The First Day

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This is like 2 chapters in one so it's kinda long and slightly emotional but so cute:)♡

Your POV

I woke up face to face with three women... And I was not happy.
"We prepared a beautiful dress for you. Oh! I'm Audrey by the way, dear" the first woman was cheery and bright and held up a dress that was.. Nice.. Expensive.. And something I hopfully wont ruin. It was a thicker dress with layers so itd flare out. That's the first thing I hate about it. I'm more into thin, loose dresses... not corsets and puff... The puff isnt even that bad and it goes down to my ankles but a little above that too..... The 2 bad parts about this outfit is 1, the corest... and 2, the shoes... I have to wear wedges... I dont ever wear those..
"I hate every part of this.." I grumbled and stood up. "Please get out of my room.." I asked the women and didnt have a pleasant look on my face.
"I'm sorry miss Moon, I'm afraid tightening that corset will take more than one person" the next woman told me. She said her name was Bailey, and shes a bit shy.
"We brought food for when you're finished though" the third woman smiled and pointed to the car over to the side.
"Fine.. But I want you all to turn around until I have the dress on and then you can help with the corset.." I sighed and rubbed my eyes. I dont know why I'm so grumpy today? Maybe its because of these shoes or the death penalty by corset.. Or just everything. This week will suck but I'll get through it.. I hope.
The women did as I said, I put on the dress on my own then was forced into that corset... I hate it. I made them loosen it and threatened I'd break something if they didnt. They really weren't giving in. Of course I wouldnt break something but these women didnt know me like that so they thought I was crazy by now.
I finally got to eat and my mood went way up. Food is truly the best thing to fix your problems with.. anway, soon I was off to lessons. I had a mix of everything for today as an introduction. Dancing, etiquette, basic manners, what to say- it was basically a 7 day intensive course on how to not screw up. Of course I had dancing towards the end of the day, right before etiquette. I had already eaten lunch and had energy for dancing but.. my shoes were not ready.. And might I add, I was not allowed to bring my swords but I will bring them tomorrow and I told all of my teachers that. I had to guilt trip them with the 'when my parents died they told me to never take it off-' it's not true but I think mother would have preferred it if I kept them on for safety. She always worried for me like that.
During dancing I was given a break to go get a bandaid from the 'herbalist hall'. While I was there I chatted with Shirayuki and Obi. Obi was there helping clean the place. The chief helped me out with that bandage and she tried to keep me as long as she could but unfortunately I had to go back.. So i did.. and it still sucked but they let me take off my shoes. I was a bad dancer but I havent knocked anyone over yet! I call that a win. My final class was etiquette, like I said before and it went well. I was taught how to drink and eat properly and I thought I had it but apparently not.. I guess I have my work cut out for me.
When I finished all my lessons it was around 4pm. Dinner wouldnt be for another hour or two and I was searching for my room... but I gave up. I went back to the one kiki and I shared. She wasnt there so I took that chance to change into some normal clothes. For this week all I'm allowed to wear are dresses whether I'm in or out of lessons so I thought this was a good time to pull out my old favorite lavender gown, the one I wore when I first met everyone. Its overly plain, thin, loose, and oh so comfortable. I put on a pair of boots as well because they were more comfortable then I went looking for my room again.. Eventually I found it but it took me about 30 minutes. I set those old clothes on the bed and put my belt around me. It had been waiting all day, I'm so glad I have it back. Honestly, this belt and these swords are my most prized possessions and if they were ever misplaced or stolen I'd probably have a heart attack and die.
I walked to my window and wondered what would happen if I jumped out of a four story building to that tree.... yeah, it's fine. And it was. I jumped and made it to the tree. I almost slipped off but I held on.
"Whoa, Y/n! In a dress too?" Obi shouted from somewhere.
"Hey, dont look up perv!" I shouted down to him with a smirk.
"You wish!" He shouted back as the two of us laughed.
"You're gross, obi" I laughed a little and kept climbing down till I hit the ground.. literally, fell on my butt.
"Whoa, that was less than graceful" obi spoke sarcastically and pulled me back up to my feet.
"Yeah, I'm just tired I think. All those classes are ridiculous.." I sighed and went walking down a random path with Obi.
"Oh yeah, being treated like a princess sure is tiring" obi sighed and rolled his eyes at me.
"If that's how princess are treated than I think I'd rather stay poor" I laughed to Obi.
"Really? What if master was your prince?" Obi smirked and nudged my shoulder.
"Yeah right. That's a nice thought, obi.." I laughed a little and thought back to what happened last night. He stayed till I fell alseep and even held my hand without me asking..
"Do you wish it came true?" He asked normally as we walked. My face flushed red at that question. Do I wish to be someone dear to Zen? How should I answer that? Of course I wish to be close to him but... how close is too close to a prince? "Is that a blush?" He grinned.
"No! What about you? How do you feel about a certain red haired girl?" I asked him and nudged him to the side. Now i know where i want us to go so i lead him and i to the training ground.
"So forward.." obi muttered and pulled on his collar. "And our feelings are mutual" he told me and didnt seem the happiest about it.
"I dont think they're mutual.." I muttered and looked a little closer at his face.
"Shut up-" he laughed and ran away from me.
