So New

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"Is this a big secret or something?.." I asked him as we walked.
"Bigger than you know" he told me and smiled a little as we walked far from that gate to this roof with two benches. We sat on ones opposite of each other. Then finally we talked..

Your POV

"Your mother.." he began with a smile, "You dont know this but at one point she was the Queen of Tanbarun, forced to be with the current king." He told me and seemed unfazed while I... Stared and tried not to react. This cant be real. "We refused the orders for that last mission to 'take care' of the first prince because he was your mothers first child and wheather she was allowed to meet with him or him allowed to know who his real mother was, she denied and I stood with her." So.. Raji... Is my half brother?.. Are you kidding?
"You're still my dad right?.." I asked and hoped.
"Yes, I am" he laughed, "the king let her go because he was one of the nicer royals. I've known him for a while, we were good friends and he knew you're mother was absolutely miserable in that castle with him" he chuckled. "So I stole her" he grinned and flexed his muscles.
"You said he let mother go" I told him with an unamused look on my face.
"Still took her from the castle" he grinned. "Anyway, we were on the run and your mother was sick when she was pregnant with you and that's when we fell into Dominic's trap. I heard your friends have taken care of him by now" he told me with a smile.
"Kiki told me that the king and princess Ari took him off the throne already. I'm glad Ari will be queen one day. She was really nice and cared a lot for everyone there.." I smiled to myself and wondered how things were going back there. Is everyone okay? Is Zen hurt? Did they really get things under control?
"So.. You know what it means knowing your mother was queen right?" Dad asked and looked serious.
"Uh.. That's she retired?.." I asked in wonder.
"No," he laughed, "that makes you a real princess." A princess?..
"....Dad, she wasnt queen when you two had me." I told him blankly. It's a nice thought..
"You still have that royal blood. The king agrees with me, y'know. He's just waiting for the day to announce you're the true first princess of Tanbarun" he told me and seemed so proud.
"Dad, I really dont think-.. I dont think that's how that works" I told him and lowered my head as my hand reached for the watch hanging around my neck.
"But it is. You may not be blood related to the king but he is still one of your father's. When we went on missions, you never knew, but you talked to him a few times" dad told me with a little chuckle.
"That's.. Insane.." I muttered and looked down. "If I'm really a princess than do I have to leave Clarines? If I announce being this person, would I have to leave everyone?" I asked and felt more than worried. I dont want to leave my job at the castle. I dont want to leave Zen's side!
"Well.. If you did announce it you could be with that Prince Zen you like" he sighed and rubbed his face.
"I'm gonna stab obi.." I whispered to myself in anger.
"I figured the day would come youd fall in love but I never thought itd be with a prince!" Dad shouted and intentionally tried to embarrass me.
"N-No! I-Im not- we arent-" I stuttered and quickly felt my brain turning to mush.
"Y/n, tell me what it feels like when you're with the prince. You never got out much as a kid so I assume you're having a hard time processing normal life" he pretended to be serious but he's messing with me still.
"Please stop.." I muttered and put my hands over my face.
"I'm kidding!" He laughed and stood up, "I can see how much you like this boy but I wanna find out for myself if he's worth having my daughter" dad told me proudly and marched back to the gate.
"You're gonna get me in so much trouble!" I whisper shouted and followed him. "I'm a secret princess! If something happens between me and Zen than he'll get in trouble not only with his brother but with everyone! Theyll all look down at him or being close to some girl form another country!" I whispered in a slight panic as I followed him but suddenly he stopped to look at me.
"..You're blushing" dad told me with a grin.
"Ughhh!" I groaned and threw my head back.
"Y/n!" Obi shouted and came running. "It's Mitsuhide and the master! They're here!" Obi shouted to me before he tugged my hand and pulled me along.
"Pull this down and look good!" Obi whispered to me and tugged on my dress till it came back down.
"I really wish I had something else to wear.." I sighed to myself and tried not to trip on this thing. It's still pretty and clean but I dont want to wear it anymore because I look like a mess now.
"Miss Y/n! Please come here, dear!" A woman shouted to me from across the dirt road.
"Hold on Obi, tell them I'll be there soon" I told him and escaped from his grasp as I went to the woman who was smiling happily.
"Can you please help me for a minute dear? Oh, I'm so happy to meet you, im Jane" the woman smiled happily and pulled me in her home.
"Oh, yes of course. Im glad to meet you too" I smiled back politely and followed her inside.
"You've been running around in that dress all night, I've seen you tie it up but I figured you might want to change" she told me as she led me to a bedroom after passing by a sleeping baby and husband in the living room.
"Youd let me borrow something? I just need a shirt if that's alright" I told her with a smile as she began to dig in a drawer.
"Here, i have this dress and a shirt. I suggest you wear the dress for that Prince though" she giggled and shut me in the room. I rolled my eyes and went with the dress. It has normal t-shirt sleeves but I dont think I'm afraid of hiding these scars much anymore. Not to mention, with my belt around my waist it makes me look skinny. Ive gained a lot of weight but a normal amount for someone my age and height, at least that's what the chief herbalist told me in Clarines. When I was finished changing I left the room and looked around for that woman again.
"Oh, you look so beautiful" she told me happily and carefully took my old clothes and the new ones. "I'll leave these with your father, you go meet that Prince of yours" she told me happily.
