Future Chapter 9: Little Jojo, Ana's View

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Your phone alerts you that you received a text message. You were sitting down on the living room couch, Benn's head in your lap, his body stretched out on the rest of the couch. He had decided to keep you company while you watched MLB Network catching up on your baseball news. You knew that in reality, he just wanted you to play with his hair and run your fingers through it so he could relax and take a nap. It had become sort of ritual for you guys and you couldn't really complain his hair was one of the many things you loved about him. Benn didn't quite become the avid baseball fan that you were, but he would sit down and watch games with you mainly because he enjoyed seeing how excited you would get explaining the strategy behind every little play or pitch. Usually, debates ensued afterwards about which sport was best: Baseball or Hockey.

You lean and reach out slowly towards the end table where your phone was sitting, trying not to move too much so as to not wake Benn up. You manage to pick up your phone, a small "hmm" coming from Jamie. He had dozed off a while ago. You stood still for a bit...he was still asleep... phew! that was close, you let out a small breath of relief you didn't realize you were holding in. Benn could be such a grumpy pants when awoken too soon from a good nap. You unlock your phone and see a message from D.

Sorry to do this last minute, but can you please take JoJo to hockey practice today? -D

Your first reaction was a definite 'No' you loved D but you were never really any good with taking care of kids.You needed at least a couple days notice in order to prepare yourself mentally for the responsibility of taking care of a kid, and that little JoJo, as cute as he was with those unruly curls and big hazel eyes, he was a handful. Benn on the other hand enjoyed taking care of him, he seemed to have a special talent for keeping JoJo in check.

Hey D! At what time is his practice?

Immediately you see the three dots appear on the screen. You chuckle at how quick D is on responding back. She must really need this favor. How could you say no to her? So you decide to agree on taking him.

It's at 4pm. -D

You look at the time and it's almost three.

Sure! No problem. I'll be over as soon as I can. Just text me the details about his practice.

Thank you!! I owe you one! -D

Yeah you do! ;) see you in a bit.

You look down at Jamie who's still asleep, enjoying the last bit of peace you'll have for the rest of the evening. After a second or two you lightly shake him so he can start waking up. A small groan escapes from him. You shake him a bit more and whisper in his ear

"Wake up gummibärchen" you place a kiss on his cheek. He moans and slowly opens his eyes looking up towards you.

"Hey sleepyhead, it's time to wake up"

He closes his eyes again and turns his head "No c'mon, just a bit more" his voice a bit raspy from his nap, he then nuzzles his head on your lap.

"Okaaay you can keep sleeping, but I have to get up."

"Whyyy?" He whines in disapproval of you getting up and leaving him alone on the couch.

"I got a text from D asking me if I can take JoJo to his hockey practice today and it's at 4pm, so I have to get up now."

He immediately sits up at hearing the reason why. A smile appearing on his face

"Really? Let me get dressed and I'll go with you." He springs up from the couch.

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