Chapter 17

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George's P.O.V

She was there, slouched on the stained sofa, curls of hair toughed away in her sleep, her little button nose scrunched up as she dreamed behind her closed eyes. I silently closed the motel door behind me, slipped off my shoes and tip-toed over to the sleeping beauty. Carefully, not to wake her up, I looped my arms around her and carried her the scruffy motel bed.

I lay there aimlessly for a good 4 hours suffering from jet lag, to fill the boredom taking over me, I turn to my side and admire the closest person to me. She has been the only family I have had these past few months, my parents didn't really except that I wanted to go into the music career and my brother and sister couldn't give two shits about my life, as theirs exploded with greatness. Now I have what I have dreamed about since I was young I can rub it in all their faces, I might even take Eva along with me.

I was pulled out of my trail of thought by the dream state Eva waking up, her little silver/blue eyes shone in the dim motel light. Rubbing her face she sits up slowly, as if she is taking everything in for the first time. I smooth down the back of her head before giving her forehead a little kiss. She hums, crawls onto my lap before letting out a sigh. Unsure what to do next, I start to draw patterns on her back, Eva has never really been this forward with me before and I'm not quite sure why she has started to be this way.

"Hey Eva, how about we get some breakfast and take off aye? How does that sound" I suggest, still giving elegant strokes to her back. She sits up and far away from me as possible, she stares- eyes squinting slightly. I wonder what is going through her mind in times like these.

"George?" Her voice is horse, I nod hesitant whether or not she actually wants me here or if she called because it was all spur of the moment in her life. Eva nears me, the squinted eyes still unsoften, that look doesn't really match her face, forehead lines appear yet I prevent myself from kissing them away and take away her troubles.

Unexpectedly when Eva got close enough she engulfed me into a bear hug, a long squishy bear hug. Relief washed over me as I did not have a wasted journey from America. I soon feel tears land on my upper shirt, squeezing her tighter to me knowing that I will never let go until she stops.

"Let me hear it, I am here to talk to so come on, start talking about what that ass hole did to you" I whisper, wanting to keep the room quiet and comfortable. She sniffles a bit before stating all that has gone on the past few weeks that I haven't seen her for.

"I'm just so scared of what I want to do now, I don't want to go home to face my mother, the world is whizzing around me and I feel so dizzy it is making me feel sick. George I think I'm having a quarter life crisis." I laugh at her deranged thinking.

"Listen to me when I say that you just need to go with the flow okay, live your life on the edge for a while, do what I have been doing for about a year and a half now and trust me I'm fine, and hey if you get a bit too much out of control I'll reel you back in and look after you yeah"

She nods and jumps off of the bed, she pulls me by the hand before she pushes play on one the crappy stereo, Photograph by Ed Sheeran came on. I broke in a smile, he is one of my idols which has made me realise that I can do whatever I want and actually get there in the end.

I grab Eva's other hand, my eyes fall into hers, I slowly pull her close to me, holding her close we glide around the restricting room, bumping into furniture along the way. We share a laugh, the way I have been wanting to do with someone for a very long time. I close my eyes trying to capture the perfect moment between us, nobody around to interrupt us. I like Eva a lot she means the world to me, this is my chance the one chance I will get her to be mine, she will be mine. I will fix her and then we can have a perfect life together.


Im sorrryyyy for the stupid updates I will try. I have to pick my GCSE's soon ahhmy God im freaking out

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