Chapter 13

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Unlike the rest of the apartment George’s room was quite messy and well sort of plain in comparison. He did have elements of his personality littered about the room, a guitar in a stand and CDs and vinyl’s scattered about the room. I stand in the door way, unsure about what type of events are about to unfold, I want to come across as confident but deep down I know that anything that will happen here tonight will be a first for me. Well apart from kissing of course. The un-feminist ideologies that one must be a prude if they haven’t lost their virginity by a certain age is stupid. What is also stupid is when a girl dose sleep around she’s considered a slut. Now although I am still a virgin I would like to point out that trust me I would sleep with someone if I had the chance and I felt like it was the right person for me, I’m not particularly fond of the whole virginity is special and should be kept for the one. Screw that, if I want to I will. It’s up to me, and right now if the opportunity arises where I can get it on with George then trust me I will, it doesn’t mean that I’m still nervous about it.

George notices that I’m lingering in the door way, but with the drink heavily in his system he comes across a bit too forward than romantic. Making me reconsider almost everything about tonight. Maybe he just wanted to get me drunk to sleep with me. I never really pegged him as someone like that before, maybe this is just an off day for him. “Hey girl, come closer I don’t bite.” I hesitantly took one step forward then a thought crossed my mind.

“I’ll only come closer if you can tell what my name is Mr.” We stay still testing the silence between us neither of us daring to speak a word, my eyes are locked on his and squint slightly to get any indication that he actually knows my name and is just pulling my leg. The silence continued and at this point I hoped he said something even if he got it wrong just so this silence would end. I know for a fact that he can’t remember my name and he is trying so hard to think of it to prove a point, but for now it is me who is winning and my face is showing it with a massive smirk planted on it.

George stumbles a bit as he stood still, his room is probably spinning to him. I mean I’m drunk but jeez this guy has a very, very low tolerance. “Mmmh you’re one of a kind you know that” he grins as if he has just forgot he’s meant to answer the question. I chuckle, making my decision that I would stay but nothing will happen tonight if I can help it.

“Hey George, I think your still a bit drunk” I say poking him on his shoulder and watching him bob on his feet, struggling to remain planed on his feet. He pulls on my wrists twirling me around as he does, he pulls me close to him and I let him do it. Wanting to know how far this will go.

“I want to rock your world baby, I can make you feel all sort of…things” He hiccups before finishing his sentence, almost a burp but he didn’t seem to care. Not so very sexy, quite comedic actually, something that you couldn’t really make up. He pushes my hair behind my ears before leaning in slowly and a bit full on. “Would you like that?” I place my palms on his chest to keep him at a slight distance just in case he does something that he might regret later on.

“I might be depending on a few things” Georges face grinned, and he then wiggled his eyebrows. I look around the room to see if there was any way that I could defuse this situation for a little while longer until I can come up with a more solid explanation as to why I have to leave. Amongst the mess of t-shirts and underwear thrown on the floor and shelves I see a CD player in the corner of the room.  “Should I put some music on to set the mood?” God only knows what kind of music George listens to but it would be interesting to find out considering he’s a musician. I look through the CDs placed on the shelf next to it and see an array of different types of music, how is it possible for someone to be into all these types of music.

“Yep, sounds like a plan” He says with a dopy look on his face, you could almost see all the potential ideas whirling around his head. I switch on the CD player and press play, it was Blossoms, which actually surprised me because George didn’t seem like he was into the same type of music as me yet alone Indie music. I spin round and smile at his, feel all that more connected to him.

He breaks out in a grin when he recognises the song playing, he mumbles something which I didn’t quite catch. “Lemme just take off my shirt real quick” Proving his eagerness, he stubbles a bit as he gets stuck taking off his shirt, wiggling around his room before he trips and falls directly onto the bed. His top now over his head but still stuck on his arms he lays still on the bed.

“You okay down there George?” I peak on my tip-toes to see the look on his face. His eyes are shut, and it almost looks like he’s sleeping. He can’t be sleeping that instantly right.


“You okay?” I move a little closer now, knowing that there isn’t going to be anything happening between us tonight not even a heavy make out session which by the way I was totally up for before all this weirdness started happening. Who knew George was this forward when it came to sex.

“Uh hu” he replies snuggling into his bed that little bit more, to be fair his bed does look really cosy right now. Especially now that my feet are killing me and I’m actually ready to sleep.

“Would you oppose to me sleeping next you? I can’t really get home right now” I slowly take of my shoes and move closer to his bed to see his reaction. He looks so peaceful, and now I just want to lay next to him and be that peaceful with him.

“Mhhh” I take that as a yes and slowly climb into the bed from the bottom. His bed was definitely comfy, pulling the covers over us both. I relax into the bed listening to the music play on. This is a much better date than a night out, although the night out was pretty good too.

“Good night George” I kiss his cheek and hope that I might actually drift off soon. 

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