Fort Lockstown p2

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Hi. Here's part 2 :)

Your POV

"Y/n?.." a fuzzy voice called my name. It sounded far away for a second till my eyes opened. Everything was still dizzy to me and it all looked blurry.
"Shirayuki.." I muttered looking up at her. What happened? Oh, right, I blacked out..
"How are you feeling?" She asked and sat me up.
"Um.. Dizzy.." I muttered and looked over to my side.. the fire.. "Help me up.." I asked quietly and tried to get up but my legs were tingling.
"Hey! You shouldnt be moving yet!" Shuka shouted and ran over.
"I-It's the fire.. Put it out.." I mumbled and grabbed the metal rod before trying to pull out the wood but I fell again, this time onto shuka but he caught me. "Sorry.." I muttered and tried to stay up but I couldnt.
"The fire.." Shirayuki muttered and looked into the fire pit while shuka helped me sit back down. "The wood.. Y/n you're a genius! This wood is toxic to breath in, no wonder everyone got sick so quickly! Shuka, come help me!" She exclaimed and started digging out the wood.
"Yeah, thanks.." I smiled weakly and watched as they pulled out the wood. I wont be much help until I get better so... Wait, when did Shirayuki get here? "Shuka, what time is it?.." I asked him and looked out the window.
"About 8 o'clock. The others went out a little while ago but they should be back" he told me.
"Of course.." I mumbled to myself and draped my forearm over my eyes as I laid back.
"Miss Moon, we brought you dinner for when you woke up" two men walked over to me.
"That's nice.. thank you" I pushed a little smile to my face and sat up. They handed me the bowl before going back to their place in the back. "Shuka.. Did you by chance get that wood from someone?" I asked and watched as they moved to wood and i ate what I could.
"Yes, we got it from some people who were passing by, they said they couldnt carry it any longer.." as he was saying that he slowly realized what had happened.
"And the armory was empty.. They drugged everyone and robbed this place.." Shirayuki said with anger in her voice.
"The others already know about the robbers.. that's why they're out right now.." I told her as I wobbly stood up.
"Y/n! You really shouldnt be up they!" Shuka shouted and tried to get me to sit down.
"Please leave me alone.." I muttered as I grabbed my cloak that was nice and dry but was covered in the fumes of that wood. It could make me feel worse by wearing it but I'll be fine.
"Are you trying to go somewhere?" Shirayuki asked in concern and stopped what she was doing.
"Yes.. today is the last day.. I have to go.." I muttered and walked to the door with only half my consciousness and sanity.
"Go where? Are you coming back?" Shirayuki asked in a slight panic.
"I dont know.. Please go back inside.." I mumbled and walked outside in the cold. Suddenly she pulled my hand and brought me back but it scared me so badly I reached for my sword, not realizing it was still just her. "Sorry.." I whispered after seeing the surprised and slightly frightened look. "Dont worry about me.." I told her and slipped from her grasp then started walking.
"Then I'm coming too!" She shouted and ran to my side.
"You cant.. it's the last day.. it's the last.. Go away please.." I muttered and wobbled around the snow.
"I'm not leaving you." Shirayuki told me sternly then grabbed my hand. No pain.. It's because of them it doesnt hurt..
"Okay.." I muttered and squeezed hers in mine feeling more than thankful I have her with me.
"Will you tell me what you mean by 'the last day'? Is something going to happen?" She asked me as we walked down the empty road towards town. I'm hoping theyll be there or maybe somewhere along the way.. Even though I know they wont be.
"My mother.. she said she would find me in one week and if she didnt.. they would all be gone.. Today is the seventh day.." I muttered and started regaining my consciousness and saintly back.
"Why didnt you tell us?" She asked and sounded sad.
"Because.. It's sad. My life was never a happy story.. You have to know I dont have many happy stories.. I didnt want anyone.. I didnt want anyone's pity.." I mumbled and was mostly talking to myself. "Oh, im sorry.." I muttered when I realized what I said. The effects of that wood is waring off and I can finally think for myself again but weird words are coming out.. I didnt exactly want to talk about this.
