Future Chapter 27: Asher & Dhani

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Jamie had been on the road in California which meant that you were on your own for most of the week. Ever since going back to work, you were able to work out a deal allowing you to work 3 half days from home and 2 full ones from the office. You and Jamie were able to find a full day program for the twins to go to for those two days. Asher LOVED it. They had places for him to climb and places he shouldn't climb and did anyway. He had friends around all the time and learned to play tag with them. Dhani was a little less sure about the whole idea. Some days she would look forward to going and other days she resisted it. She was happy to play with puzzles and draw though. Today, they both were happy to go for ice cream day. You just hoped the sugar crash happened before you picked them up. Also, Jamie was coming home today and you couldn't wait.

You had a full, busy day at work ahead of you and deadlines to meet. There were community service projects the team was working on and a big push for season ticket marketing. Off season was usually pretty quiet but sometimes things all happened at once. You had just finished posting something on Instagram when you got a call from the kids' school.

"May I speak with Mrs. Benn?"


"Oh, hello! This is Maisie from Asher and Dhani's school. Asher was climbing the jungle gym and fell. We had a teacher supervising the children who looked him over. It's likely he will need a few stitches on his jaw."

The idea of one of your babies being hurt sprung you into action. You text your supervisor to let them know what was going on and that you had to go. On the way over, your mind immediately wanted to blame the school and wondered how this could happen but you were more concerned with getting Asher stitched up. When you pulled up and went to their first aid, Asher was sitting on the bed with a bloody chin and a great big smile on his face while Dhani was sitting in a chair nearby with a stone face. You knew what that meant: Asher may have been the injured one but Dhani was more emotionally hurt by it. So you bent down and gave Asher a quick hug and examined his cut. Then, you went over to Dhani with your arms out. While still holding back tears, she gave you a big hug like she's been needing it all day.

When you all were in the car on the way to urgent care, you gave your phone to Dhani so she could call Jamie. And then all the tears came flowing out. She was a daddy's girl through and through. You knew she loved you and would tell you some things, but Jamie was the one who got the tightest hugs and the tear-stained conversations. As her mom, a part of you wished she'd trust you like that but you were just so proud of how sensitive Jamie could be with her. Because she was sobbing so hard, you weren't sure that he understood everything she was saying but when she got off the phone with him, it seemed like she felt better. While in the waiting room, she tended to her brother and he soaked in all the attention. She'd bring him books and look at the pictures, she kept asking him if he was okay and she piled the hugs on.

There were a few perks with having twins that you didn't anticipate. And one of them was that they could entertain each other. Well, until they started fighting anyway. Eventually, you all were called back and they started numbing his chin to do the stitches. You knew Dhani would not like this at all and tried to distract her. Asher on the other hand was okay right up until the needle went in. Then the screaming started.

Later that evening, the twins waited in anticipation for their daddy to get home. You were too, if for no other reason than to have a conversation with someone over the age of two. Dhani was playing quietly in the living room while Asher colored nearby. It was one of those rare moments when they were both being peaceful and entertaining themselves. The minute that lock clicked open though, they lost their minds. The door opened and Jamie walked through smiling at the two little monkeys. As he always did, he put his bag down and scooped them both up at the same time. Dhani immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and laid on his shoulder while Asher recounted his day to him.

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