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Your POV

Time passed by too quickly but Zen and i made it worth our while. We talked a lot about future events and realized that I might have to go home a month early. I was invited to stay 3 months, one for the wedding, two the crowning, and three my offical marriage meeting. We think think ill be sent home by Isabelle after shes crowned which takes me home a month and a half early. She'll probably attack sometime around then while I'm gone. Izona is constantly reminding us that it'll be okay if I do have to go because he has outside forces ready for an attack any day but i don't want to leave Zen for any reason especially not for an attack.
So, with this knowledge that I might leave early, Zen and i caused a lot of trouble before then. The first thing we did was put little frozen toads in Izona's shoes. He was not happy about that and totally blamed Isabelle for it. Next we got lord Haruka, we dumped handfuls of snow in his shoes at night. After that, we went to shirayuki's work and put an extra toad in one of the empty cabinets. Chief Garak even played along and made her open it.. The toad jumped right on top of her head. She almost fell out the window if it weren't for Obi holding her still.
We threw snow down the others shirts through, even Rue. He was the best to prank because his seriousness completely left his body.
Our pranks eventually ended with a giant snowball fight between everyone outside. I was absolutely freezing but Zen couldn't stop laughing because he was the one that dumped snow down the back of my dress.
That was last week but this week we had planned to run away. Just the two of us. We packed an overnight bag and dinner and breakfast in a picnic basket then made our escape. We wrote them a note saying what we were doing but we didnt say where we were going. We road together on horseback through the snow for a while before finally finding it.. The house we met at. The horse stayed outside with a bunch of hay and a covering over its head to stay warm while we went inside. It was really warm inside which felt amazing. We set our things down then took a look around. It felt really cozy and reminded me of my family. If we had a big house like this it would have been a blessing. I do miss my old home though, it was cozy and small but had a few amazing secrets inside.
Zen and i had dinner and talked about what we thought our friends were doing. Mitsuhide is probably worried to death about Zen and im sure Rue is panicking because i ran away for the first time while he was here. Other than that, we just sort of chilled out. We sat together on the couch and read to ourselves. All we wanted out of this time was just to be alone without anyone watching. We held hands and sat touching sides because we wanted to and didnt have to hide it from anyone. Night began to fall and we were both getting tired but wouldn't admit it so we started talking again. Talking about us. This past year our relationship blossomed and grew into something amazing. I told him how much he meant to me even though he already knows. He said the same to me after and it felt really good hearing it. We talked about how crazy it is to fall in love, especially the way we did. He said even from the beginning he was interested in me in some sort of way then that day where I talked and showed him what i looked like really set it off for him. I remember the day i realized I liked him. I thought I was sick but Obi and Shirayuki only laughed at me. Zen always did find it funny when I told him about that. He said he still remembers that day i ran off from him too. That was embarrassing.. That day we jumped the walls and escaped to the forest to be alone for a second when I slipped off the wall and he caught me..
A whole year later we're finally together and will eventually be together forever.
"Thats all I want.." Zen sighed as i laid my head on his shoulder and kept my eyes shut
"Me too.. We'll start our garden and do paper work all day" i giggled to him.
"And sneak off from time to time" he added.
"It feels weird thinking about the future like this. Theyll expect so many things out of us but I think we can wheather it" i smiled to myself.
"After all we've already gone through, I dont think itll be much worse" he chuckled to me.
"Dont jinx it" i said before laughing together.
"Ive actually been thinking a lot about this. About us.." he began as i listened closely. "This marriage meeting is just for the public.. I thought that maybe it'd be best to offically propose after it, thats why its taking to long.." he explained slowly to me and sounded a little anxious.
"Dont worry about when or where, it doesn't matter even if you never propose offically because im pretty sure we'll both have to marry soon anyway unless we want to go to other dumb meetings" i said with a soft laugh.