"You wont get any. I'm your friend Y/n and everyone is worried. We want to know so we can help you but we cant if you dont tell us.. I'm sorry I never tried harder to understand.." she apologized for no resson.
"If there was a way you could help I might have told you.." I muttered and kept walking but with my head hanging.. until I stopped. "I already know where they are.. I wont find them in clarines.. I'm sorry i dragged you out and made you worry.." I told her and covered my eyes with my hands. I shouldnt cry, I've known they were gone and I especially shouldnt cry in front of Shirayuki. I've been so strong and now I'm breaking down so easily. For my entire life I was strong till meeting my friends! Why do friends care so much? My parents cared but these guys are so much more to me!
"If we cant help then we cant at least listen.." she told me and pulled me in for a hug.
"I'm sorry, Shirayuki.. I-I knew they were gone I just- I didnt want to believe it" I finally broke completely and cried in her arms. It's nice having a friend to have by your side even if you dont always want one.. I'm so glad I have her and the others. Without them I'd be running still. Still keeping my voice and body hidden.. But I dont have to anymore.
"How do you know they're gone? Dont we still have a little time?" She asked and pulled away from the hug while I wiped my eyes clean.
"No.. The day I met back up with Obi he told me they were gone and that the scene wasnt very pretty.. I believe that but I also believe they didnt go down without a long fight" I told her and tried to make myself feel better as we slowly walked back to the fort. "When I was leaving the fight was still on. My mother told me to take my things and hide myself. She told me I needed to be quiet and I took it too seriously and lost my voice for a while.. I didnt realize that was the reason I couldnt talk for a while" I sighed and felt a little embarrassed about that.
"You said zen fixed that though.. How?" She asked and tried to be serious but she had on a little grin.
"He read my notebook, the things I wrote in the back and told me I did it to myself" I laughed a little.
"What? Are you kidding? He has such a thick scull.." she muttered.
"Yeah but i appreciated it. He helped me realize I needed to forget my promise to my mother and I did but now I'm worried Prince Dominic will come after everyone.. that's why I tried to leave with obi.." I sighed as we reached the gates.
"Hey! Where did you two go?" Obi shouted and ran over to us with Zen, Mitsuhide, and kiki all riding back on horses.
"That's none of your business" I smirked and kicked some snow at him.
"Oh no.." Shirayuki muttered when she saw the smirk on obi's face.
"Obi, if you throw it at me I swear I'll beat you down" I threatened with a stone cold glare.
"You mean.." he began and picked up a ball of snow, "this?" He smirked pointing it at me.
"I wouldn't" zen chuckled as the others got off their horses and came over to watch.
"Are you threatening me?" I asked and narrowed my eyes. "Do you know who I am-?" That question made the others laugh.
"Oh mightly Y/n Moon, please humble my snow!" He shouted and threw the snow ball right at my face. I stayed there and slowly wiped the snow off before showing him my meanest glare. "Oh crap-" he muttered before I ran at him.
"Did you know the Moon's were good at hand to hand combat?.." kiki asked around jokingly while I tackled Obi and wrestled him in the snow.
"I think you picked the perfect body guard, zen" Mitsuhide chuckled.
"She was just sick.. she could barely walk.." Shirayuki muttered to them in shock.
"Eat this obi!" I shouted and shoved a bunch of snow in his mouth.
"Ach- Hey! That's it!" Obi shouted and threw me over his shoulders into another pile of snow.
"Hey! My cloak seriously just dried!" I shouted with a glare as i got out of the snow pile.
"Oh no.." obi whispered to himself while the others laughed.
"Here!" I shouted and tossed him my mothers sword. "Like old times, right?" I smirked and pulled out my fathers.
"Yeah." He smirked back and stood the same as me, tall, strong, and overly confident.
"MEN! Y/N MOON IS FIGHTING SOMEONE!" Someone screamed from the doors before a horde of men came running.
"What the heck.." I muttered looking over at everyone.
"Getting stage fright?" Zen laughed to me.
"Do you want some too, Zen?" I asked with a slight glare.
"Hey, hey! Use these!" Someone shouted and tossed us wooden swords.
"No way! If it's not real it's not fun!" Obi shouted and tossed the wood away.
