The Fight.

920 31 5

Your POV

It looks like the fight had just barely began because it was so close to the walls still. Dad got off his horse and handed it to me.
"Go, find a way to get to Zen so he can protect you. I have to find Izona" dad told me quickly and was half way up the wall already.
"Dont get hurt then and have fun!" I told him with a smile.
"Fun?" He laughed, "yeah, maybe i will" he said before jumping into battle without a care. This place is crawling with creepy dudes trying to kill everyone who isn't apart of their group so i took the horse and road off to the front gate. It was empty like I thought. There was only one gaurd. He said i shouldn't enter and that it wasn't safe but I reassued him and went anyway. I left dads horse with the guards before riding as quickly as i could to where I thought Zen might be but honestly I didn't know. He must want to fight but what if somethings happening on the inside? What if its isabelle?
"Princess! Hurry, please run! There's fighting in the insdie!" A maid shouted to me. Shes got blood dripping down her forehead, poor woman..
"Youll be okay.. Ill take care of things inside, you must run to safety now, okay?" I spoke to her softly and slowly. She nodded and calmed down after taking a breath. "Good, now go" i smiled and let her take my horse. I walked inside slowly and used mother's sword as a cane again. I really need a walking stick or something soon because not to be dramatic but my everything still hurts.
"Princess! Go! Its queen isabelle! Shes killing everyone!" Another maid came running with tons and tons of others all in this direction.. I just have to follow the path then.
"Isabelle will be stopped by my sword. Please leave quickly and watch out for the others outside, go to town if needed" i warned the women who gathered.
"Prince Zen couldnt stand it if you were here though! Everyone knows he's worried about you!" Another woman shouted.
"Than he'll have to get over it" i grinned and tried to give them a bit of hope. The line kept moving. Everyone was leaving, even guards were carrying out the wounded. Theres drops of blood everywhere.. This isnt just a fight, it's turning out to be a massacre.. why would they kill all these innocent people?..
It took me so long to walk down these once short hallways. I was barely staying on my feet but the will to see Zen kept me going. I hope he's okay.. There was screaming from the thrown room.. I think it was izona and Zen trying to deal with Isabelle. There were other people there too.. a lot of them..
I slowly wobbled around the corner with a glare in my eyes. What I saw was something I've seen many times before. Its not new but it still hurts. There are people bleeding and cowering or just.. dead.. then Zen and Izona trying their hardest to reason.. But these are murderers. They don't care to talk, they just like to mess around..
"What the hell is going on here?" I asked with a deeper tone of voice as I walked behind Izona.
"Y-Y/n! No! Wh-Why are-" Zen began stammering. He looks scared out of his mind and he's trembling..
"Zen.. Itll be okay.. We can take care of everyone soon enough and we'll heal them all.." i said with a softer tone as i gently touched his hand. He cant stop shaking..
"Y/n, do you know what you're doing?.. is your father here?.." Izona asked as i stood in front of him.
"Of course father is here" i shouted out with a wide smile. Isabelle looked scared out of her mind once i pulled my swords out and stared her right in the eyes. I dropped my sheathes to the floor and slowly strightened up, "but we dont need his help. You have me afterall" i smiled as i looked back at them. Izona gained a small grin and Zen didnt look much better but he gained a bit more confidence. "Isabelle, would you like to step up first or are you gonna send these thugs?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and pointed my sword at the blood covered murderers around me.
"Id like a piece of that cake actually" one dude grinned. That comment seemed to really set Zen off.
"Uh oh, Prince Zen, are we making you jealous?" Another guy laughed.
"His little sweetheart is trying to stand tall!" others laughed harder.
"Thats right.." I said as i glanced over at Zen. He looked a little surprised, "i am his, you have a problem with it?" I glared back at the murderers. They actually got a little scared for a second there. "How cute, you were all talk a second ago. Dont want a piece of me still do you?" I grinned and took a few steps forward.
"Pffft-.." Izona actually started cracking up behind me which helped piss off these thugs more. All in the plan.
"Show me what you got, hun" one grinned and stepped up. I was calm and relaxed till he stopped then I got serious. I tore off half my dress which seemed to get a few guys worked up, Zen didn't look happy about it but he understood why after seeing me trip so many times before
"Ready.." i glared and took my stance. Im not holding back. No one deserves death but if they happen to not make it then so be it.
He came running first as expected. He ran wild but it wasn't anything new. I may have been out of the game for a while but I still remember what to do. I got a good gash on his stomach which will keep him down for maybe till he dies if that happens.