"Thank you, I hope to see you again" I told her happily. That was so quick and everyone here seems to be so nice. It feels like everything is turning around and I couldnt have asked for anything better.
I went on my way back to the gate but I didnt get too far away before someone called my name.
"Y/n!" Zen shouted from behind me. I turned around with a growing smile on my face and quickly met his happy gaze. He was walking with the others before he stopped but the others kept going. Zen and I walked closer till we met in the middle.
"I'm sorry i left without telling you" I apologized with a smile. He looked so relived when he looked at me and he seemed so relaxed now. I'm sure just being in Alfin for him was tiring without me giving him more to worry about.
"I missed you.." he told me softly as he wrapped his arms around me.
"I-I missed you too.. Are you alright?" I asked him while we stayed together in that gentle hug.
"I'm fine, are you?.." he asked softly as his face dug into the side of my neck.
"Yes, I'm alright.." I told him with a smile on my face as we began to pull away.
"Things worked out a lot better than we hoped after you left" he chuckled as one of his hands never left my skin, instead it slid down my arm to my hand and interlaced his fingers with mine as we began to walk but slowly.
"Glad I could help" I laughed a little at my own sarcasm.
"You know, you never mentioned anything about being a princess" he told me with a smile and looked over at me. How does he know that? I was just told! I didnt even tell anyone! "The king told my brother and I and.. Raji.." he sighed and shook his head.
"I didnt know till.. Probably 10 minutes ago" I told him with a shaky sigh.
"If you announce your title I'm sure itll be a shock to everyone that the technically last member of the Moon clan was a royal all along" he told me with a short chuckle.
"If I told anyone then I might have to leave Clarines.." I told him with my eyes pointed at the road under our feet.
"I wont let that happen.." he spoke softly and seemed serious and determined.
"This.. Could be a good thing" I shrugged a little. "Maybe Prince Izona wouldnt be so.. mean.." I muttered and felt bad for the time he was called those horrible names. "I'm sorry.. It was because of me before.." I finally got to apologize for that day.
"I dont care what he or anyone else says about me" he chuckled, "and I thought we agreed their words wouldnt matter" he looked down at me with that smile.
"I remember.." I smiled back and couldnt feel any happier. "When did you find out about.. my princess thing?.." I asked and didn't really know how to say it.
"Only last night.. Even before I knew there wasnt a doubt in my mind I wouldnt want to be with you dispite what others may say or think.." he told me with a smile and a gentle squeeze on my hand. He wants to be with me.. This shouldnt come as a surprise I think but I just cant.. process it yet.
"I'm glad" i told him and felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. "If we go on like this.." I looked down at our hands, "together.. maybe there wouldnt be a problem but.. If I really did announce my title things could change.. I really might have to go.." I muttered and held his hand a little tighter.
"Y/n.." he spoke my name softly as we continued our slow walk. "You dont have to think about this now.. Hiding your title for a little longer might make people continue to talk and sharing it with everyone else might make it harder for us to see each other but we'll find a way.." he told me and still held up a smile.
"Then.. I'll keep it hiden. I dont want to risk the chance of getting fired" I giggled a little and looked up to him.
"I see, so getting fired is what you're worried about" he chuckled.
"Well, maybe I like my boss and friends too.." I shook my head with a little laugh. "And you know, my boss now days cant protect himself at all, I'm his personal bodyguard, it's a big job" I joked and giggled to myself.
"Very funny" he rolled his eyes at me. "I'd say you're the one needing to be protected but I guess you've got it covered" he told me with a short chuckle.
"Master!" Obi suddenly shouted from above us on the roof. We both jumped and quickly pulled our hands away.
"Obi! Get down from there!" Zen shouted up to him.
"Theres a special guest waiting and you're taking your sweet time holding his daughter's hand. He's going to get mad" obi smirked.
"Oh no.." I whispered and covered my face with my hands.
"Y/n, I suggest you hurry before he gets suspicious!" Obi shouted to me before running off again.
"I hate him sometimes.." I muttered to myself and pushed my hair out of my face.
"He doesn't have a sense of privacy does he?.." Zen mumbled to me.
"Nope.." I sighed and continued to walk but faster this time.
"Y/n!" Dad suddenly shouted from above with Obi standing behind me.
"Are you serious?- Get down or you'll hurt yourself!" I shouted up to dad and obi.
"Why don't you come make me!" Dad shouted back and pointed his sword at me. While I hid and tried to cover the blush on my face from this embarrassment while Zen looked like he was amazed. My father is such a show off..
He hopped down the roof with Obi and finally met us on the ground then he shook Zen's hand with a laugh.
"So you're the prince" dad chuckled while Obi grinned behind him. I stood behind Zen just so I could give Obi my meanest glare and mouth words I should never say out loud.
"The prince?" Zen chuckled and shook dads hand back.
"Nooooo...." I whispered to myself and covered my face.
"Prince Zen correct? I've heard some things about you" dad spoke with intentions of embarrassing me. I hate all of this.
"I hope they were good things" Zen replied with a short chuckle as dad slapped a hand on Zen's back and pushed him along to where everyone else was.
"I'm going to stab you. Obi, if you dont stop I promise you this dagger will go up your-" I threatened and definitely didnt sound like a princess with these nasty threats.
"I wish the master made you this angry, he'd finally get to see the real you" obi chuckled and followed me to the others.

Teach Me How To Live    -~Zen Wistaria x Reader~-Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora