Chapter 13: February 2021

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For anyone in baseball, February was the time that the crack of the bat and the smell of fresh grass was just around the corner. For you, it meant that work was starting to ramp up. Baseball teams were starting to come to town for their spring training. Of course, the Dbacks didn't have very far to travel for theirs. As this job progressed, you got more spring training related projects to do and was able to meet some social media people from other teams. The Texas Rangers reps and the ones for the Seattle Mariners were usually pretty laid back so you naturally gravitated to them and made fun of the reps for both LA teams and the Rockies reps.

"Yeesh, do you think their photo girl could be wearing any more makeup??"

"Well...she is from LA."

"Good point."

"Do you think the Rockies reps own anything that's not plaid or handmade?"

"Unlikely. They're probably hating being here while their friends back home can freely blaze it."

"Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they snuck some in anyway."

"So, are you guys ready for the season?" one of the Brewers reps, Steven, came up behind you. Secretly, you were hoping he'd be here. He was very cute and always ready with a good story.

"Yeah, definitely!" You said, a little too excited. No matter how much you tried to hide your little crush, come spring training it would reappear. He could not have looked any different from Benn if he tried; slightly red wild hair that he rarely styled and a patchy beard to match, a bit on the scrawny side even though you'd never seen someone put away ballpark hot dogs like he could, tortoise horn-rimmed glasses, and today he opted for his best tie dye shirt paired with a pair of khakis that fit him perfectly. If you thought about it hard enough, you weren't too sure why you had a crush on him. Only that you did. One thing you did know though: the boy knew his baseball.

"Awesome!" He took a seat next to you, "have you guys heard what happened to Brian with San Fran??"

"No. I haven't seen him yet today but I figured he'd be in town tomorrow."

"Well, apparently, he got caught trying to sneak some girl into the locker room. Just as they were getting hot and heavy the coach walked in to grab something from his office and found them in the trainer's room."


"Yeah, he was probably trying to impress her or something."

"Hope she was worth it."

"So yeah...anyway..." his voice faded into the background as you looked at his beautiful bluish green eyes whenever he looked at you. You noticed everyone was enraptured by him and you couldn't blame them. The kid had a weird fashion sense but was pretty cool for being from Milwaukee. All of you reviewed your schedules together and talked about ideas for Media Day. Before you knew it, time had gotten away from you. You looked at your watch suddenly remembering the FaceTime session you scheduled with Benn.

"Crap! I've gotta go! I'll see you all tonight?"

"Bye Ana!"

You rushed to your car and made your way home. On the way, Benn called you. "Hey Jamie!"

"Hey Ana! Are you still driving home?"

"Yeah. It was our first day for spring training and I was meeting up with other social media teams."

"Awesome! Should I call you back when you get home?"

"No! No! I can talk. I'm almost home anyway. How have your games been?"

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