"Zen! Izona! Are you two mentally prepared now or what?!" I shouted while beginning to take on many others.
"Kill her, idiots!" Isabelle screamed because I was quickly taking a good bit of them out.
"I dont know! Looks like you can handle yourself!" Izona shouted while the two of them began to fight.
"I have your back! Get to isabelle!" Zen shouted and fought his way to my side.
"We should go on another date after this! Hey, maybe if we don't die, Izona might actually let us be offical to the public!" I joked just to give Zen more will to keep going.
"Shes right! As soon as this is over you can have your little marriage meeting!" Izona shouted back.
"Shut up already!" Zen shouted back with a bright blush.
"Also, I may have gotten a bit of- whoa!" I shouted as i ducked. Someone almost got my head! "I got a little blood on my ring! I'm sorry!" I shouted to Zen.
"You what?!" He screamed and looked tired so I went back over to his side.
"So, Rue's name is actually Yuri and he tried to kill me half way to tanbarun! Now I have an X on my back in stitches! I'm actually really tired right now!" I shouted with a loud sigh and felt a bit dizzy.
"Ow!-.." Zen shouted quietly. I turned to see a cut on his cheek.. The guy who did it got scared when i glared at him. Good thing because Izona got the perfect chance to cut down the guy.
"Y/n, i wasn't going to tell you but i knew that guy was bad!" Izona shouted.
"Couldn't you have told me before I almost died?! He really did almost get me till dad found me somehow!" I shouted back.
"I sent for him to come help us, good thing, right?" Izona actually laughed. Hes so mean.. He could have sent for a secret dude to watch me at least..
We spent so long fighting that I was completely wore out by the time the last man was on the floor.
"Ugh, I think i tore a stitch.." i sighed as i sat down somewhere not stained with blood.
"Are you okay?.." Zen asked softly and kneeled next to me.
"Im okay, lets just keep watch so Izona can take care of Isabelle.." i said with a gentle smile even through i feel like im going to throw up everywhere. Soon enough I had began to tremble. In the heat of the moment i wasn't scared but this blood, the scent and color.. I hate it all.. So many innocent people were murdered.. I hope we avenged them today..
"Majesty! Please, no!" A maid suddenly screamed. I looked up immediately once I heard her cries for help. Isabelle held a knife to the maid's throat and held her by her hair.
"Leave and I'll spare her life." Isabelle commanded. My trusty ankle knife.. I still never took it off..
"Give me the girl first" Izona tried to reason but it only got the girl a little slit on her thoat though it wasn't deep enough to hurt much.
Zen was completely focused on the girl while I was picking up my knife. I might just make it.. I calculated just how I needed to throw the knife and how much force it needed before I quickly threw it straight at isabelles chest. It hit her shoulder making her drop the knife. I guess my throwing skills are a bit rusty too..
"Y/n.. was that you?.." Zen asked in shock as he helped me stand up.
"Well it sure wasn't Obi" i chuckled and used my sword to wobble over along with Zen around my arm.
"Y-You!" Isabelle screamed as Izona got the girl away safely.
"Yes, im here" i sighed and continued to just push her buttons. Izona glanced at me and in return I nodded back behind me. He took the girl and moved while I gently pushed Zen away from my side.
"You always ruin everything!" She screamed as she took out the knife i threw. It immediately started bleeding and mustve hurt. She came running at me but tripped on someone laying on the floor unconscious and fell without the knife anymore.
"Im sorry i ruined your massacre. My father is outside ruining the other half too" i told her as i picked up my knife slowly and put it back where I had it before.
"Ill kill you!" She screamed as she stood up with a limp and a sword too heavy for her to carry in her hands.
"No, you will not!" Zen shouted as he pulled me to his side, away from the sword aimed at me and instead stabbed his own sword into Isabelle's stomach.. Zen saved everyone in this second, me as well..
"Ill kill you.." She repeated as Zen took his sword back before she fell to the floor.
She'll die too.. Why have things always ended with death in my life?..
"Isabelle.. You were really nice when we first met.. Im sorry our relationship had to end this way.." i said as i slowly got down on my knees. I sat down and held her upper body the best i could with what strength I had left.
"J-Just because y-youre kind.. doesnt mean y-youre not a.. killer too.." She muttered as tears spilled from her eyes.
"I know.. What you did was wrong but I forgive you... The others may not though.." i spoke to her with a small smile.
