Chapter 18

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George's P.O.V

Planes flew in around us, the business people in suits rush around the busy airport minding their own business. We sat in small black leathered uncomfortable chairs still not quite sure where to head off next on mine and Eva's big world tour, the world was our oyster and yet we didn't know how to use it probably.

Eva was entranced by an information centre about different places to visit -which on her half was a great idea. I, on the other hand paced back and fore for 10 minutes straight wondering if we'd ever get out of France today. I know that Eva wanted to leave as much as I do, but somehow she is able to hide her anxiety.

"Hey, I have an idea" Eva spoke approaching me with a large world globe. I spun it around a few times just out of pure randomness, I could see where her great idea was going and it's going to be marvellous. "What if we spin this globe really fast, we close our eyes and where ever our fingers land on we shall visit"

"Why not give it a try, let's just hope it doesn't land on somewhere we have been aye, or better yet let's hope it doesn't land on France. I don't feel like sticking around here much longer if am honest with you" I didn't really care where we went next so long as we were far, far, far away from France and even further away from Evon.

We huddled close together, holding one side of the globe in one of our hands. On the count of three both I and Eva spin the cheap plastic globe as fast as it could go, it groaned slowly on its pivot but when it finally came to holt being the gentlemen I am let Eva place her finger on the slowly spinning ball.

Our shut eyes spring open with excitement, my eyes shot to where her finger landed then to her face to see her reaction. She looks pleased with herself and how fate has enlightened us once more, I just wish she could be this happy all the time.

Amsterdam, a place that I have dreamed of going to since I was a young child, even more the America. The list of countries I have wanted to visit wrote in the back of my song book have been getting longer these past few years. My dreams has started getting a bit farfetched, I can now thankfully say that I am starting to strike them off slowly, one painfully slow after another.

I things I love about Amsterdam are the long rivers that wined down the slim city streets and the model buildings with extraordinary architecture, I smile as I know that I would be going to my favourite country at the top of my list with my favourite brown plated haired girl.

When I couldn't contain my excitement any longer I pick up Eva from her waist, I fling her around in a circle holding her closely to me. Her laughter fills the air, chuckling along with her I place her firmly in the ground. A few glances from passers-by remind us that we are defiantly not alone and we defiantly need to get a move on. With what little luggage we had, we booked our flight and waited out to be let free of France.


Pulling Eva by the hand enthusiastically her small 5 year old hand in my large guitar playing one, I wormed our way through the crowded streets of Amsterdam. Markets of food and clothes lined the narrow streets, I attempted to embrace all that I could in this one go- but found it was very difficult to do so specifically at this moment in time.

Embracing Amsterdam would take more than one visit to complete, there is the sights to take in, the people to admire, the buildings to capture, the shops to explore, yet I am currently unable to do so because of the unknown fan base I had here. I want this adventure to last as long as possible, but with this trouble it is going be twice as hard.

We finally made it to the small hotel where we stayed as refuge, Eva and I will be saying here for a while so better get used to it quick. There are some flaws when you let Eva pick the hotel out randomly, cold watered showers and one small double sized bed summed up the room, with a hint of dust and disease was not something she was looking at in the brochure I gave her to look at. She just picked out a grimy 2 stars and a bit quick stay hotel, I now understand why they call it quick stay- the quicker you stay the less chance you will have of catching a disease.

Not that I couldn't afford a nice 4 star hotel, Eva thought it would be nice not to use my 'stardom money' as she put it, to get us places with ease. We should only use it if we were stuck in a country with no way out. So with what money we had in our wallets we stayed our nights here.

I am currently slouched on a flimsy bed half made, half thrown together, question our exact where-about's. Eva was in the shower, preparing herself for tonight. A not so posh dinner in some dinner that we found on our way here, something with a little standards I hope.

I was surfing the internet on my posh new swanky phone. Turns out not really knowing a lot about Amsterdam doesn't really get you far out here, the fact that I only know that the fault in our stars was partly filmed here filled up all the knowledge I knew of this place. I knew that there is wonderful buildings to admire and boat trips to go on, but for some reason I wanted to make it more special for Eva, enjoyable if you will.

She was becoming the reason that I wanted to climb out of bed in the morning, it used to be the music, and what sort of adventure would occur in my day. Then it all changed, I travel the world with an amazing girl by my side and tonight is the night that I will ask her to be mine. I enjoy spending my time with her, that's how I want it to be- period.

Sorry for the lack of updates, at least I'm updating right? Anyway I will not promise an update tomorrow, as there is a rugby match on Wales vs Italy, which should be good. I could possibly update if I am procrastinating my long ass revision but until I do update again

Love you all,

Vote, Comment and please do follow, I don't bite,

Abi xx.

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