"Hey! Come back I wanted to fight!" I laughed and watched him run far from me. "Dang it.." i sighed and put my hands on my hips.
"Y/n?" Mitsuhide said from behind me.
"Oh- hi" I smiled, "Sorry, I probably should have stopped by Zen's office when I finished lessons" I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly.
"Since when did you start wearing dresses?" He chuckled and nodded for me to follow him.
"I have to wear them all week for these lessons.. And it's not like this is new! I just dont wear dresses to work unless I'm forced to.." I told him and looked down at the pretty lavender color.
"I think it really suits you actually." He told me with a smile. "But why the long sleeves? Arent you hot?" He asked me.
"Oh.. Uh, actually no I'm fine. It's thin material and it's my favorite dress so I'd wear it anyway-" I told him and sounded hesitant and couldnt look him in the eyes.
"Mhm.. So what's the real reason?" He asked and seemed unamused.
I sighed and pulled up my sleeve to reveal on long, thin, scar going from my shoulder down to my wrist. On my other arm there wasnt anything, just old little stuff mostly from training when I was a kid.
"I hope you dont mind me asking but.. How did you get that?" He asked after a long look at it.
"I was being interrogated this one time when I was 16-" I told him and pulled back down my sleeve.
"16?! They were touring a 16 year old?! Who?!" Mitsuhide shouted as we walked down the halls. I slapped my hand over his mouth and hoped no one heard.
"Who do you think?" I asked with a slight glare after he burst out screaming like that.
"No.. How much did he hurt you?" Mitsuhide asked and looked so, so sad like a poor puppy. I was talking about Prince Dominic and he understood that.
"More than you know.." I sighed as we walked together.
"Are you really sure you should go back to Alfin then? I can understand wanting to go for the funeral but Prince Dominic is clearly more than dangerous" Mitsuhide told me as if I didnt know that already.
"I know, Mitsuhide.." I muttered and looked ahead of us at the carpet under our feet as we walked the halls inside. "That's why I dont want Zen going.." I told him and got ready for more yelling but I didnt receive that.
"I understand wanting to protect him.." Mitsuhide stopped in the middle of the hall to talk to me. "But Y/n," he began with this determined look in his eyes and his hands slapped down on my shoulders suddenly, "you have to know that we all want to protect you too. Zen especially, he's more worried than the rest of us combined ever could. You're freaking him out and all day he's been working hard because of your influence!" He exclaimed to me. "Hes working hard because he knows you are too. Whether you know it or not, zen really pays close attention to your well being." He told me and took his hands off my shoulders then began to finish our walk. "When we were at Lockstown and you passed out, he could barely hold himself together" Mitsuhide laughed to himself. Zen was worried?.. I make him worry often? "What I'm trying to say is that you should have trust in us. We'll all stick together till the end of it no matter what happens" he told me. I looked at him silently and had so many emotions overwhelming me that I didnt exactly know what to do or say. "Oh! Please dont cry!" Mitsuhide shouted and stopped in his place him a panic.
"I'm not cr- oh.." I began before wiping the single tear that fell from my eye and rolled down my cheek.
"Zen would kill me if heard about this!.." Mitsuhide whisper shouted and looked around as if he needed help.
"Im okay, Mitsuhide. Calm down" I laughed and wiped my other eye just in case. "I guess I've just been overwhelmed with this stuff.. Sorry for freaking you out" I shrugged and held up a smile.
"Its fine just please dont do that again" he sighed as we reached Zen's office.
"I didnt mean to the first time" I giggled to myself and walked in after Mitsuhide only to see kiki hushing us and pointing to Zen who is completely passed out on his desk.
"Did he not sleep last night?" I whispered to kiki as the three of us came together.
"He did but hes been working a lot harder today thanks to you, Y/n" kiki told me with a smile.
"I told you" Mitsuhide whispered and joined her.
"All I did was get a blister from some shoes and wore a corset.." I muttered and looked over to Zen. He looks so tired but peaceful.
"Dont sell yourself short. I know what court training is like" kiki told me in a whisper before walking past me with Mitsuhide back to the door.
"Where are you two going? You won't be here?.." I asked them and felt confused as to why they'd leave Zen alone.
"You'll be here, wont you? It's not like you're anything less than us. Hell, you're more than qualified than us" Mitsuhide chuckled at the door.
"Really?.." I whispered in shock as they left and the door shut. "Do really believe I could protect you better than Mitsuhide and kiki?.." I whispered to Zen who was still alseep. "I'm not always storng.. Sometimes I cant go on, I've become weak since that day i left home.." I whispered on as I put away books that were laying around. "Thank you for trusting me though, zen.. I'll do everything I can for you.." I whispered and put away a few more books. "I'd gladly lay down my life for yours.. You've helped me so much but not only that, you've changed me and I have so much respect for you.." I vented mostly to myself but towards Zen. I'm sure if he was awake I probably couldnt say all this confidently. "Thank you Zen.." I whispered to him as I moved the book from under his head and the pen from his hand.
I cant believe he fell asleep while working. I wonder how hard he worked to get this tired?..
I quietky sat behind him on the open windowsill next to the balcony. I crossed my legs and laid them flat. I rested my head and back flat against the wood and held my hands in my lap. It was calm and peaceful now. Zen is fast asleep and it's so quiet here that I could fall asleep as well..
I tried my hardest not to fall asleep but dispite my efforts I did anyway.. and when I woke up....

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