"I wish.. I-I wish we really were friends.. I wish it.. Didnt e-end this way.. i-i liked you.." she mumbled to me as her eyes began to dull.
"I like you too.." i said softly before watching the life in her eyes fade. She became limp after that.. I shut her eyes and gently lowered her back down.
"Lets go outside and help the others.." Izona told us as i slowly stood up with Zen's help.
"Can you move?.." Zen asked quietly and held my hand tight.
"A bit.. After this is done ill relax for a while" i smiled as i looked to his eyes. This will be hard on everyone..
We began walking and everyone was slowing down for me which was really nice of them. Then we got to talking, "where are the others?.." i asked Zen and was worried about the answer.
"We got separated from the start. Kiki and Mitsuhide are probably outside fighting with Obi. Shirayuki is probably helping the wounded.." he answered as we walked. Theres blood everywhere you look..
"I hear them.." Izona muttered to us as we turned the corner to the door.
"Then we should hurry" i said with determination.
"Hold on.. It looks like the enemy is withdrawing because.. what the hell are they doing?.." Izona asked with a sigh as he shook his head. He looks disappointed?..
We opened the doors and as soon as we looked we saw Obi, Mitsuhide and my father swinging around 3 guys over their heads and throwing them back to the others that are running away.
"What the hell are they doing?.." Zen and i asked at the same time with unamused tones.
"Y/n! Look, there she is!" Obi suddenly shouted and came running.
"Are you okay? We heard about Rue!" Mitsuhide shouted and instantly started checking me for bruises.
"Yeah, im fine" i smiled while Zen glared at me for lying.
"What happened in there? Are you three alright, highnesses?" Kiki asked Izona, Zen and I.
"Yes, but unfortunately Isabelle isn't" Izona sighed and rolled his eyes at his own sarcasm.
"Unfortunately?.." Obi glared.
"Were all of those people killed before i found you both?..." i asked Izona and Zen quietly.
"Murdered in front of us.. there was nothing we could do to stop it.." Zen muttered and suddenly gripped my hand so hard that I had to pull it away, "i-im sorry!-" he shouted when he realized what happened.
"I know its hard Zen, but with the life you kids have this is just going to be expected. It might not be the last time this happens either so have each others backs" dad said as he looked around at everyone... Before catching an arrow with his bare hands.
"Wh-Where did that come from?!" Obi shouted in a panic as everyone ducked.
"Cover your heads!" Zen shouted to us. He instantly went to me though, he pulled me under his chest and hid me away from the firing arrows.
"Back inside now!" Dad shouted as we all ran. It was really hard for me. My wounds were really slowing me down which only made things worse!
"Y/n, are you okay?" Zen asked while panting after we got inside.
"Y-Yes, im alright.." i answered as i gently touched my back. One stitch really did rip.. this isnt good, ill start bleeding through my clothes soon..
"You look like youre lying.." dad glared at me.
"Wh-What! N-No, im not, I swear I'm fine!" I shouted and strightened up.
"Your majesty! We've gathered the troops back up! 90 percent of the castle is cleared! The inside is completely empty and each entrance is being guarded currently!" A guard shouted as a bunch just showed up.
"Good. Are the pharmacists still in as well?" Izona answered.
"Yes, sir! They're full of people and need more help so we've called for help from the town, sir!" The guard answered.
"Make sure the towns folk are protected the whole time. Y/n, you have medical training. Do you mind helping a bit?" Izona asked me.
"Not at all" i nodded and smiled.
"Youre hurt too!" Zen shouted at me.
"No!" I shouted back and was totally lying.
"Y/n, blood is dripping down your back.." dad muttered..
"What?!" Mitsuhide shouted next.
"Come on everyone, lets go" Izona sighed and began to lead the way.
"So that bastard really did get you, right?" Obi asked angrily and stomped by my side.
"Yep, now I have a cool X on my back in stitches" i grinned happily.
"Its not cool! Why do you always think it is!" Zen shouted and suddenly took my hand but held it gently. His way of coping with stuff is scary and cute all at the same time.
"Because if I cant control it than why not make it into a positive?" I asked with a smile as i held his hand and gently swung it between us while i continued to used my sword as a cane.
"How did he even get that close to you? Where did he do this?.." Kiki asked in wonder.
"We stopped somewhere for the night to rest. I was waiting outside for him while reading and when my back was turned he cut me- ah! My book!" I shouted when I realized i forgot it.
