Chapter 20

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How would Eva tell her mother? What would she say it like, would she introduce us in a fancy way, the type of way she would speak around her mother or would she go for a more casual approach to it like when she speaks around me?

"Mother, this is George Ezra, my Boyfriend." I can only assume that she will call me her boyfriend, we technically haven't said anything further about our relationship. I guess any way she introduces me to her mother will be vital, "Mother meet my new boyfriend George" nope, that seems too forward.

"Hey Mum remember when you threw out that boy by his ear, yeah well I'm kind of dating him now". That was basically my worst nightmare in one sentence.

Taking one last walk through the streets of Amsterdam, our luggage in tow. Eva and I decide to spend the final hour getting lost in the winding streets, they might actually be great inspiration for a new song.

"Excuse me sir, do you have any spare change".

The man asks in Dutch, knowing full well Eva understood we both look at each other, before shrugging and giving all the change in our pocket and dropped it in his tin.

This moment right now, right here is the perfect start to a song, maybe not a long song but a song none of the less.


Eva snuggled closer to me, taking in the precious few hours we have to sleep before we resume out hectic life in the UK. The flight was in full swing by the time Eva had fallen asleep, so now I had been left to respond to emails from my record company about a new album.

There had been talk about it for a while, creating an album from the songs I have wrote on my travels. I haven't really been in contact with them since I went to meet Eva in France, I have sent a few emails back and fore but nothing official as per say.

"Eva, it's time to get up or we'll be going back to Amsterdam" I speak softly to her cradling the back of her head, slowly stroking out her curls.

In response was an incoherent mumble about having five more minutes. I chuckle before tickling her sides. She shot up out of her seat just to hit her head on the plane ceiling.

"Come on we have to go and collect our luggage" I whisper so only myself and Eva can hear. "Plus I have a surprise I want to show you".

As if she hasn't been sleeping for 4 hours straight Eva started to tug on my arm like a two year old, she started to wine about how she hate surprises and should just tell her now.

I was able to drag her from the aeroplane to the luggage collect perfectly fine, but when it was time to start heading to the taxi rank she literally became a two year old who couldn't get the own way.

Sitting on the floor in the middle of the airport Eva brought out her sweets from the plane ride and started eating them, she refused to move which gave me no choice but to give into her wish.

"Eva if you want me to tell you what the surprise is you'd have to stand for me darling." I reach out to help her up, she hastily takes my hand and hauls herself up. I stumble for a second before regaining my balance.

"Look Eva, I know we have known each other for quite a while now, and we haven't tried this dating thing for long, but I just wanted you to know" I look deeply into her eyes making sure she doesn't suspect a thing, taking her hands in mine, I take a deep breath. "I just wanted you to know..... That if we don't hurry up we will miss the big surprise" With that said I grab both of Eva's hands, held them together tightly before picking her up fireman style in my arms and flinging her over my back.

She squeals with glee for the start of it, but as we start to make out way through the airport, me dragging a cart full of luggage behind me with a fully grown woman on my back tends to give us a few odd glances.

When I finally made it to taxi rank my back was starting to ache, yet I still refused to let Eva down not until she was safely put into the car, where she couldn't run off.

"Hello, I was wondering if you could manage putting our luggage in the boot by yourself, I have to see to my girlfriend you see." Asking people nicely gets you a long way, that's what my mother has always taught me. There was one problem left in the equation, how was I meant to get Eva to the location without her getting any hints to where we were going. I lightly placed Eva in the back then climbed in myself, I smooth her hair down as she stares out the window attempting to ignore me.

I notice that she was wearing a special headband in her hair, one that held back any flies of hair that have attempted to escape or tried to find my touch. I love playing with her fly-aways, they curl so easy on my fingers that I just wish that all her hair would do it. Sighing heavily on the back of her next I turn up the heat, I start to kiss down the back of her neck cherishing all her little freckles as I go.

"Please don't be mad when I ask this, but could you put that head band over your eyes." I play with the little frills of the dark blue headband. She huffs, to then turn and face me with a disapproving look. I pull the Dark blue band over her light blue eyes carefully not wanting to harm her, she shifts uncomfortably. Noticing her discomfort I pull Eva into my lap, holding her close to me as the journey to her surprise starts.




I have come to realise that headband means different things in different places in the world, I guess a headband in this case is like a bandana? I don't know if I can find a picture of one I will add it.

Thank you so much for the support, it means so much to me, so much in fact that it has urged me to write sooner, and the fact that my nan kept on to me about it J anyways I just going to fangirl about the 6k reads this book has, omg THANK YOU that's all I have to say. And in the kind words of My Chemical Romance...I'M NOT OKAY.

See you soon,

Abi xx

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