Brothers Wedding

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Finally the day of my brother's wedding came. It was.. Messy... For me.

"I think I'm gonna throw up.." I woke up feeling sick. Well, actually, I didn't sleep.

"Youre not even gonna be near prince Zen, Y/n" leon sighed as Juniper helped me with my hair.

"That doesn't help, leon!" Juniper shouted at him from behind me, "She can't show any interest in him if we want things to go well! She can't even wear her pretty hair pin she wears everyday.." Juniper mumbled which did NOT help me in any way.

"I-i don't wanna do this! Hes royal, he'll be up front near me! I-I can't go out there! He's already at the castle too!" I shouted as I got up as soon as Juniper finished my hair. "I really can't! Don't make me! Please, I beg you!" I shouted to leon and was walking in circles in this giant beautiful royal dress and even a freaking crown! It was a headpiece going over my forehead like zen once wore but it's like wire and beautiful and there's blue jewelry hanging down it and- "Im panicking leon!" I shouted before a sudden knock at my door made me up. I ran right to the bathroom to hide!

Leon answered the door while Juniper peeked her head to look at it.

"Is the princess here? She's late to breakfast" a maid called. I let out a loud sigh.

"Y-Yes, I'm coming, just one second please" I sighed as I went over to the door.

"Of course princess, today is a nerve-wracking day anyway" she giggled before taking her leave.

"I can't eat right now. I'll die." I told my attendants sternly once the door was shut.

"Let me do your makeup and well all go eat. You need your strength before you really do die" Juniper giggled as she grabbed some makeup from my dresser top. "We'll make you so beautiful, everyone will see you" she giggled.

"N-No! I don't want anyone seeing me! Absolutely not!" I shouted before something at my curtain moved. I grabbed my ankle dagger and threw it at the door within two seconds! I'm on such high alert that I've noticed everything!

"Whoa!" A man shouted and came out.

"Obi?.." I muttered when I saw him in his old formal clothes he wore while working for zen.

"Youre panicking made it easy for me to find you, little sis" he put his hands on his hips with a little smile.

My face burned when I heard his voice. I haven't got to talk to my family since I left. I want to cry.. "You shouldn't be here.." I told him as I turned my back and walked towards my bathroom.

"You cant pretend you don't wanna see me, I heard everything y'know" he chuckled and stayed where he was.

"Its good to see you Obi but I don't think now is the time.." Juniper spoke softly as I shut the bathroom door and locked it. While they talked, I quietly slid down the bathroom door and sat against it.

My heart is beating out of my chest. I'm not ready to see any of them yet. I'm so scared I'll loose my composer and break.

"Ill go but I wanted to say hi first" obi called with a sigh as he came to the door. "I heard you've been busy here training solders and what not.. Meanwhile master is having fake marriage meetings with Kiki to get izona off his back for a while about getting married.." obi spoke with a sigh. The meeting was fake? H-He had it with kiki?.. "Happy late birthday little sis, I got you a little something. I'll leave it out here for whenever you get to it. Hopefully we can talk again sometime while I'm here.." obi called as I bit my lip. He knocked on the door to tell me he was leaving then left.

"Mn.." my voice broke as I let a tear slip onto my finger that was ready to catch it.

"Y/n.. You wanna come out now? Obis gone" Juniper informed as I got to my feet. I took some deep breaths and patted my face then smiled before opening the door.

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