His End

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When I heard the snap of those chains, I paniced. I needed to do it quickly but-.. I just didn't get the chance. That sword was out of my hands the instant zen was free. He pulled me against his body. He let me take in his warmth again after all the pain I've caused. He held the back of my head against his chest and he made me stay put. And he cried.. then I cried..

"Pleass, you have to let me go now.." I whispered as I cried and trembled in his caring arms. I'm so scared to end it bit I need to.

"I will never let you go.." he told me. Just hearing his voice made me choke.

"I-I want to die!.. I dont want to hurt you anymore!" I cried out now.. I begged him to let me move on. To let him be free of me. How dare I let myself be held in someone's arms who's so caring. How dare I ever allowed myself to stand with him before. How dare I project any sort of love onto him!..

"Youre so cruel to me, Y/n.." he whispered in my ear as he calmed but I grew more and more uncontrollable. 

"Let me go! Please, i-I can't keep doing this!" I screamed and began to wiggle but he wouldn't dare let me go. We were both in so much physical pain yet he continued to hold me down.

"I want to share all of your pain.. if you die, I will right by your side, that's a promise.." he spoke to me while I whaled and tried to get away. "Hurt me all you want. Leave me with scars and covered in blood but do not leave my side.."

I just stopped trying to get away, now all I could do was scream and cry. My body hurts so badly, I don't want to move. "I want to die.." I whispered tearfully as I stopped and rested my head against his chest.

"Lets go home.." he said softly.

"Im not going.." I whispered, shutting my eyes.

"We're both going home.." he whispered as he gently pressed a kiss against the side of my head making me silently cry more. "Come on, our house isn't too far, we can take a horse.." he whispered as he took my hand and gently pulled me up to my feet but as soon as I stood I stumbled. My arm was barely draped over my chest as I wobbled till I finally fell. My head hit so hard, I half passed out.

"Y/n!.." Zens voice was so fuzzy.. I love the sound of his voice.. I love him so much.. Thats why I have to die..

"Go home.." I whispered as he tired to pick me back up.

"I-I can't go without you!.." He shouted and struggled to help me up with his own injuries.

"Im a corpse.." I muttered as he gave up, he could only stay next to me now as I laid on this bloody floor. "My body has been rotting away since I was born.. You've finally seen it all.. Every scar I carry.. You've seen just how far I'll go.." I mumbled, "now what will you do with me?.. drag me back and pretend we'll be fine again? Pretend I didn't kiss this man who's tortured both of us for so long?"

"Theres a reason for that and you and I both-" he began but I stopped him.

"I've done more to that man than I have ever even thought about doing with you." He went dead silent. I wasn't lying when I said this.. "We were so innocent and naive. I tried to warn you from the beginning.. Im no woman. I'm just a body meant to be thrown around. I say what I'm expected.." I spoke as my eyes wondered around this room. This is my room.. His letters and old dried flowers were all around me.

Tears dripped from my eyes as I pushed myself to sit up, "I love you more than I care about the world. I'd let everyone die to know you were safe and that'll never change.." I told him, "im wreckless, insane, sick, a freak, I have issues with people my family have murdered and with people I have never even seen. I will be the death of you somehow one day. If you were smart, you'd run.." I spoke as I looked down at my nude body. I dont know the last time I had looked at myself like this. It really is just a dumped body..

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