Chapter 8

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"Right well here we are then" George said as he unbuckled his seat belt. I ponder up to the lavish house that we just pulled up in front of. It was way too fancy for me to be allowed to wear an abundance of bright clothing, I look over at George and he just smiles at me. "Ready?" He asks, I just nod and make my way out of the car. Horrifically hating myself over the situation that I have put myself in once again. Its times like these where I want to think back to a time in my childhood where I did something stupid or said that wrong thing, the type of instance that you still cringe about even now. I think back to the time I ran around with my mothers bra on my head claiming to be a fly as I run around the garden buzzing. Me being here with George will probably amount to a situation like that in years to come, I can feel it.

I meet George around the back of his car, he sticks his elbow out for me to loop my arm through. This dude is a proper gentleman, maybe I might keep him around longer. We enter through a marble arched door way and down some clean antique corridors before entering a hall full of filled chairs, he stops briefly to adjust his tie, before continuing to walk towards the middle row. People glanced back at me from their chairs and gave a confused look, all their attire somehow all looked fancy.'Sorry we're late, traffics awful' He says to a person in the row before I got there, he takes a seat and taps the seat next to him giving off a smile that made me feel comfortable and on edge at the same time, he kisses the woman sat next to him on the cheek. They look awfully alike with them both having blonde hair and these striking blue eyes. Just as I was about to ask what we were doing everyone stands up and looks to the back of the decked out room, music starts to play making me jump, I quickly join everyone standing.

I stare up at George with wide eyes, shock evident over my face. He smirks without looking at me. We're in a fucking wedding, is this dude serious? The oh so tiny function happened to be a god damn wedding. He looks down at me this time making eye contact and winks before going back to watch the bride walk. Once the pretty blonde girl had made it down the isle we took to our seats, I lean into his shoulder and dip down in my chair so no one could hear me. 'A wedding? Are you for real?' I look round to check that no body was around. It's a little weird me being here and its quite embarrassing considering I hardly know the guy.

'It will be over before you know it sweetheart' He lowly whispers, resting his shoulder against mine gently. I knew that I was going to be in deep trouble if I carry on with him.

We walk into the reception room, George had convinced me to stay because there was free food. I grab a glass of champagne and search for a dark corner to hide in so I'm not seen by the other guests here. 'And who are you?' I turn around to see the bride pointing at me, there was anger evident in her face and I had frozen in place. What the fuck am I meant to say to that? There is no logistical reason I am here apart from being a plus one for a guy I have known for less than a week.

'Oh I'm Georges....uhh...uhhh' I panic but feel an arm scoop around my waste and give me a quick squeeze, our hips bumping together. Pine travelled up my nose, it was just recogonisable enough to me and yet comforting.

"Girlfriend" I look up to see George standing there looking all proud with himself, champagne glass in his spare hand. He looked in place next to me with his thumb grazing my side now and then. I look towards the bride to see if she bought it, there was an element of shock etched on her face. He stoops down and gives me a kiss on the cheek "Are you enjoying yourself Eva?" George asks not taking his eyes off of the bride in front of us. I was about to answer but she spoke before me.

"Didn't think you'd actually bring a date, figured you'd be lying. You used to do that a lot. Quite surprising really, you've never mentioned her." Her words were sharp and feisty, but it took me a while to figure out what exactly was going on.

"Nope that's not true now is it Ella, you're the one that lied all the time. And now you're married to the guy that you lied about. Have a nice life" George drags me away by the waist and then place both of our glasses on the table where there the notably familiar middle aged couple seated. He plops himself down on a chair leaning over to the women, he starts to speak."So me and Eva are going to make a move I think Ma, bit over crowded if you ask me. Grab me a slice of cake if you can" He gets up quickly and kisses her on the cheek and slaps the guy on the back. "See you around Todd" The man nods at him but doesn't say anything. George grabs my hand and we head towards the exit, my mind a little dazzled by what went down. He takes giant steps to his car with me trying to match his pace.

"The girl was.." Purposely not finishing so he could fill in the blank.

"My ex" he answered quietly not bothering to look at me, probably though embarrassment.

"and I was there because..." We separate to get to our sides of the car. He stops and looks over the car roof at me, arms crossed over the top of it with his chin resting on them, holding a somber expression doubted like they were before we go here. He sighs.

"I didn't particularly want to turn up solo, I was going to and then I spotted you" He stops briefly, "Didn't mean to drag you into the drama, I wasn't hoping for any myself but then again she invited me out of spite. You seemed like a girl that would kinda be up for anything so I just went bugger it and asked". He gets in the car slamming the door behind him, I follow suite but am gentler with my entrance. I glance over at him to see if he was going to continue ranting, but his eyebrows were knotted and his nose was scrunched up.

"What's up?" My eyebrows quizzical, noting that maybe now isn't a good time to ask questions but figured that George would want to get out of this place as much as me."So uh the car won't start" He sits back in the car, head on the headrest his eyes flutter shut. My eyes side I stare, unsure really what to do now. One gleaming blue eye glances over at me. "Come on, lets just walk."

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