Chapter 10

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"Is this anything like you've expected?" I nod my heading, downing the last of my drink. The feeling of drinking isn't like what I thought it would be, the buzz that you get when drinking is such an unusual feeling. There isn't really much of a burn when you're drinking jack and coke, the taste of it is more like marzipan than anything else. I can't really comprehend anything but I know that whatever I'm doing I'm enjoying, more likely than not because I'm with George. "I said we'd have a great night out together didn't I?"

"Yeah you did" My cheeks turn red as I avoid eye contact with George, ashamed that in my drunken state I am unable to hide my childlike crush on him.

"Want another one?" George asks, changing the topic to relieve me of the embarrassment. I glance down at my empty glass, forgetting which number I was on. I'm glad I'm not counting, counting makes me boring. I'm sick of being boring...and alone.

"Yeah sure"

"Maybe shots too?" He pushed. Maybe he wanted to drink as much as I did, maybe he's having as much fun as I am too.

"Now you're speaking my language" George lets out a chuckle and walks off to the bar. I wanted this night to go on forever, if going out with George was like this all the time then I don't think I could ever be dragged away from these bars. It's amazing how the atmosphere can make you feel so motivated to dance, my feet are killing from all the dancing I've been doing.

I track George with my eyes to see his whereabouts, hoping he would get back soon so we can continue our dance floor antics. There is however a small part of thinking that he might have skipped out with another girl. One much prettier and well conversed, not awkward like me. When my eyes land on him, he's balancing a concoction of drinks on a tray, a shit eating grin on his face. Carefully he plonks down next to me, disputing the drinks in front of us. "Ready?" he questions, brows raised, and shot in hand. I nod and reach for one of the shots.

There were a lot more drinks, possibly too many drinks and possibly too much dancing if that's even imaginable. My conversation with George started taking a turn into flirting, I couldn't stop what was coming out of my mouth. He had gone into a different place mentally too. He seemed more dazed, not his complete George self. Currently, his arm was resting on the chair behind me. My eyes take a quick glance up at him, unsure if it was a move on me or a way to keep him upright.

"One more round?" I question, he nods stretching in anticipation to get up. "No, no. I'll get this round you've got the last...god knows how many" I nudge him.

I walk over to the counter to put in our order, a guy on the stage singing dreadfully. I chuckle to myself thinking nothing can be worse than him right now. "God he's awful" A guy next to me remarks.

"Haha, yeah" I don't try to engage in conversation with him, wanting to get back to George as soon as.

"Want a drink?" He asks moving closer to me "I like your top" The guy then proceeds to grab the top part of my top and tug on it slightly. I freeze up, not knowing what to do next. I grab the now full tray of drinks making it so the confrontation had ended.

"Uh no thank you" He reaches for my arm, some of the drinks spilling slightly. "Dude, get off me"

"Fine prude it was sympathy flirting anyway, you whore" He takes his hand off me and gives me a slight nudge a few of the shots spilling over. I walk quickly back to George who was too consumed with the bad singing to notice what had just happened to me.

"Can we go after this?" My skin is still prickled with the uncomfortable sense of being touched, it suddenly feels like this place isn't that brilliant after all. There is now the over whelming need to get out of here, being touched and flirted with and then insulted has quite frankly blown my mind.

"Mmh, you're so cool, your nose is super cute" George reaches for my nose and pushes it in, making a boop sound as he does it. The emotions are getting too much for me, the frustration is emanating because I got called a prude and a whore in the same breath, now George and his inconsistent flirting is confusing and I'm exhausted of drinking. It's getting to the point where I want to cry but not in front of a guy that I have a crush on.

"Hey come on now"

"I think you're super cool though like, the coolest of cool! You know?" I shrug, he's definitely drunk, and it's probably safe to say that he's not going to remember any of this. God I hope he doesn't. "What about me Eva? What do you think about me?" He pushes

"I think you're amazing too George, should we get out of here?" Dying to leave at this point, I feel as though I will have to persuade George to leave with me. I don't particularly feel comfortable walking around this town on my own.

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