"Youre worried about your book?" Dad asked with a sigh while Izona found this funny.
"Yeah.." i muttered embarrassedly.
"You were half dead in my arms and you're worried about a book? You couldn't even hold up your head!" Dad continued. Zen got increasingly more worried after hearing that.
"Can you not say it so loudly?.." i muttered with a little blush.
"Look at that line.." Mitsuhide said as we took a look at the pharmacy. It looks like half the castle is here..
"Y/n, youre dripping blood on the floor"  dad sighed.
"I-Im not.." i muttered as i patted my behind just to make sure it wasn't another reason for bleeding. (ITS A JOKE FOR THE LADIES ABOUT PERIODS IF YOU DONT GET IT XD)
"I think you were right about your stitches.." Zen muttered as he touched the small of my back. It tickled a little so I leaned back as a natural response but ended up hurting myself more.
"O-Ow! I need to sit.." i sighed and felt so tired.
"Majesty! You're not hurt are you?" Chief garak asked as soon as she saw him in the doorway.
"Actually, Y/n has some stitches she needs fixed." Izona said as Zen walked me through the door.
"You're not the only one.. Wait, when did you get stitches?!" She asked in a panic.
"Yesterday" dad sighed and stood behind me with a hand on my shoulder.
"Your father?.." Chief asked me with wide eyes.
"In the flesh!" Dad smiled. Chief garak.. Actually blushed.. Oh my gosh, she has a crush on my dad!!
"I-Im also here to help out too. The work outside and inside is mostly done so I can help care for the injured now" i took her eyes away from dad.
"O-Oh, yes, lets go get these stitches fixed first!" She told me as she took my hand and quickly walked me to a chair, "wait, where are they?.." she asked and looked around.
"Her entire back side." Dad said with crossed arms.
"Not the entire thing.." i blushed.
"Oh, so we need a private room.. hm.. I think the best i can do is put up the curtain.." she said as she looked around.
"I dont mind" i smiled.
"The bunk rooms are taken?" Zen asked with crossed arms and didnt seem too happy about just a curtain. I guess my shirt will have to come off and there are a lot of soilders.. hes jealous.
"Oh, youre right!" Chief shouted and stood up. "Lets hurry so we can get to the others as well. Obi, shirayuki is in the other room if you want to help her" chief said before he even asked.
"Bye princess!" Obi shouted before ditching me for his bride.
"Thats was quick.." Mitsuhide chuckled.
"Zen, I leave Y/n in your hands. I have to go fix things" Izona said to Zen smiling.
"We'll do. Good luck" Zen nodded and smiled before Izona split from us.
"Youll need to remove youre dress... Oh, i have a pair of pants and a shirt for you" chief said as she dug out some clothes.
"Thank you, I think i tore my dress a little actually" i joked and looked down at half my missing dress.
"A little.." Kiki giggled at the sight.
"How's she supposed to kick butt with a long dress? She always wore pants on missions and now shes a princess.." Dad grumbled and crossed his arms.
"Thats what she wore for a while here too." Mitsuhide said smiling.
"Yes, well can the guys leave so i can change?" I asked with a sigh.
"All of us?" Dad asked with a smirk and put his arm around Zen. My face blew up bright red and I felt like i lost all will to even live. I've never experienced this level of embarrassment before.. its not even that what he said was bad, its just embarrassing because I actually did want Zen to stay for a minute..
The chief burst out laughing at the joke, dad laughed hard too! "My, youre quite the jokester, sir Moon" chief laughed as she led the guys out with her then shut the door.
"Did you see that?.." Kiki asked as she looked back at the door.
"Which one, Zen or chief garak?.." i asked as i began changing.
"I think chief has a crush on a certain someone's father" she giggled to me.
"Yes, well, i wouldn't be so concerned. My mom passed away a while ago and dad really needs another woman in his life or he might be living on the streets" i sighed as i pulled up these large pants. I think these are men's clothes.
"Really? You wouldn't be mad about having a new mom?" She asked as i pulled off my dress to reveal my bloody bandages.
"I guess not. I already have another dad" i said in thought, "i always liked chief garak anyway. She reminds me of my old family" i said as i unwrapped myself.
"Y/n, did Rue really do this?.. He didnt seem like someone who would turn his back.." Kiki asked as she sat behind me and watched the stitches.
"His name is Yuri. For some reason, I forgot all my bad memories of him. He put on an act, hes worse than Dominic.. not to mention he was the one who killed my family.." i added.
