Future Chapter 29: Shiny Death Machine

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There it was, standing there in all its glory. The chrome glittered in the persistent sun while the parts covered in red paint shimmered with each fleck of gold dust.

"So! What do you think of it?" Jamie, clearly proud of his latest purchase, extends his open hands to present a shiny brand new sleek motorcycle.

"Wow...Jamie...when did this happen?" I struggled to maintain a neutral expression.

"Just today!" He walked around it excitedly showing off its features and how he was so ready to take it out onto the open road. By then, Jojo and LJ had made their way out to the driveway to see what their papa had brought home.

"Papa!" LJ came out yelling behind Jojo.

"Hello duckie boy!" He swept LJ up into his arms while Jojo hugged his legs. "Hey Jojo bear!"

"Wow papa, what's this?" Jojo gazed at Jamie's new toy in awe.

"It's my new motorcycle! I was just showing mama."


"Yeah, wow." A trace of sarcasm came out in my response.

Jamie climbed on the motorcycle to show the boys and put LJ on the tank in front of him.

"Papa! Papa! Me too!" Jamie brought Jojo up too and he took hold of the handlebars, pretending to drive it. I stood off to the side attempting to hide my frustration at this new purchase. Jamie was far too excited to show the boys to notice.

"Okay boys! Let's go ride bikes in the back yard!" I attempted to distract them from the bike in front of them but to no avail.

"We're gonna go driving with papa!"

"Not this time boys." Jamie interjected, "We've gotta get helmets. Go with mama." Jojo and LJ ran ahead of me toward the back yard.

As I walked past Jamie, I said under my breath, "we need to talk about this later."


Jamie took his time putting the boys to bed, making sure they were sufficiently hugged and loved enough before leaving their room and meeting me in the living room where I was looking at the tv without really watching it.



"I have to bring it up: what's up with the motorcycle? Why?"

"Well, as you know I've wanted this for a while and now that I don't have to worry about injuries taking me out or whatever, I wanted to treat myself."

"Whatever, huh."


"So, are we part of your whatever? You're okay with leaving us without you if you get in a terrible crash?" Was I being a bit dramatic? Maybe. But this really rubbed me the wrong way.

"Woah, wait a minute. This shouldn't be a surprise. You've known that I've wanted one for a long time."

"Yes, Jamie, but you've got more to think about now. And I feel cheated out of this kind of huge decision."

"D, it'll be okay. I'll be safe, I'll get the boys helmets, I'll get all the right gear. Plus, I won't make you ride it with me."

"Gee, thanks." I felt so angry, I could hear my heart beating in my ears. "I don't even know what to say. I need to go to bed."

"Okay." He followed me to our room and got himself ready as I also did.

But just as he reached the bed, I said, "no, no, no, guest room."

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