Chapter 3

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"You have to listen when we say that I and your father love you very much" I nod my head, not really listening to what she is saying. She continues "We both want to be a part of your life as much as possible, but unfortunately we just don't want to be with one another any longer"

The guy had just gone. As if he was never at the dunes, no trace of him left except an indent in the sand and a doughnut package. Maybe he is leaving hints for me, or I'm fixating on the smallest thing to make it seem like fate wanted us to be together. Either way, this is the one thing in life I need right now, give myself a distraction for the next few days, just until everything clears over between them both.

"So, the reason we are having this family meeting is to let you decide where you want to live after the divorce. We won't get mad no matter who you pick because we both love you very much" This isn't what I want, I just want a normal peaceful life, without any drama.

My parent's divorce won't be so bad, I can't help thinking why it never happened sooner. Half of the children in school with me had divorced parents, there was nothing to be ashamed of really. The only thing that I don't like about all this is I get to make my own decisions, I'm not some 5-year-old that has to do what the parents ask. I'm 18, they both expect me to choose the one I want to live with, I'm not okay with it. I just want to be on my own a bit more with my thoughts, alone without any hassle. I also can't help but wonder if my decision will matter in the end because I'll more than likely be moving out soon.

Getting up from the table I make my way over to the kitchen counter, my mum has cleaned the house thoroughly. Ridding anything of my fathers, which is expected I suppose- nothing can stay the same. I search through the cupboards to find something to snack on, my parents continue a slightly heated discussion thinking I'm out of earshot. "She's living with me Joseph, end of story. You can't give her the basic needs of parenting- all you're good for is money."

I take this as my cue to leave, I always hate getting in the middle of their arguments. I either end up being the subject of their argument or I become a part of, either way, I don't want to be anywhere in this house when it happens.


My coffee shop, a little quite hipster shop on the corner of town. Brown was the main theme, walls, cups, furniture. I felt comfortable here, at ease. Although come to think of it the coffee might be the reason I feel relaxed whenever I am here, or possibly the jazz music that was just louder than the chatter from the limited amount of people but quiet enough to be able to hear your own thoughts. That's why I love this place so much, and the coffee. Damn the coffee is out of this world.

A small line had congregated, with the till assistant who I hadn't seen before bursting out with cuss words while hitting the till numerous of times. He was tall, striking blonde hair going with his bright blue eyes. I let out a chuckle, I might be the only one who sees this, but it was quite funny, maybe not professional but truly funny to watch. Evidently, the customers didn't see what I saw and left.

"Need any help there?" I say with a giggle, who's the flirt? I'm the flirt, mother would be so furious if she found out I acted like this, not ladylike at all. The young man looked up with an annoyed expression, his lip curled into a pout giving off the impression that he was irritated.


Why is it always me? I always pick the wrong type of girl. I try for a long time with them, see if our relationship goes anywhere. But then they leave because they want a break, or it's them not me, or my professional life should be less important than my personal life. Then I'm left to pick up the shattered pieces of once my beating heart.

Jesus, I sound so sappy. I think of a few cords for a new heartbroken song and take a mental note, this could probably get me somewhere on the road to stardom. This always helps when I get dumped, a coping mechanism if you will. I think of songs I could play up on a stage in front of thousands of people thinking about the girl that broke my heart and how much of a bitch she was. How I would play until my swollen heart shrivels into a little prune, that's what I'm going to aim for from now on, it's just going to be me and my music for a while.

So, I go to the place where I know my music would be appreciated, the mounts of sand down the road from the town. I picture myself surrounded by a crowd as I play my guitar, having everyone watch me. I stop, not knowing where the music will carry out next.

Placing my head into my hands I ponder on the disaster I call my life. If I want to get her back I'm going to have to work extremely hard, give everything up for her.

"I pray that something would come along and change my life" There someone here, wishing what I'm wishing. She feels what I'm feeling, lost. Not that I think I'm the only one who has these sort of problems, but it's nice to know that local people have similar feelings.

"I hope you find what you're looking for" that's all I can say. I need to make the right changes, I can't go following my heart anymore. That's where I keep going wrong, my heart leads me down all the erroneous roads. It needs to just be me and my music, that is that.

But what if she's beautiful, brown hair sky blue eyes. Breathtaking. God! I'm so conflicted. I rub my face in stress, lowering them slowly until they fall into my lap. I look down and gaze at my watch, Oh shit. Its quarter too 7. I'm late, I'm bloody damn late for work. Buggering shit.


Ayy 3rd 2018 update, got too much time on my hands.

Comment what you think.

Abi xx

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