"What?.." she asked and sounded pissed.
"Well, hes dead now. Rue was about to finish me when dad stepped in and got him.." i explained as i put the bandages on the table. "Can you get the chief for me?.." i asked as i held this shirt over my bare chest.
"No problem. Do you want me to send in Zen to see? Hes probably dying by now" she asked with a little grin.
"I dont care.." i rolled my eyes at the comment before she left.
A few seconds later there was a knock at the door. "Im coming in.." Zen said softly as the door cracked open. I looked over my shoulder with a burning blush and quickly met Zen's eyes.
"I-Its um.. not as bad as it looks.." i muttered as i turned back around and lowered my head. Zen shut the door then walked behind me and sat down on the stood Kiki was just at.
"Its always you hurt.." Zen muttered as he looked at the stitches.
"Im just better at healing than other people.." i answered just to try and make it a little better.
"No.." he sighed. His breath hit my skin and gave me goosebumps.
"Im coming in!" Chief said and opened the door with a grin knowing Zen was here. "My, prince Zen-" she began and instantly he stood up.
"Ill wait for you" Zen told me at the door with a bright blush before shutting it.
"I knew thatd get him.." she giggled to me.
"Hes not happy about these.." i sighed to her.
"Who was the poor sucker that had to stitch you back?" She asked and suddenly went all in with the needle so quickly.
"A-A doctor from Tanbarun" i stuttered at the pain.
"Was this it then? No bruises or scrapes?" She asked and kept going.
"Its just this but I can barely move.." i answered as i looked down.
"I imagine that after you got cut it probably limited your movement and the pain is making that worse. I have an old cane in that closet if you want to barrow it till you're healed" she said kindly.
"Yes please.." i asnwered. Im so tired..
"I heard the king and prince Zen were separated from everyone.. You mustve been with them though right?.." she asked softly.
"Yes.. It was horrible.. Zen was trembling at the sight and Izona was trying his best to be strong.." i answered quietly.
"Were you scared too?.." She asked softly.
"I tried not to be.. I had to show them that it was okay and we could do this together. The two had already watched tons of castle staff be murdered and there wasn't anything they could do. The floor was covered in blood and bodies.. We fought a lot of people.. Talking and teasing gave them both motivation and calmed their nerves thankfully.." i explained as i tapped my foot to calm myself from the pain.
"I see.. Did you get to the queen?" She asked as she knotted the last stitch.
"Yeah.. Shes gone too.. This fight is over as soon as everyone unwanted is gone.. Itll smell like blood for weeks though.." i sighed and felt even more depressed.
"You saved a lot of lives today. Im proud of you" she said as she wrapped a clean bandage around my upper body.
"I just wish it didn't have to end with death though" i said and felt really strongly about it.
"But most times it has to. The situation is out of your control and no matter how much you think about it, it won't change. Death is apart of life and so are the paths you choose. They chose the short path" she told me as i put this shirt over my head.
"I understand.." i sighed and nodded. "I can help with the wounded now" i said with a smile.
"No, you need rest. You can barely move at all and this is probably the safest place for you to rest" she said as she slowly helped me over to the bunk.
"I guess.. Thanks for your help" i smiled as she pulled a blanket over me.
"No, thank you. Without you, those men wouldn't have ever been able to defeat Isabelle." She smiled and rubbed the top of my head.
"Thats true.." i laughed a little. Im just glad I was able to help them somehow..
"Ill go bring your friends in so you can talk for a minute. You have to actually sleep though soon" she said sternly before walking out with a smile.
"Y/n!" Shirayuki shouted and was the first to find me.
"You look like youre doing alright, im glad" i sighed in relief when i saw her.
"Nothing compared to you.. I cant believe what happened with Rue is actually true." She said in disbelief.
"I have the stitches and dad to prove it" i chickled before seeing Zen. Theres a lot he has on his mind and theres a lot for him to do. I wish he could stay but.. "Zen, dont you have somewhere to be?" I asked with a smile. Kingdom comes first.
"I-... Ill be back.." he sighed and showed me that smile.
"Lets hurry then" Mitsuhide smiled and patted Zen's back as they left. I watched them leave but a second later, Zen stopped in the opening of the door just smiling at me as always. I smiled back at him and felt much happier. I cant believe after all we've gone through that we finally made it to the end. Nothing else will come up but if it does than it'll have to wait for Zen and i because we're done waiting.

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