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We were caught red handed totally passed out next to each other. It was far more embarrassing because it was Raji that found us then went to get Juniper and leon to wake us up. I suppose nothing was actually wrong with Raji but he wanted to discuss what could be happening. He was almost positive he saw one of the guards inside the castle when they weren't to be. He told me maybe we should check things out. Zen told me to stay in my room to be safe but I went with them anyway. We talked to the castle staff about what would be made for dinner then went to check on it like we usually had been doing lately. The raw meat was stuffed full of what smelled like some sort of poison. So whomever is supplying us is trying to hurt us or maybe someone I'd sabotaging them as well.. Either way, we didn't take this lightly. That night the guards when to arrest the farmers. It was 10pm when they stood in front of me in a private room. Zen was nearby but I wanted to take care of the matters on my own terms.

"Youre highness, i-im sorry you suspect our products have been a cause for concern. We had no idea.." the man spoke. It was him, his wife and small child jist barely learning how to walk and extremely restless. A couple like this could never do anything to hurt someone..

"Its alright, I'm sorry to have made you travel here in the kid of night with a child.." I apologized as I showed them to the couches.

"Um, princess, would it be alright to feed for a minute to call him down?.." the mother asked me because he child was going about crazy.

"No I don't mind at all" I nodded and smile. The husband placed a small blanket over her chest so she could feed. I keep seeing these children so much lately and it makes me.. I dknt know, I just want something like that.. "About the matter at hand. As I'm sure you and the others know, the castles food supply has continously been getting poisoned for about 2 weeks now. I'm glad to say it's usually just me getting the best of it but the meat we were going to serve was injected with something strong and potent. I'm positive it was injected by needle after being packaged or maybe during. Is there anyone on your farm who might hold a grudge against me?.." I asked straight out. I'm sure there is a reason for this, I did horrible things..

"Oh dear.." the woman whispered with wide eyes as she looked to her husband. I could see zen get more curious out of the corner of my eye, he stood right beside where I sat on the couch in front of the couple.

"Its couldn't be.. Hes just a boy.." the father whispered to his wife in fear.

"I suppose you might know of someone than, isn't that right?" Zen asked and was being serious as he could.

"We adopted a boy a couple years ago. H-hes about 13.. He came from nobility and he-.. he said the Moon family came for his one night.. i-Im sorry highness, we didn't this that this could-.. im so sorry.." the woman was about to start crying while he husband comforted him.

I felt sick to my stomach instantly. We've killed so many that I can't even think of who this boy might be. I suppose I deserve what's coming to me..

"I understand.." I almost whispered and had lowered my head.

"Still, this matter shouldn't be taken lightly. Where would he even find poison at?" Zen asked the couple and took a step over to sit next to me.

"I-i have no idea. He goes over to his cousins home a couple times a week but I doubt he would do such a thing" the woman explained to me in tears.

"Did you happen to bring the boy too?.." I asked softly and heldup a little smile.

"We did but the guards are keeping him right outside the room." The father nodded and explained with such a sad tone. I took a short break in and let it out as my eyes traveled down ot my hands sitting in my lap. I should make this right..

Teach Me How To Live    -~Zen Wistaria x Reader~-Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu