Dress Shopping

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Your POV

"Y/n, it's time to get up.." kiki shook me awake.. Wait, how did I get back here? Last I remember... I was with Zen..
"I forgot about dress shopping today.." i muttered and sat up rubbing my eyes.
"What did you and Zen do last night?" She asked out of no where. When I looked back and remembered everything.. I felt a lot happier.
"He walked me back here" I said with a smile "Oh, this is the first time I've seen you in a dress, isn't it? Are we going to fancy places today?" I smiled looking at her pretty gown and hat.
"Well, zen made a list of stores in town and normally they're all a little fancy" she sighed.
"Oh, okay. I guess ill wear one too" i smiled and got out of bed.
"You didnt change last night? You only had two drinks and somehow you were so disoriented" she giggled to me as i went to my dresser.
"My parents drank all the time because they liked the flavor and they were never once drunk so I thoight maybe I'd be fine.." i sighed and pulled out my old favorite lavender dress.
"Well clearly you thought wrong" she told me and stood by the door, "shirayuki and i will meet you by the gate once you're done changing" she told me before leaving and shutting thw door.
I sighed to myself as i began to change, "i hope I wasn't much trouble.. Speaking of trouble.. Maybe i should being my sword today.. If people figure out who I am then we might get unwanted attention.." that thought also helped me decide wearing the cloak shirayuki got me a while ago would be a good idea. Maybe I should cut my hair while we're out today as well..
I quickly finished changing and was wearing boots with my dress as well. As soon as I took a step outside the door I was met with obi. We talked and walked together to the front gate where kiki and shirayuki were waiting. He told me all about the funny things I said last night but he said i spoke from the heart and that if zen heard he would probably be so happy he'd cry. I kind of doubt that but whatever. We all lelt without obi soon after and got to walking.
"Whoa, theres so many people out today!" Shirayuki gawked at all the people walking around us. There were tons of people around us. It made me nervous because I didn't want another person to recognize me while I'm away from the castle.
"D-Do either of you know where we're going?" I asked and looked around me. It was making me so nervous, my voice even hitched!
"Zen has chosen a few places for us to stop by" Kiki told me then showed me a list of over 10 different stores. I was excited to go to all of these places though.
"We have to go to all of them?.." Shirayuki looked at the list mortified. Oh.. Maybe all those many stores are too much to go in one day. I think I'm just excited because I've never been shopping before.
"If we go to all off them someone will have to pay me for the pain in my feet when we get back." Kiki's eyes narrowed as she kept walking forward. I get the feeling she doesn't like shopping much.
"I think this could be fun. I've never been shopping before" i told them happily and looked around me.
"Thats not entirely true, you went the first morning we got to clarines" shirayuki said as we followed kiki to the first store.
"Yeah thats true but I've never shopped with friends before" i retorted with a happy grin.
"I still cant believe you're leaving soon.." shirayuki said with a soft sigh.
"We'll miss you but we know you'll be back as soon as you can. We're happy obi is going to be with you too, well, most of us" kiki grinned at shirayuki.
"N-No! Really, I want him to go with you too! I don't want you to be alone there so if I can't go then he can!" Shirayuki told me quickly with a little blush.
"Ill send him back to you, dont worry" i giggled. "We will be back and eventually we'll be able to stay forever but it'll take a while i think.." i told them with my eyes pointed at the ground and a little smile on my face.
"We really are happy for you and zen, Y/n. I think we all just wish we had a little more time together before then" kiki told me as we stepped up to the first door.
"I do too" i agreed.
We finally arrived at our first store and.. everything was gone.. I suppose lots of other women are going to the ball.. Maybe we should have went shopping sooner..
As we went store to store.. all of them were empty. There was only two left on the list now and if they are empty as well we might not go to the ball. Well, we would go but id be in my uniform and shirayuki would probably have to figure something else out..
"Yes!" Shirayuki cheered as a lady welcomed us to her store. It was completely filled with different dresses that all looked expensive and beautiful. The woman helping us asked us what we were looking for and we told her that Shirayuki and I would be attending the 1st Princes  masquerade ball. She knew what to do right away and grabbed a bunch of dresses.
I was amazed by the look of this store. It was gorgeous and fancy and it was lined with dresses everywhere! There was a whole half of the store just for dressing rooms them theres this little stage in front of a huge mirror! This store also sells beautiful bridal dresses as well. I couldnt help but to look at everything as the woman helping us picked out tons of dresses.
We started trying on different ones to figure out what were were looking for. She mainly picked dressed that showed off a lot of skin. The intentions of showing more skin was specifically so prince izona would look at you but that was absolutely not what we were going for. We explained how we werent trying to dress up for the prince and that we worked at the castle instead. After that she got the message we tried on a few more and i thought all of them were beautiful but Shirayuki and kiki wouldn't accept any of them. I was okay with that, they know better than i do anyway. Shirayuki found one though, it was absolutely gorgeous and I knew obi would love to see her in this. So we paid for her dress before going to the last store which thankfully was full of dresses as well.
