Chapter 2

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I've always questioned the layout of life, how things happen like chain reactions. I for one always believe that you can control your own fate. Fate, the word that everyone tends to avoid because it seems untrue. Fate is mysterious if you think about it, the more I do the more I feel anything is possible. Ending up on sand dunes half an hour away from my house was fate, something was pulling me there.

I think back to when I left my house, how by the side of the front door there were black bags. Piled. Rushed. My father was ready to go, nothing was stopping him, he'll stay in one of those hotels he stays in. He wasn't a father, he was a guy that was there and that was about it. He didn't bring me to places like this to explore, I had to put myself in danger for all of my childhood just to have a sense of adventure on my own. I'm sure as hell my mother would have never done anything adventurous, so finding a breath-taking place like the old sand dunes was amazing for me.

Relaxed on the mount, I close my eyes. The roughness of the sand seeps through my palms to the ground, I repeat the action for a sense of calm that it brings. I let my senses take over for me, the sounds of the ocean getting more prominent now because that is the only thing I care to listen for. The salt smell drifts up to my nose, this is my home. I am safe here. The need to stay for hours has arrived, the urge to fight it leaves. I accept that this is where I want to be for the next 6 hours and finally comfortably relax, my head finds the sand as a pillow, getting more comfortable with the surroundings.

Hours do pass and so do thoughts, what was once the idea of my parent's separation lead me down the thought trail of having all the reasons I am stressed played out in front of me. My home life isn't perfect, which leads to me not being able to focus on school which let's face it is a valid reason. My life moving too fast, now that idea has been stuck in my head for a while. How can I slow it down even if it were just for a few days? Is it where I live, because everything in the town hasn't changed since the '20s. I would be able to walk around with a blindfold and spare no detail about this town, it's stuck just like me. These sand dunes haven't changed not in the 10 years I have visited them, they have always been these quiet mounds of sand that you climb to escape your problems. I used to believe that you could whisper your wishes to the sea and they would come true, I'd pray that my mother wouldn't fight with father anymore, or that daddy won't break any more of mummy's favourite plates and strangely enough they would come true.

I thought that maybe today the ocean would want to hear my wishes, as childish as it sounds. "I pray that something different would come along and change my life". I open my eyes and adjust them to look up at the clouds, something I do every chance I get.

My silence was interrupted by the lullaby of a quiet guitar. The strumming as gentle as can be, almost like the person was cherishing every stroke of the string. I sit up in shock, thinking that my mind must be playing tricks. Can you hear a mirage?  I haven't heard nor seen anyone walk past, so they must have been here before I even got here. I don't want to interrupt the guitarist, I stay still in hopes of never being discovered. Unfortunately, this wasn't going to happen.

"I hope you find what you are looking for" I hear, the voice deep but soft. A guy, sitting a dune over. What are the odds? In the 10 years I have been coming here I have only ever seen 6 people, so this was quite out of the ordinary. I stand with anticipation, wanting to meet this guy. He heard my wish, he heard only what the ocean and clouds should. Brushing off the sand from black ripped jeans, I head to where the voice had come from. I need to see this guy, he might be what I need to make everything okay.


Feeling confident that this might actually last.

Your trusty writer, and all time weirdo

Abi (greatestread)


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