Chapter 5

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This is probably the most shaming thing to ever happen to me in my life- ever. The cute girl that I must is pretty good look on the eye had scared me shitless, so much so that no matter how I try to play off my scared persona I just seem to be giving off creeper vibes instead. I know I know her, I can feel it niggling away in the back of my mind. This isn't something that I would just make up, to anyone else I might have concussion. But I know what I know, and I know her.

"I don't think you know me, I know I don't know you from anywhere. Are you feeling concussed? Maybe you should take a walk around the block to clear your head." She did put it down to being concussed, I was right. I always am with these sorts of things. She must think that I am out of my mind, but this is something that I am determined to be right about.

Clearing my throat, I gradually stand with a bit of a wobble in my stance. I put my arms out to steady myself, unexpectedly the brown-haired beauty was right there to help. Grabbing my upper arm, she practically drags me to the away from the crates, propping me up against the wall, she makes sure that I can stand for myself before slowly backing away. Her arms not reaching her sides before she never I was safe on my feet.

"I should be going...." She says glancing over her shoulder, trying to think of any excuse to leave this situation without there being any residual awkwardness between us. I can't blame her, if it were me in this situation I would try to find a way out of this circumstance any way I could.

"See you around I guess then." There were a difficult few seconds where we both didn't know what to do, the brunette practically had her back to me, but turned her face to look at me as if I were about to say something, anything, to make her stay. "If you come back here this time tomorrow, I'll sure be working." That was all that I could come up with as I thought on my feet. I'm a planner if you can't tell, I don't just let anything sprawl out of my mouth. It has to be the right thing to say at the right time or it shouldn't be said at all.

She uncomfortably scratched her neck and let out an awkward laugh. It was perfect in every way, I become infatuated so easily by her and I couldn't understand why. Everything about her drags me closer, wanting to know more about her. It's not healthy. "Can I at least know your name?" I ponder, unwilling to push her any further as I could see that she was becoming uncomfortable in my presence.

She nods surprisingly with a slanted grin on her perfectly freckled face, she liked my abrupt pushiness. She has to be the first girl to ever like my pushiness. "Eva" was all she answered with her perfectly angelic voice that makes me start to question where exactly I know her from.

She stalks to the end of the ally with an understandably quickened pace, but before she completely vanishes for potentially forever she turns abruptly. If you blinked you would have missed the most perfect smile to ever radiate from one person, she was amazing in every way.

Maybe I could follow her at a reduced distance and find where she lives and bump into her on accident, No! I stop myself from getting to carried away with my thoughts. Stop Geoff, you need to get a hold of yourself- big time. You aren't a damn rando stalking guy, you have a bit more class than that.

In the desperateness I have felt through the last few days of my existence have caused me great pain and sadness, I haven't felt so lost in such a long time. The pinnacle of my exhaustion lies with my current ex-girlfriend, who separated with me are 3 years only a few days ago. I thought I could be a strong lad about this, but maybe I was wrong to think so.

There is, however, an upside to the weight of the world being on my shoulders- around the times my life goes to shit, a silver lining is always that I manage to write some of the best material that I have ever come up with since the start of my music career.


Another update, this chapter is always one that I've struggled to edit and this is where I give up.

Not this time, this time I'm so sick of this crappiness being on the internet that I have to edit it. So look out for changes.

Abi xx

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