"Stop talking or you'll get hurt!" I shouted and ran at him. Our swords clashed and we both gave each other some old smack talk before backing up and trying again. The soilders awed and my friends seemed slightly shocked but proud.
"Come on, Obi! Youre stronger than this, surely!" I shouted through my laughs as the two of us fought.
"Yeah, same for you!" He laughed with me. After a while, the soldiers who felt well enough asked me to fight next and I was more than willing but Zen pulled me back.
"Tomorrow. Shes had a long day too, y'know?" Zen chuckled to the men.
"You worry too much. I am your sentinel, I'm always okay" I told him with a shrug and was acting all high and mighty.
"Sentinel or not, you still scared me when you passed out in the middle of the floor" he sighed as the soldiers and everyone else went back inside.
"Sorry, I-I figured out why we got sick though. Well, it was really Shirayuki-" I stuttered from a quick shiver.
"No way! You knew it was the fire!" Shirayuki shouted.
"I thought it was the heat, you knew it was the wood" I rolled my eyes at her.
"Oh! Y/n, look what Shirayuki and i found!" Mitsuhide shouted and pulled my old black cloak from his satchel.
"Oh! Thanks guys, I was getting a little cold" I laughed a bit and pulled off my wet, freezing cloak and exchanged it for my black one.
"No more playing in the snow, you two" kiki told obi and I.
"She was asking for it" obi shrugged as everyone got inside.
"I think you're asking for it" I popped my fingers to scare him.
"No more fighting both of you!" Zen laughed as we walked up a flight of stairs.
"I have to go make some medicine for everyone still but I'll catch up" Shirayuki stopped at the first step.
"Oh, can i come help you?" I asked and walked down a few steps back to her.
"Yeah, sure! I heard you gave your dad stitches by the way-" she began as we walked off.
"Did Mitsuhide tell you that?" I laughed as we went to the kitchen.
For the rest of the night it was mostly Shirayuki and I. We became closer friends and she told me all about her crush on Obi. Of course she didnt say it directly but from the books I've read it sure sounds like she has a crush.
"Theres a ball coming up, you could ask him for a dance" I giggled to her and helped her prepare food for the next shift in an hour.
"A ball? What for?" She asked as we grinded herbs.
"Prince Izona is looking for a wife.. The only reason I know is because he stopped me in the hall the other day. Apparently he knows all about my past.." I sighed.
"Like what?" She asked with a hint of worry in her tone.
"Oh, uh.. Well it's not a good story..." I muttered and felt uncomfortable.
"..Is that why it hurt when people touched you?.." she asked quietly.
"Yeah.. You understand then." I nodded and kept my eyes on the herbs I was chopping up.
"I'm so sorry Y/n" she looked over to me with random tears in her eyes.
"Wh-What? No, please dont worry! I shouted and hugged her in a hurry. "I-Im okay, I was 12 so it was a long-" I tried to tell her but it only made her cry more.
"Twelve?!" She shouted and hugged me tighter.
"Yeah.." I let out a little sigh. "I remember when I told Obi he was so freaked out and mad at himself.. I was told I was going on my first mission alone but.. It didnt really work out" I laughed awkwardly and rubbed her back.
"A mission?" She asked with wide eyes. "How long?.." she asked as tears streamed.
"3 days.." I muttered and looked away from her.
"I'm so sorry!" She cried and hugged me tight again.
"I-Its okay, please stop crying" I begged and noticed Obi outside watching. He looks so sad but I cant tell if it was because of me of because of Shirayukis tears. "Hey, I think someone might want to talk to you later" I whispered to her with a little giggle.
"What?.." she asked in confusion and looked back up to me.
"Someones watching and I think hes sad that you're crying" I grinned a little and pulled away from her.
"Wh-What? Obi?" She stuttered in confusion and saw him outside the window.
"I'm going to check on something.." I whispered with a little wink and walked out.
"Y/n!" She shouted for me but i was already outside to door. I shut it and stood next to it silently listening. As soon as I heard Shirayuki and Obi talking I knew I could go so I did. I didnt exactly know where i was going so I just walked around.
"Y/n!" Suddenly zen shouted from down the hall.
