Chapter 20

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I wonder through the shrinking crowd, wanting to get straight to Eva. The moment I have created was perfect, the perfect timing to ask her out. Beneath the dark night sky in a foreign town, shadowy twinkly lights strung up on precisely cut trees with a smooth classic band playing in the background. The scene playing out was elegant, but there was one issue that has now come in to wreck my carefully planned out scheme, my confidence.

I fear that it is rejection from others that causes my self-confidence to decay, somehow it terrifies me to the core how easily someone can just drop you out of their lives, leave you and well simply reject you.

It could also be the fact that all of my ex's have something in common with each other, individually they were able to muster up the same speech about how we were never meant to be and how there is someone out there that is perfect for me and I believe them, and every time I fall into the deep spiral of failure.

Honestly I think that I am not good enough for her, my past affairs are just proving all the statistics correct, and in a matter of days she will be out the door packing. She might not even want to be friends anymore, I could possibly make it too awkward for her to stay friends with me.

I find Eva, alone thankfully, under a twinkle light tree. I pull her in close to me, feeling her small hands take hold of my upper arms I start to sway. She turns slowly as if she were in a film, I pull her back close to me.

Her blue blue eyes shine, brighter than I have ever seen. She's was indeed perfect for me, yet I cannot decide if it is my perfect or the universes perfect. I will always be there for her no matter what so I might as well attempt a relationship.

I slant my body forward, narrowing the distance between us. I brush my lips against hers, the same plump rose lips I have once kissed and have longed in doing so ever since. I glance at Eva as if I was searching for approval, I wanted to do this with the intentions of us both wanting to be together.

Finally, after what felt like a hours, her button nose lined up with my own and with one long intake of air Eva's lips found mine after all this time. I have been kissed by a few women in my time, some sloppy and unloving others more soft and heart felt. There was hardly any focus in kiss between us, they were only thinking about the outcome. But this shared kiss between myself and Eva was solemnly focused on the kiss, how we moved, how perfect our noses fit, how our hands were latched together in a killer hold. I have never felt so much undivided attention since I was a kid, yet here right now every part of Eva was paying attention to me.

We stand there under bright lit tree, the wild life had gone to bed which was a signal that maybe we should turn in, and the crowd had already started to disburse into the dark depths of the night meaning that all the fun and drinks were over.

Eva's P.O.V

Staring at the nothing in particular but thinking about everything that has happened in my life thanks to George, he has truly shone a light on a darkened place I once called my life. I can only hope for great adventures in the future for us now as we lay between the covers late at night, possibly coming up with the greatest adventure any man or woman has done in their life and we wouldn't even know it.

"Oh I know, how about we go to Australia? I have always wanted to see a kangaroo." I says as I snuggles closer Georges bare speckled side. Somehow his sneaky protective arm finds itself wrapping me up in its cord, cradling myself as we slowly pass the last few hour of being in Amsterdam.

"Mm" He say in an unsure agreement, I have always really been fond of going to Australia all of the possibilities of seeing new and different things excite me. Out in the outback makes myself think why people want to go there in the first place I guess you have the nice people, scenery and all of the animals but what's the point in all that when you don't have someone there to share it with.

"Or we could go to Belgium, do some scuba diving have some of them awesome waffles with the syrup. How cool does that sound? I mean I do have to some gigs somewhere and well I thought that maybe I might have a better chance in the smaller countries before I make my way into the bigger ones like Australia and big leagues in America."

"Aww baby George" I coo then forward myself onto his waist. I run a tender hand up the front of his duvet covered front, I starts to slowly circulate my hands on my shoulder relaxing him keeping his mind from wondering any further. "How about we take a break from travelling for a bit, go back to Britain and inhale all of the good ol' British fumes? Besides I think it is about time I return home from my 'University thing' that I am meant to be on."

I say unsure how to break it to him that I am finally getting a bit homesick, not from miss my mother or father but from the British ways of things, the fish and chips at the sea-side, the long walks along the pier, visiting London's attractions even though you could probably find your way around them with your eyes closed, that's what I missed.

Georges breathe hitched in a split second but carried on as normal thinking that I couldn't feel it myself. I didn't really understand why he was worried about going back, the only problem there was my mother and I guess the only way we can get through that is tiptoeing through pretty much smashed glass.

"Okay fine we will head back to England for a few days, I might get some gigs there for a while before I can organise something for Belgium. But on one condition." He says in a breathe out, I stand up on the bed and start to do a little happy dance, waving my arms around and doing a sort of half jump half jog on the spot, before George could even finish.

"Yes oaky anything I will do, be anything if we can go back to the UK, even if it for just a matter of days" I rejoice, I didn't really think into the empty promises that I had just made.

"You have to introduce me to your mother properly". George speaks quietly.


Soooo sooo sorry it took so long for me to write, I need to get my inspiration flowing before I could do anything. It has been increasingly difficult and I will promise that I will try to write more.

Okay so I was thinking that I might write something with smut about what happened when they got back to the hotel. I want to keep this book pg-13 if possible so I was thinking maybe I might put it in a book of its own just for the smut. I have seen other Authors do it in the past. But I would kind of like you guys to have a say if you want one.

Let me know,

Abi :D x

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