Chapter 7: March 2020, D's View

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The next few weeks crept along slowly. The anticipation of seeing Jamie again, especially after what happened, was agony. We still spoke as often as we could. There was a certain awkwardness between us though. Maybe due to wanting to wait until we saw each other again to really clear the air. Maybe it was the guilt we both felt: him for putting himself in such a situation and me for feeling I maybe blew it out of proportion.

Ana was excited to have Benn in town too. Especially after the letter he received. One night, I went over to her place and we lounged around while watching the boys play Arizona at home. During the 2nd intermission, I had to ask her: "so, you never told me what was in the letter."

"You didn't read it?"

"No, I figured you'd fill me in later."

"Oh, that's too bad."


"Okay, okay," she sat up a bit. "I told him how I felt when I first met him." She smiled to herself. "That watching him play is always funny. I told him about how I'm excited to see him again. Nothing too crazy."

"And that's all?"

"And that I want to see and trace everyone of his tattoos for myself."

"Wow! Ana!"

"I know! I couldn't help it."

I had to laugh. That was a pretty good line and I was impressed. Being with Benn was bringing out a new side to her. Soon, the game was back on. In the end, Dallas won and my Jamie managed to score the game winning goal. We cheered at home and I sent a text to Jamie congratulating him. He didn't do much of a celly but I could still tell he was excited.


The day before their away game against Arizona was here and the boys were flying in that day. I couldn't stand the wait. My day at work went by painfully slow and I was so nervous. Jamie said he would call me when they got in and I still hadn't heard from him. They must have gotten in by now. Did he forget? Even though I expected to hear from him by now, I tried to not get too exasperated with him.

Finally, I was able to leave work! My heart was racing more as I left the building and I looked down at my phone as I was walking just in case there was a message I missed. But, when I looked up, there he was. My Jamie, right in front of me. He was holding a huge bouquet of my favorite flower and was wearing my favorite shirt. I couldn't believe it. My emotions were going in a million different directions so when I started crying, I didn't know what was going on. "Hey kid!"

I ran to him, immediately grabbed his face and planted a big one on him. He put his arms around me and let me bury my head in his chest. "I'm just so happy you're here, baby!" I play hit him. "Why didn't you text me when you got in?"

"And miss out on surprising you? I just couldn't wait much longer. The minute we got in I dropped everything and came here. I've missed you so much."

I gave him one last squeeze and we walked hand in hand to my car while I took in the sweet scent of the bouquet of oriental lillies. "So, where to?"

"I'm starving, kid. Let's pick up something and go to your place."



After finishing our tacos and lying on the couch in a food coma, we both took a short nap on my couch. His arms wrapped around me and his head on my stomach. My arms were around him, one hand on his head and the other hand resting on his back. Ana enjoyed teasing me about how this was all we did when we were together but I loved it.

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