"Zen?.." I asked myself and watched him come into view. He ran right to me. "What are you doing up still?" I asked him with a smile.
"Nothing, just waiting for you to finish" he told me with a short chuckle.
"Oh.. Why?" I asked in confusion and tilted my head. Did he need something?
"I thought we could talk" he told me with that same gentle smile and walked with me.
"Oh yeah.." I muttered. I forgot friends just talked.. Why am I still so bad at having friends?
"What?" He asked with a chuckle and looked down at me.
"O-Oh, nothing I just forgot.. that people hung out together..." I muttered and felt a little embarrassed.
"How long have you been without friends again?" He joked.
"Very funny.." I sighed. "You should really go to bed though" I told him as we came upon all the rooms. Each one of us had our own rooms and we stopped right in front of mine.
"You sound like Mitsuhide" zen chuckled quietly and rolled his eyes at me.
"Mitsuhide is right though" I told him and crossed my arms under my cloak.
"This sure brings back memories" zen sighed softly as he picked up my hood and put it over my head.
"It's only been a week.. but it's funny how you guys dug everything you could out of me" I sighed as the hood fell over my eyes.
"Only a week.." he sighed as I leaned against the wall.
"How did you learn to trust Obi and I after we ran away?" I asked him curiously.
"I just do" he shrugged with a smile. "Howd you learn to trust a prince?" He asked in return.
"Who says I do?" I grinned and still kept my hood over my eyes. "I'm just kidding," I laughed a little and took the hood off. "You gave me protection and for that I think I trust you a little more than the others."
"That's it?" He asked with a black gaze.
"What? Did you want me to say something romantic?" I returned the black stare and was joking around.
"You have seriously come out of your shell since you started talking again.." zen sighed and relaxed.
"Sorry, I dont mean to joke around so much. Mostly I just talk like that to mess with Obi because we joked so often but.. Well I guess I still have the mind of a 12 year old" I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly, "I havent had friends since he left so.. I'm not really sure how I should act" its embarrassing to say but maybe I could figure it out.
"However you want" zen told me with a smile.
"...Seriously?" I asked feeling completely unconvinced.
"We dont care as long as you're not throwing us around in the snow" he chuckled.
"Yeah, sorry.." I muttered and looked away with an embarrassed blush. "You know.." I muttered and tried to keep my eyes somewhere other than on him, "I wish I was more like Shirayuki.. I feel like guy." I said blankly and looked back to him with a long sigh.
"What?" Zen asked and burst out into laughter. "I promise you dont act like one, I think obi just had too much of an influence over you" he laughed.
"Be quiet, you'll wake everyone up" I hushed him with an embarrassing blush. "And it wasnt just obi" I sighed and opened the door to my room then motioned for him to follow me in. "I grew up with all this stuff. I dont exactly feel feminine when fighting off armys of soldiers" I muttered and sat on the bed and he sat on the other end close by.
"I think it's cool you can fight so well and if you put your skills to good use than you could help a lot of people" he told me while I brought my knees to my chest.
"Yeah.." I sighed and looked out the window. "When do you need to go back to the castle? I could stay behind with Shirayuki for a few days if you needed to go" I asked him.
"I'm not leaving you two here. I'm staying for as long as the rest of you. Believe it or not, I'm just as concerned about their health as the two of you are" he told me as I looked back to him.
"You must really care for your men then.." I said with a little smile and relaxed myself.
"If I'm not then who would?" He answered happily.
"Zen, are you really a prince because I'm pretty sure they arent supposed to be this nice" I joked.
"I promise" he laughed with me.
"Okay.." I yawned and stood up. "I think Obi and Shirayuki should be done talking now. You should go to bed Prince zen-" THE TITLES! "I-Im sorry" I stuttered and tried not to laugh when I saw the look on his face.
"When are you gonna stop with that?" He groaned while the two of us walked out of my room.
"When I lose my respect for you.." I told him with a smile and walked my separate way, "or maybe when I'm done teasing you" I changed my smile into a smirk as I looked over my shoulder at him as I walked away.
"That girl.." I heard him mutter and sigh before I got too far away.

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