"Hello girls!" A nice woman shouted at us as soon as we opened the door. She looked so happy and excited because we were here. It made me feel good though. "You all must be here for the princes ball this month but it looks like one of you already found a dress" she said happily and pointed Shirayuki out.
"We're only looking for one dress though" kiki told the woman and looked to me.
"You wont be going?" The woman asked wkth a little frown.
"Not in a gown, I have work" kiki explained. I dont think she cares for dressing up much, truthfully neither do i.
"I see well, lets go have a look then. Anything you'd like to try on first?" She asked me with a smile and turned to the dresses.
"O-Oh, anything will be fine. This is my first time shopping so I'm not really sure what im looking for" i explained and looked around me.
"Goodness, really? You've never worn a gown like these before?" She asked in shock.
"Well, yes, once at the funeral in alfin recently.." i told her and tried not to let her look to hard at my face.
"You went to the funeral?.. I heard stories of it. Everyone said Y/n was the nicest little thing. I think we all expected her to be a little more dangerous than she was" the woman explained as she looked around and began picking out dresses.
"Dangerous, huh?.." i asked with a little smile and thought to myself. I guess i am dangerous sometimes..
"Oh yes, they say she was vicious on certain missions but I heard her and her family were forced into that sort of thing. The poor girl.." she sighed. The poor girl.. I must be the talk of the town after what happened in alfin.. Now people are slowly learning the truth about things.. but they think im dangerous..
"Did you hear about her being at the festival the other day?" Shirayuki asked suddenly. I looked at her in wonder when she started talking.
"Yes I did! Everyone said she fought this boy there but no one knew it was her till later!" She exclaimed excitedly, "they also said she was wearing a cloak and her swords over a dress!" She told us. I bit mt lip and looked over to kiki and shirayuki in a slight panic.. im wearing the same thing right now.. "They said she was covered in scars so it must have been the real Y/n!" She exclaimed while picking dresses.
"O-Oh really?" I asked nervously and tried to figure something out. Once she sees my scars she'll know right away! What am i gonna do?!
"Yes! Do you think she's here in clarines just to come to this ball? Maybe she's engaged to prince zen! Maybe that's why she's here!" I tensed up when I heard that. She's almost spot on... "Oh dear, I forgot to even introduce myself at the door. I'm Delilah but you can just call me D" she said happily to me.
"I-Im-.." i began nervously and looked to kiki and shirayuki. I dont know what to say! "I-Im Kiki!" I said quickly. Shirayuki held back a laugh once I said that and kiki had a look of disbelief and disappointment...
"Nice to meet you miss kiki, now lets go before I drop all these dresses." Miss D told me happily and walked me to the dressing rooms. I looked back at the girls in a panic but they couldn't do anything for me. "First we'll try on this one. You look like a girl who'd rather stay covered so I thought maybe these would suit you well" she told me as she set down the dresses, closed the curtain then untied my cloak.
"O-Oh, yes, um, if you dont mind, would you wait outside for me to change?" I asked and tried to keep covered with my cloak still.
"Im afraid these dresses require some help to put on but if you'd like i can grab one of your friends" she offered.
"Yes please" i nodded quickly. She left then brought in shirayuki who was still giggling about how i used Kiki's name.
"I can't believe you used a fake name!" Shirayuki giggled as i undressed.
"She knew so much about me though!" I whispered as shirayuki helped me put on this dress.
"I know and I think youll be caught soon!" She told me and looked so happy for it.
"Why is that a good thing?! I can't have people knowing I'm still here!" I whispered panicing.
"Itll be okay. If she askes about your scars just say you'd rather not talk about them" she told me as she laced up the back.
"Thatll work?.." i asked hesitantly.
"I promise it will, now let's go" she smiled and took my hand then walked out with me. The dress was beautiful but I think miss D was only long at my scars. More specifically the one on my chest and arm.
"My goodness.." she gasped when she saw them. "How did you get these, miss kiki?.." she asked and touched the scar running all the way down my arm.
"Oh, I um, id rather not talk about them.. Do you think there's any dresses I could try on with sleeves?.." i asked her while looking at shirayuki.
"Yes, of course. Dont you worry, I promise we'll find something!" She excplaimed before quickly walking off.
"Nice job, kiki" kiki grinned at me.
"Please don't tease me too.." i groaned and covered my face with my hands.
"I have to tell obi.." shirayuki muttered and tried not to laugh.
"Tell me what?" Obi asked as he walked through the.. door.. What is he doing here? "I was told to find you just to make sure you didn't get in trouble like last time" he smirked at me.
"Im not in trouble.." i grimbled and crossed my arms.
"Oh! Is this one of your dates?" Miss D asked happily as she came back.
"As a matter of fact, he's shirayuki's" kiki said just to embarrass them.
"Then is miss kiki's date going to be here as well?" She asked. Suddenly Obi's eyes widened and he turned to the real kiki.
"No, unfortunately he has work to do" shirayuki said with a short laugh.
"Come with me miss kiki, you too miss shirayuki" miss D said and took me by the hand. Obi almost burst out laughing when he realized i took Kiki's name.
I spent the next 30 minutes trying on two more dresses. The 3rd was rather beautiful. It turned out to be my favorite today. It has these beautiful short sleeves and its as big as a ball gown but plain as can be.

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