"But it does matter, I dont want to skip any steps with you. From the beginning we said we'd take this slowly and we have and im so glad for it but now we have to keep moving in order to stay together in the future" he began as he left my side and kneeled down in front me. This is just like that day in the woods when he sat in front of me confessing his feelings.. "I love you with everything i have and I'll always want to be with you no matter the cost. I've realized that we aren't being rushed, we have lots of time till any meetings or wedding plans but tonight i-.." he stopped and looked nervous. Hes opening up so much to me again. Hes never been afraid to share his feelings with me which has always been something new. In Alfin, we never talked like this at all. We just kept moving but now I'm slowing down with Zen by my side and we have all the time we want to talk. Hes changed me so much and I could never leave this part of me behind. "I told Mitsuhide, Kiki, and Obi this but I've been wanting to do this before you left for Tanbarun.." he said and reached for his pocket. My heart began to pound and my mind raced with questions. Zen was the one to give the idea about us sneaking off so he must... This must be his plan for us.. "That night in Alfin when you ran into your old house, you only brought out two things" he said as he showed me mothers necklace and the ring I gave him. I still cant believe i casually gave him a ring like that, am I stupid?.. But.. He wore it still.
"Im still embarrassed i gave that to you so casually" i said as i covered my face and felt so embarrassed.
"Before any fights or meetings happen, I wanted to give this to you in return.." He said with a nervous tone as i dropped my hands down to my lap. What he held in front of me was the most beautiful ring I'd ever seen in my life..
"Y-You, i- Zen!.." i panicked a little when i saw it. The diamond is so big and theres- why in the world would he buy me something like this?! I didnt know rings could even look like this!
"I promised id ask you again one day.. Y/n, will you still take my hand?.." He asked and had on a smile.
My heart was beating out of my chest and i felt like i could pass out! He doesnt even need to ask, he already knows my answer! I-I cant believe- Mom, she would be so happy to see this..
"Y-Yeah," i stuttered as my chest became heavy and tears filled my eyes. Mother always wanted this for me. Its been my dream to be with Zen for as long as I've known him and it was mom's dream for me to move on and get married to someone i truley loved. "I-I will, Zen!.." i cried as i got down on my knees and hugged him.
"Why are you crying?.." He asked with a smile and soft chuckle.
"I-Im not crying" i stuttered as i tried to wipe my tears while still hugging him.
"For 6 months we've been waiting for this, why are you so surprised now?" He chuckled as we pulled away. He set his gentle hand on my cheek and wiped my tears.
"B-Because we were always pushed aside for one thing or another a-and im just really happy!.." i cried like a poor baby in his arms. He said the others knew about his plans for a long time so they must have known his plans for tonight too. No wonder they haven't been looking for us, they'd never let us stay over night somewhere without them!
"Stop crying or ill start too" he chuckled as he held my left hand and slid the pretty ring on my ring finger. I cried even harder as he did that just because I feel so overwhelmed. This was our plan for so long and I knew it'd always happen but in the moment I just can't believe it.
"I love you, Zen. I dont care how much longer we have to wait anymore, im just so happy.." i cried as i looked down at the ring. Dad, mom, i know you're both proud of me. This was always your dream for me and I finally got to fulfill it.
"Everyone back at the castle knows. Well, not isabelle but the others do" he said with a smile and slowly helped me to my feet.
"I thought so.." i smiled and wiped the last of my tears. "I cant wait to tell my dad. He'll be so shocked" i gigled to myself as i looked at the ring on my hand again.
"He and the king already gave me their blessing a while ago. The public still can't know though.. So i got you one more thing.." he said as he pulled a long necklace from inside a small box. "You have to hide your ring, you could put it on this necklace and wear it under your clothes" he said as he placed the necklace in my hands. I bit my lip and sucked up my tears again.
"Th-Thanks.." i stuttered quickly and tried to keep my tears back again.
"A-And that ring i gave you in Alfin-" i began but he stopped me.
"Its not good enough to be a wedding ring?" He asked and basically read my mind.
"I-I didnt say that!" I shouted and blushed bright red.
"You were thinking it though." He grinned as he walked to the table and picked up the candle.
"Come on, I cant have a ring like this when yours is like that! I didnt even know something like this could exist y'know?" I said as i watched him light the candle and bring back over to the coffee table at the couches.
