Chapter 20: Hoodsie & Gumman

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"You're gonna do what?!"

" I know! I'm kinda nervous if I'm being totally honest." You take a sip from your ice cold beer.

"How did he get you to agree to it?"  D inquires as she takes a sip of her staple drink: a Moscow mule. Made by your good friend Charlie.

After that breakup drunken night, you had come back to the Stockman Club, becoming a proud regular. You enjoyed its atmosphere, it wasn't a sleazy joint where sketchy characters would stop by and pick up on women or where biker gangs would invade the whole bar area. Instead it was a place for people to unwind and catch up with the usual evening crowd.  With D having moved to Dallas it soon became the place you would come to and unwind after a hard day's work and every now and then enjoy a game on the TVs up above the bar area.

"Oh he doesn't know yet. I want to surprise him when I go visit in a couple weeks."

"Aw buddy! That's too cute. With all the ones he has, I thought for sure he was the one who brought it up."

"What?" You scoff. "You don't think I could have thought of this on my own?" D just gives you a look of 'who are we kidding here'. You roll your eyes admitting defeat but not without sticking your tongue out at her as well.

"So you're sure? I mean it's pretty permanent."

"I'm sure. Trust me I've thought about it over and over again. But after our short  breakup earlier this year, we both realized that this is it for us. 'Us' together until either I die or he loses his hair."  D let's out an aww and tries to pinch your cheek, you lean away and swat her attempts. You've missed D and her weird obsession with booping noses and pinching people's cheeks. "I mean I've been curious about getting one. But not until recently did I start thinking seriously about it."

"So are you gonna tell me what you're gonna get?"

"Nope!" You reply and drink the remaining beer that was in the glass.

"C'mon ! Just tell me."

"Nope I'm not gonna tell you. You'll find out tomorrow when you accompany me to the appointment."

"Really?! Ooh then I might get one." You can see the wheels turning in her head as to what she could possibly get.

You finish the night drinking and catching up. You introduce her to your "Stockman Crew" some young guys but mostly older ones and two older ladies. Meanwhile she filled you in on how it was going so far living in Dallas. She looked exceedingly content and seemed to have adapted rather quickly to the new city and living arrangement. Being close to JO really solidified their relationship and you noticed how more at ease and comfortable she felt in her own skin. You missed her dearly but knew that her move to Dallas was the right decision.


"Ooh look at this one! You should definitely get this one." You walk up to where D was standing and the one she was pointing at. You see the drawing of the St Louis Blues logo and the jersey number of that annoyingly lanky goalie of theirs.

"Ew gross! Why would you ever think that I would get that. I think I might throw up." You pretend to fake vomit.

"They have some pretty cool hockey ones. Do you want to take a look?"

"No it's okay I already know what it's gonna be. It's not going to be extremely big, it's more of a minimalist type."

"Aw man, so this one is out of the question then." D swiftly opens up one of the catalogues to a huge bald eagle with its wings spread out the stars and stripes in the background. The wingspan alone would take up most of your back. You feign laughter, D still laughing clearly enjoying teasing you.

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