Funeral and Ball

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Yall.. the shit is bout to shit the fan. Hold onto your hats.. (I'm jk it's not that exciting)

Your POV

As expected, prince Raji is here along with.. the king of Tanbarun? He's gonna kill me if he finds out why my family died.. Or maybe he'll be thankful, I'm not sure.
Soon enough things got started. Prince Dominic said all these things about my parents and what my grandpas used to do before they retired. The whole time no one cried. Not even me.. Well, actually, Obi cried a little. I was trying to stay strong because theres no way I'd show my vulnerability towards Dominic after what hes done. I thought about ending this quickly and knocking Dominic out or maybe giving him a new scar but I figured since there was royalty and important people here.. I probably shouldnt.. But that's not really it, I just dont want to be someone Zen will look down upon. I dont want to disappoint him, I want him to be proud of me.. So i kept it together. I held my head up high, sat up straight in my chair.. And prayed to god I didnt have to go talk in front of all these people..... but I did..  and it went a little like this.

"Hello.. Their death was pretty untimely.." I smiled and looked towards the opened graves. "Although it's just me now, that doesnt mean my family will stop growing. We may not be blood related but I have a friend who would help carry out our legacy, if you could call it that" I laughed a little and began to pull out my mother and father's swords. Obi was now almost balling while kiki and Mitsuhide are really trying their hardest to make him feel better. "I'll be honest, I didn't know my family was quite so popular until I visited some soilders in Clarines recently. They all recognized who I was by these swords and were astonished that I was alive dispite what the news paper said" I quietly laughed to myself and showed everyone my swords. They all laughed at my remarks too.
"Miss, these swords are remarkable! Did your family really make them?" A little noble boy asked me. He looked probably 10 years old.
"Yes, we did. We all learned how to use a sword then make them. I'm afraid I cant teach you though, I'm not a good teacher" I told him with a smile and put my swords back away.
Princess Ari walked up to me with a smile and told me we'd drop the caskets in there now. I nodded and went back to where I was sitting next to Obi in the front row then Zen and the others in the row behind. Prince Dominic soon came up and announced that we could gather and watch so everyone stood up and did so. Obi was trying to hold it together still but wasnt doing a good job.
"I think you've cried more over my family than yours.." I whispered to Obi with a quiet giggle.
"Y-You said I was part of the family and can carry on with you.." he whispered in tears.
"I thought you already knew that.." I whispered back and kept my giggles quiet as I wrapped one arm around him while we watched all four of my family members being lowered deep under ground.
You four sure got a lot of fam, didnt you? I wish you were alive to see Obi crying, you probably would have laughed at him..
"I think Obi is more sad than you are" Zen whispered and stood beside me.
"I dont have time to be sad" I told him with a little smile and watched the last one being lowered.. mothers.. Suddenly a gust of wind blew over everyone and knocked many peoples hats off. It blew all my hair behind me with great force and almost felt like a hug as it pushed me back. This reminds me of the same wind that whispered to me when I was on the run.. It must be mother. She's always liked nature and the sound of the wind. I wouldnt be surprised if it was truly her. My smile got a little bigger andI felt so relaxed as the wind surrounded our large group of nobles, royalty, then me and Obi.. Then it faded as dirt was placed over each of the graves. And now they rest..
"Now whose crying?" Obi whispered to me while I was stuck in a daze smiling away.
"Hm? Oh-" I whispered as Zen put his hand on my cheek and wiped the cold tears that ran down. "I'm sorry, I didnt realize-.." I muttered and kept up my smile as I began to wipe my eyes dry.
"Dont apologize" Zen told me with a smile. I nodded and felt my chest flutter a bit. I wish mother was here so I could tell her I had finally kissed someone. She always wanted me to have some sort of fairytale ending but we never got to that.. Until now. Even if its not the end I'll still live like it could be... Which means I'll probably raise some hell tonight at the ball but oh well.
After all of that was done we were free to go. I had a possy of little ones following me around for a minute which was interesting. I havent spent time with kids much but they were all cool. Their parents pulled them away soon though so everyone could go get ready in the castle. Everyone got a room or something and maids, I guess. It's weird how Prince Dominic set up this day and ball and stuff.

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