Future Days Chapter 2: Ana's Wedding, Her view

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The day was finally here, you couldn't believe it. After almost a year of planning, stressing, and researching, it was here. You were going to marry the man you never thought you'd meet. Your impossible man. Sure, he could be a jerk and a little stubborn, but you couldn't imagine anyone else to be marrying. You woke up that morning to a note on your bedside with 'Ana' written in his unmistakable scrawl. The letter he wrote you recounted all the things he loved about you and ways that he felt his life was improved since crossing paths. The first tears of the day made their appearance prompting sniffles from you.

D, who stayed with you overnight while JO was with Jamie, was just stirring and asked with eyes closed "are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Jamie wrote me a letter and it somehow got here this morning."

"Mm yeah, somehow." You felt you could detect there was more to that she wasn't saying but didn't push the issue further. It was her sneakiness and evil planning that got you to this day in the first place. You got up to start your day and opened the curtains wide to take in the beautiful wintery landscape of February in the mountains. This let in a sharp bright light that prompted expected groans from the over sized toddler still in bed. While she tried to find dark in the covers, you took a shower to be ready for hair and make up. When you hopped out, your favorite hot coffee was waiting for you on the counter. Again, you suspected D was playing henchman for Jamie and had a giggle to yourself.

"I'm ordering room service for breakfast. What do you want?"

The voice under the covers answered: "Eggs, bacon, pancakes, mimosas, and perhaps some coffee."

"There was a cup left here for you too." She suddenly emerged one eye closed and the other squinty.

"Really?" You walked it over to her and she opened it up to take in that heavenly scent.

"London Fog. Does that man know me or what??" It was amazing how out of it she must have been to not realize two cups were delivered.

Room service arrived half an hour later with your morning feast. D had finally gotten out of bed to help you enjoy it.

"So, are you nervous?"

"Nope. I am the picture of serenity."

"Liar." She mumbled, stuffing a forkful of pancakes in her face. You took the opportunity to hit her in the face with a smaller pillow making the two of you break out in laughter. "No seriously, how are you?"

"I'm so nervous. I know this is a decision I want and a life I'm excited to have but wow, it's a HUGE one." Little miss old married lady just nodded her head through it.

"Yep, I get it. Drink!" She poured more champagne into my half empty glass changing the OJ to champagne ratio and raised hers.

"I guess so..."

"You've got one more day to get through. Coffee and alcohol are your friends. I think you'll do great. Your dress is gorgeous and so you! Benn's ensemble is amazing and you're going to freak when you see it."

"Oh god please tell me you mean freak in a good way."

"Very good way. Your plans for the ceremony and reception are gonna look awesome. The weather is totally cooperating; clear blue skies amount mounds of fresh white powdery snow. This is gonna be the best winter German themed wedding ever!!" Despite her attempt at a pep talk, you were still so nervous you could barely eat. At her urging though, you tried to stuff something down between sips of your drinks. Because "this is the last time today you'll be able to eat more than a few bites." It was going to be so busy.

The two of you had gotten to the lodge just as the ceremony was being set up. The flowers, the lights, the scenery, it was all just beautiful together. You stepped up close to the large window, taking in the serenity of the fresh white snow and the peaceful lodge before everything started. After taking a few deep breaths, you decided you were ready to take this day on. When you got to the bridal room, D was already there hanging up your dress and the hair and makeup lady was getting her tools in place.

D grabbed her phone and started thumbing through it, "alright, how do we wanna start this wedding playlist?"

"Beatles of course!" She started with the upbeat songs: 'I wanna hold your hand', 'Twist and Shout', 'I saw her standing there', 'I wanna be your man' while you both danced around the room in a 60s style. By then, hair and makeup was waiting for you. She started with your hair, redoing the style she had practiced on you weeks before. While she pressed and pinned your hair, D switched to country music, some 90s alternative, and the kind of cheesy love songs that were perfect for a day like this. Once your hair was done, you took the time to get into your dress while D was getting her hair and make up done. With care, you slipped on all of the special underthings that made the dress look flawless. You paused before putting the dress on, taking in the moment and realizing this was what you would be wearing when your life changed. D barged into the changing room. "I have to help you put it on!! We don't want your hair to be messed up!"

"Just give me one more minute." She smiled and backed away. Finally, you came out with it and she helped you get it over your head and make sure all the buttons and zippers were fastened. The moment you turned around she started crying, which in turn made you start crying.

"Oh my gosh Ana! Look at you." She pointed to the mirror on the other side of the room. "Don't forget! Kick, walk, kick, walk." You practiced this walk on the way and took in the custom made gown. All of the hours spent worrying about it, getting measured, obsessing over how German you wanted it to look, all of a sudden was worth it.

"I'm getting married!!" Just then she cues up a certain Bruno Mars song that threw you both into an impromptu dance party again.

"Okay! Last part! Makeup!" You waltz over to her setup and she sticks napkins on the collar of your dress to prevent makeup getting on it. It felt as though your face was being shaped and molded but eventually, she was done. The final touch was your red lipstick. The color was picked out specifically to stand out among all the white of the scenery and blue accents.

You could hear the music outside and the voices outside talking and laughing. D stood in front of you, hair and makeup done and in her dress. "Do you need anything else?"


"Remember: kick, walk, kick, walk."

You hugged and tried to not let tears mess up your makeup. She then left the room to meet up with JO. After some time, the music volume changed, signifying the beginning of the ceremony and everyone to take their seats. Finally, it was your time. Deep breath. Kick, walk. Slowly, you rounded the corner to see a roomful of your family and friends looking toward you and heard 'Out the Blue' playing; exactly as you imagined.

Finally, you caught a look at Benn. His lederhosen, vest and shirt were perfect and better than you could imagine. His hair was slicked back and you could see his tattoos peeking from under his shirt. Finally, you looked at his face; his eyes were glassy and though he was smiling, you could also tell he was holding back tears. Don't cry, you'll mess up your makeup. Deep breath. Kick, walk, kick, walk. All those eyes on you and all you could see was him.

The ceremony was a blur. You remembered how he looked at you. You remembered the way his face and voice changed as he tried to get through his vows. You remember telling yourself not to cry, to breathe and how to walk. You remember trying to get the ring on his finger with shaky hands. You remembered the way he surprised you with a dip kiss when it was over. You remember that you walked up a single woman and walked away a married one.

Next thing you knew, it was time for pictures in the snow, of which there were many. The reception went by in a flash and though you were happy so many people were enjoying themselves, you wanted to enjoy yourself with your new husband. Leaning over to Benn, you asked, "ready to get out of here?"

He looked at you for a moment, smiled with those dimples that knocked you over and replied, "Absolutely."

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