Future Chapter 13: 4 Crazy Jojo Days, pt 2

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Day #3

Sunday mornings were usually the days you both would sleep in. But you soon came to realize that wouldn't always be an option with a three year old around. Jojo was basically the energizer bunny, he just kept going and going and talking and talking. He waltzed into your bedroom at six in the morning ready for the day to begin.

"Uncle Jamie! Tia Ana! Wake uuuup!"

You open your eyes and see that Benn is also awake. You whisper to him, "maybe if we stay as still as possible he'll think we're still asleep"

He smiles back and whispers, "He's not a trex, Ana."

"Uncle Jamie I hear youuuu!" Jojo shouts out loud enough that everyone in the whole complex hears him.

You both decide to wake up and deal with the little Tasmanian devil. If waking up early on a Sunday wasn't bad enough, Jojo decided that nothing we had made for breakfast was edible or to his liking. He throws a fit pouting his lips crossing his arms and talking back to Jamie as he tries to convince him to eat. If you could you would have spanked him hard enough to knock some sense into him. Instead you both decide to leave him alone and continue eating your breakfast ignoring him, letting him know that if he didn't eat then he wouldn't eat at all until lunchtime. That proved to be another mistake.

It was true what JO said, Jojo could be a lot to handle if he was off his normal schedule and we should try our best to stick to it. Having skipped food in the morning little Jojo decides to use the leftover paint to write on the walls the moment we took our eyes off him. Earning him a slight slap on the wrist from you, which he didn't take too kindly causing him to tell you that he didn't love you anymore. You hated to admit it, but those words hurt you more than you let on. His temper tantrums mixed with your morning sickness made you feel like you might have a temper tantrum of your own. Sensing this, Jamie decided to take JoJo out to the park to hopefully help him release his wiggles while also giving you a bit of time to relax. Jojo had been stuck inside the loft for the last couple of days and probably needed a change of scenery.

A couple hours later, Benn walks into the loft with the same look you had right before they left. Benn filled you in on what had happened and you understood exactly why even he was starting to get frustrated. Apparently little Jojo didn't want to leave the playground and when Jamie tried to corral him to leave. He threw a fit and hid in a small opening inside the playground playhouse and would not come out no matter how much Jamie asked and negotiated. Finally he had to squeeze in the playhouse and practically drag out a kicking and screaming three year old, causing a couple of mothers nearby to stare and shake their heads at the scene in front of them. Luckily he had tired out from all of the tantrums he had that morning and was asleep. Giving you both time to make dinner and relax a bit. Dinnertime came and the nap seemed to have helped a bit. He ate pretty much everything that was put on his plate and seemed to be back to his regular self. Just talking and babbling. It was only the calm before the storm. He wanted to play with the paints again but you explained to him that he was still on time out from using the paints for that little extra curricular paint session he had on the walls. Once again the waterworks started and you didn't know what to do. You were really starting to regret saying yes to a long weekend of taking care of him. You put on a movie and hoped that he would sit down and relax and watch. He did for a bit, so you decided to go into the bedroom and get ready to take a shower to try and wash off some of the stress. Not even five minutes later you hear "crash" the sound of something breaking. You run back into the living room and see little jojo next to a broken mug on the floor.

"Jojo, what did you do??!"

He looks up to you his lips quivering, tears about to trickle down his cheeks. The look of remorse on his little face.

"That was a very special thing to me! You are on a 10 minute time out!." You shout at him.

Jamie hears the commotion and moments later is also in the living room. Jojo runs and hides behind him as soon as he sees him enter.

"Ana, calm down. I'm sure he didn't mean to break it. It was an accident."

"That mug was very important to me! And now it's in pieces." You left the room crying and closed the door to your room. You knew he didn't do it on purpose, and maybe it was the stress and emotional toll of the news given to you a couple days ago and the crazy day you all were having. Which led to the overreaction.

A couple minutes later, there was a knock on the door followed by Jamie asking if they could come in. You say yes, as they enter you remain sitting on the bed.

"Jojo, has something he wants to say to you." Jamie leads Jojo in while holding on to one of his hands.

"I'm really sorry I broke the cup tia Ana." He walks towards you and says " This is for you." He opens his little hand and inside was mini Reese's peanut butter cup. They were one of your favorite chocolates. You told him he could have a total of three throughout the day and had to ask you for one when he was ready to eat one. But once all three were gone he couldn't get anymore. He had used up two of them already and the last one was the one he was currently offering you as an apology. Immediately your frustration over the broken mug was fading away. You take the chocolate from his hand and wrap him up in a tight hug. "Thanks for apologizing little boy."

Day#4 Final Day

The weekend seemed to zoom by for the most part. It was now Monday morning and the Oleksiak's were going to be picking little JoJo up a bit later in the afternoon. Jamie was up already doing his morning workout. Around 8am little Jojo walks into the room and tries to climb up into the bed with you but couldn't. His attempts at climbing the bed wake you up and you open your eyes meeting his hazel eyes and those wild morning curls of his.

"Can I come up and snuggle with you tia Ana?"

"Sure kid. Come on up." With some help, he climbed up and took up Jamie's empty spot. A bright idea came to you about how to keep him slightly entertained. "Wanna hear some Beatles songs?"

"Yeaaaahhhh!" You went for A Hard Day's Night and began playing the album. Almost immediately, Jojo stood up on the bed and started doing his funny little baby dance. After a couple of songs in, we heard Jamie come into the loft. Jojo looked right at me with a shocked face and scrambled under the blankets. When Jamie came into the room he pointed at the giggly lump in the bed to which I mouthed back 'he's hiding!' Then came silly Jamie: "hey liebling! Where is the little boy?" Giggles.

"I don't know. I haven't seen him!" More giggles.

"Oh well, I guess I'll just lay down." It was uncontrollable. Once Jamie laid down on the lump, it just moved and giggled even more. "This lump is really uncomfortable, what is it?" As he poked and tickled Jojo, he couldn't help but emerge. Both Jamie and I feigned surprise.

"Uncle Jamie!! It's me!!" Jojo flopped into Jamie's arms and kept the giggling up while Jamie tickled him more. Finally, Jamie turned to me, "how's your morning?"

"Good." I reached over to kiss him.

"No throwing up?"

"Not yet!" I replied with a smile.

After breakfast and a quick trip to the park. Jojo was out cold again after entering the loft. Jamie decided to sit down and nap with Jojo as well. You took in the sight of Jojo cuddling up to Jamie and how comfortable he clearly was. In that moment, you could see very clearly how Jamie would be as a father. Not only because Jojo felt so comfortable with him but how he took the brunt of the responsibility on while you were sick in bed. With the two of you in bed, it gave you a chance to talk about what your baby might possibly be like and some possible names. Talking more about it as a reality was weird but made you feel a little confident in this new undertaking.

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