"Youre not getting this back though" he said as he sat down with a little grin and picked up his book.
"Fine, then ill just have to make a better one when I go back to Tanbarun" i sighed as i sat down on the other end of the couch. Making such a little ring is easier said than done.. But what should it look like? Maybe i should ask Izona, im sure he'd know.. Wait, did he know about Zen proposing tonight?.. im sure everyone knew.. maybe even the queen!
"Y/n, do you remember a few weeks ago when Rue watched Isabelle take something from my office?.." Zen asked as he looked at the book in his hands.
"Yeah, you never told me what it was" i said as i began to think about it.
"It was your ring.." he sighed and shut the book.
"What? She stole something that important?" I asked and felt totally in shock. She must know about the possibility of Zen proposing then.. i swear she'll be the death of me one day, ugh.
"Yes and if she didn't know before that we were going to be together than she does now" he sighed.
"Itd be funny if she took it the wrong way though" i laughed as i looked down at the sparkling Dimond.
"Wrong how?.." he asked in confusion.
"What if she thought you were going to propose to another girl? Like maybe there was a girl at the wedding you were going to ask- Oh! What if she goes back and finds the ring missing and now she thinks you've secretly proposed to someone random!" I shouted and couldnt help but laugh.
"Why does that sound like something she'd do.." Zen sighed and shook his head.
"Wh-What if when we go back tomorrow she'll find me and tell me about the ring!" I laughed even harder at the thought.
"I think youre too tired to be awake" he chuckled to me. I do laugh a lot more when I'm tired so he had a point.
"No, no, its just really funny. Oh, I hope she tries to tell me that" i sighed and tried to calm down.
"For her sake, I hope not" he laughed as he stood up and took my hand, "tomorrow we'll go to town early before going back to the castle so you need sleep before then" he said with a smile as he slowly lead me up the stairs.
"Zen.." i called softly as i looked at the ring on my finger. "My mother would be so happy if she heard about this engagement.." i said quietly as we slowly walked up the stairs.
"Im glad.. I wish i could've met her. You and her look a lot alike in your pictures" Zen told me smiling. We walked to the room down the hall where we sat together on the edge of the bed holding hands still because I didnt want to let him go yet.
"Thanks," i smiled as i relaxed next to him, "i take after her a lot too. She and my dad were always filled with joy and never cried once. Well, mom did once after I tripped down this cliff on a mission" i said with an awkward laugh.
"What? Were you okay?" Zen asked in worry as he quickly turned to look at me.
"Yeah I was fine but my mom thought I was hit with an enemy spear on the way down" i giggled to myself, "i got her good that day" i grinned happily to myself.
"Please never scare me like that.." Zen sighed as he laid back on the bed with me following after.
"She would have really liked you." I said softly with a happy smile.
"Really?.." he asked quietly and sounded happier.
"Mhm, the queen actually reminded me of my mom a bit. My mom always talked to people like she had known them forever. She always made them feel welcomed somehow.." i said softly as i shut my eyes.
"I see.. You do the same thing. You're comforting and nice and you have a way with words like no one else" he spoke.
"Thanks" i giggled at the last part.
"You always say the right thing, i mean. Thats why everyone likes you so much, its why they think you're so kind" Zen explained and gently brought our interlaced hands to his chest where they stayed and rested. His heart is beating so quickly. Do i make him nervous laying next to him? Is he thinking about the future more than me? Is he nervous for whats to come too? Or is he just that happy being with me?..
"You too.. When we met, you immediately accepted me as your friend even if I was extremely suspicious looking but you didn't seem to care that much" i said as i felt my heart begin to beat quicker.
"I cant tell you how nervous I got when you pulled out a sword on us" he laughed.
"You had yours out first! I was even more scared!" I shouted while he continued to laugh.
"I had no idea what you were going through at the time.. Obi stealing you away didnt help any either" he told me as we quickly calmed down again.
"I thought it was best to go but im glad you came after me. That was an eventful night for sure.." i said softly as i began to relax more.
We talked for a while longer about random things from our past. We always seem to look back at the past because our future right now is in trouble. We'll be okay but i have to leave again soon..

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