detail wanting to make sure I could remember everything that I could.

"Come on now George, I can't be that pretty for you to keep looking at me like that." She says in her soft voice, one that I could only imagine speaking the words I love you.

"You don't see what I see then" I state simply.

"And what is it that you see?" She wonders, her head tilting towards me. I look into her deep blue eyes and I could see that she has been hurt before, way before she met me. Eva has been in situations like this only with a completely different outcome.

I grab both of her hands now trying to be the most romantic person going, yet the cheesiest. "I see someone who wants to love, love with all her heart but she's scared- scared of the outcome. Scared that if she speaks her mind then she'll get her heart broken." I rise to my feet pulling Eva up with me. I hold her at arm's length tightly, making sure she stays where she is until I finish what I have wanted to stay for a while.

"I just want that person to know, that it is alright to love, love gets people though things. People can also get though love. That is all" I look her in the eyes, her bright blue eyes are rimmed with tears- she's crying because of me, I'm a massive jerk.

Eva doesn't say anything for a long time her face held the look of shock and that killed me, how could she not know that I have feelings for her. I turn not wanting her to feel sorry for me when I cry, her small hand reached up to mu hunched over shoulders. Turning slightly I see the knitted eyebrows that she wears when she is concerned, her baby blues eyes were darker than usual from the crying. I reach and hold her cheek in my palm, the path of her tears still present I wipe them away with one stroke. Leaning into my palm Eva lets out a sigh.

"I'm scared because I love you, every time I have said I love you to someone they laugh in my face. How do you think I feel when that happens, when the love of your life shakes if off like snow on your shoulder" She whispers. My face sinks and my heart aches to think of what she has been though without me. Pulling her close to me I sway us back and fore for a while wanting to settle her for a while. "Could we go back to the hotel for tonight?" She says in a small voice.

"Sure, come one" I say while pulling her towards the path. We walk in silence until we get to the main town. The night life was wild, everybody knew everyone here. I hold Eva close as we push our way through the crowd, a few steps into the massive mob trumpets and violins sounded. I turn to look at Eva, silently asking her if we should join, with a massive grin etched onto her face she nods. I pull her tight so our bodies are touching, not that we had much room anyhow, swaying like I did before yet to the tune I smile content with her being in my arms.

After a few songs an idea came to mind, I signalled to Eva that I'd be back in a few minutes. Worming my way around the crowd I make my way to the side of the stage, the few bricks and planks of wood as a stage, and kindly asked the man who had been previously conducting the violins and trumpets if I could sing. Rejoiced the man agreed saying that he needed a break.

Standing on the few planks of wood, I stood in the centre with a stolen guitar. Spotting her in the crowd facing the way that I departed from her, so in the completely wrong direction. "This is for Eva who needs a bit of songs to get the mood to change"

I started strumming the chords that I have been practicing all week, I imagine the drums and other casual instruments in my mind, then when I knew the intro was done I started gently singing the Eva inspired song.

"I wouldn't recommend what I have done, no the prophets pointed out where I went wrong, saying woohoo go figure out what you desire woohoo my darling stand by your gun, see we don't need no nothing more" I continue singing rocking back and fore on my feet, enjoying the energy radiating off of the crowd. I grin at Eva who held a rather large astonished face.

"Waste your time on lessons learnt, how long will you go will you go will you go and" I finish, the crowd as always clapped and whooped in consideration. I take a bow and made my way off stage. The man that I had spoken to came up to me, shook my hand and spoke "You look after that girl now" With a laugh and agreement I walked off, the massive grin still carved onto my face.


Is that an update, or is that an update.

I am off school for two weeks YAY >_< and updates will happen.

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