Chapter 21: Kia Ora

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December 2021

"So, I've always wondered: what made you sit next to me at that party?"

"Well, I was looking for a quiet place to unwind and drink. We had a pretty loaded schedule that day and I just wanted to be in my head for a bit. And then, I saw you sitting there by yourself taking in the party. And, good god, you were gorgeous."

"Shut up!" I hit him playfully, embarrassed but flattered.

"Seriously, you were just sitting there in your red dress and your wide eyes. The color of your dress is what caught my eye first. So when I asked if I could sit and you made a dumb joke, I knew I was in."

"So confident!" I smiled flirtatiously.

"Far from it." We were on our way to a New Years party a couple of the guys on the team were having. Although he was looking out at the road while he was talking, I gazed at him, savoring his words, his expressions, the way he stumbled over certain parts. On our anniversary, we were reminiscing on the night we met. As he spoke, the feelings I had from that night came flooding back. He weaved his fingers in and out of mine as we drove on and talked about the week that followed where I traveled with the team on the rest of their away games.

"So, any ideas on what we should do for tomorrow?" I asked him excitedly.

"Not really. Everything will be closed. Any ideas?"

"No, same here. Definitely sleeping in but after that, nothing." Suddenly, a thought occurred to me that I hadn't considered in some time. I debated whether or not to share it in my mind until finally I spoke, "Well...uh...actually, never mind."

"Oh no, now you have to share it with me."

I groaned. It was frustrating when I spoke up and wanted to take it back, only for someone to force me to say it. I took a deep breath and started again, "well, there's something I've always wanted to do. It might be kind of cheesy though and I don't even know if you'd want to..."

"Are you gonna tell me what it is?"

"Yes, but....okay. I've always wanted to do a month long van camping tour through New Zealand."

His eyebrows immediately shot up in surprise while my cheeks turned red from the embarrassment of sharing such a long held dream that likely wouldn't happen. "Are you saying that you want to go to New Zealand tomorrow?" He finally replied, eyes squinted.

"No, no, no. I mean, that would be cool but I mostly meant talking about it. Or something. I don't know."

He glanced at me, smiling, "Let's plan it tomorrow."


June 2022

For 6 months, all I could think about was our trip. So, concentrating at work was difficult in between daydreams about the beautiful landscape and the exciting plans we made. Going during their winter season wasn't exactly what I had ever pictured but felt confident that Jamie and I would have an amazing time anyway. When I suggested going during the season, he immediately knocked the idea away so he wouldn't miss any game time. So our tickets were booked for mid-June and we made plans for a few winter activities and packed clothes to keep us warm.

The day for us to leave finally came. Because Benn was already in Scottsdale with Ana, we got an Uber to take us to the airport early in the morning and I'm pretty sure he would have told me to get lost anyway. Because it was so early in the morning and I was finally going to do what I had wanted to do for years, everything felt out of place and the possibilities endless. I'd always imagined I'd be taking this trip on my own but here was the love of my life next to me also taking in the silence of the morning. Although he was looking out the window, when I took his hand he squeezed it slightly and rode on just like that all the way to the airport.

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