Chapter 6: The next week...

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It's been a week since my time with Jamie in New York. The first week after seeing him is always the hardest. I'd watch a game here and there, we'd try to talk or FaceTime now and then but it never compared to seeing him in person and having him with me. I continued thinking about how he talked about me moving to Dallas with him. Emotionally, I'd be there in a heartbeat. But we were still only a few months into our relationship and although we had already said 'I love you' to each other, I still felt like we needed more time to get to know each other. Or maybe I needed more reassurance that it wasn't a mistake.

For now though, looking at my bracelet with his initials on it, I missed him intensely. I laid down and started scrolling through the pictures on my phone from when we were last together. Seeing myself in pictures was always difficult at first, I always felt like I would look better if I changed some things, maybe lost some weight, wore makeup more often. I know he didn't really care about things like that but it bothered me. All of a sudden, my phone started buzzing in my hand. Jamie! I opened FaceTime and adjusted myself to avoid a double chin. "Hi Jamie! I was just thinking of you! How are you?"

"I'm doing good! How are you?"

"Missing you like mad but good otherwise." I smiled. It was genuinely so nice to see his face on my screen. "Aw kid, I miss you too. Your hair looks amazing!"

"Thanks!" I blushed, happy that the effort had been noticed.

"I just wanted to call you quickly to make sure I see that face before we go out. We're gonna catch a Mavs game so I might not be back until late."

"That sounds amazing! Who are they playing?"

"Funny enough, the Suns."

"Well in that case, boo the Mavs! Hahaha" Jamie fake laughed at me as I did to him in return, "I know, I'm hilarious! Anyway, have fun. Tell the boys I said hi." I saw a couple of them show up behind Jamie. "Hi boys! Be good and make sure my baby has fun!"

"Oh we will. Isn't that right, baby?" Segs said as he pinched Jamie's cheek. To which he eyerolled. "Ok kid, I gotta go. Love you!"

"Love you too." I replied with a couple of blown kisses. The guys replied with a series of 'love you's before Jamie hung up and the screen went back to my pictures. That was beyond cute of him to call before they left and I definitely felt special.

I did my usual scanning of the Stars schedule to see when they would be close enough that I could meet up with him. Playoffs were getting closer and the Stars were still in a playoff position.  I would, of course, be so happy for them to make it but I also wouldn't be too hurt to have Jamie to myself for a couple of extra offseason weeks. We had plans for when he would be in town for a game in a couple of weeks. Then the Stars would be back for three games in California at the end of March. All three would be within four days. I could probably make that happen. I finally fell asleep, happy to know we'd be together again soon.


The next morning, I woke up to a text from Ana: "hey gumman! I don't want to alarm you but there is a picture of Jamie from last night's Mavs game that you may bring up some questions. I talked to Benn and he said that it definitely isn't what it looks like, it was a bad angle but you might want to talk to JO anyway. Let me know if you want to chat later! <3" I had to get ready for work but now this had me really worried. I text her back asking for a link to the picture at least. She sent it to me shortly after. When I got out of the shower, I got a text from Jamie: "hey babe, call me when you get a chance." I took a quick peek at the picture trying to keep in mind "it isn't what it looks like. Bad angle."

What I saw made my heart drop to my feet. The picture had Segs in the foreground with his arms around a couple of Mavs cheerleaders. Of course. In the background was my Jamie. He had his back to the camera but it seemed like he was making out with some girl. I was having a hard time seeing how this could be explained. It looked clear as day. I couldn't believe it. I didn't know what to do with myself but I knew I had to get to work. I called Ana on the way. "I don't understand how this could be seen in any other way. It totally looks like he's making out with her."

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