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Your POV

I was woken up this morning by at least 5 maids who bothered me with questions like, "why did you come back?" It seems as if the whole castle knows about what's happened to me over the years. All of them could point out why I had certain scars and they all saw the long line of stitches I had. They already knew about my house catching fire because of Dominic but they couldnt tell anyone because Dominic is almost king in this land so.. They could get hurt too..
"Ladies, I think its time you leave her alone" Kiki said as she walked in my room. I sighed in relief after they all backed off me and left. They put me in this horrible black dress that I'll certainly take off.
"Thank you" I smiled as she walked closer. "Now help me get this off. Im not wearing this" I told her with a straight face.
"Do you have something else you brought?" She asked with a short laugh as she tugged on the strings behind me till they came loose.
"Lavender" I sighed happily after my ribs were free from that cage.
"Lavender?" Kiki gave me a confused look as I went to look in my bag.
"Yes, my mother got it for me" I smiled and pulled out the dress. "And I'm pretty sure theyd hate to see everyone wearing all black. I dont think they wanted to go quite yet" I laughed a little as I stood towards the corner with my back turned to kiki. "Well maybe my grandfathers were ready.." I shrugged to myself.
"Y/n, those stitches were from last night, right?" Kiki asked me as I put on my other dress.
"Yes" I sighed and tried not to think about them.
"How did you manage to cut a gash that long on the back of your thigh?" She asked in confusion.
"When I jumped through the window I cut it.." i muttered feeling a little embarrassed.
"How does Zen feel about it? Did he see?" She asked. Immediately my mind was filled of the things that happened last night.. we kissed..
"N-No! He didnt see!" I exclaimed with an embarrassed blush.
"Hm.. Did something else happen?" She asked as I strapped on my belt with my swords.
"Not at all.." I mumbled and tried to keep my head down.
"Y/n! Are you wearing that black dress the maids gave you? Prince butthole will throw a fit if-" Obi shouted as he came in. "Uh, you might wanna wear it" he told me as soon as he saw what I was wearing.
"I dont care, he can su-" I began but Obi slapped his hand over my mouth with wide eyes.
"Maybe not say that publicly!" He shouted and looked panicked.
"My father did..?" I gave him a confused expression just before kiki started cracking up.
"Its not exactly an appropriate thing to say in front of other people but me-" he whispered to me.
"No, no, I'd like to hear things like that more often" kiki laughed.
"Not helping.." Obi grumbled.
"I'm just saying he should think twice now that I'm willing to bring the pain" I shrugged with a happy smirk.
"Bring the pain? To who?" Mitsuhide chuckled at the door and walked in.
"To prince ass-" I began again but Obi slapped my mouth shut. Kiki couldn't help but laugh again.
"What's gotten into you this morning?" Mitsuhide chuckled and stood next to kiki while Obi stayed by me and watched my mouth.
"I'm just excited to kick b-" suddenly obi slapped my mouth again. "I wasnt gonna sat anything bad!" I shouted and slapped his hand down.
"Oh, sorry" he chuckled and looked away.
"Hey, what's with that dress? Isnt this.. a funeral?" Mitsuhide asked and tried not to sound rude.
"Her mother gave it to her so instead of black, she'll wear lavender" kiki told him with a smile as everyone looked at the dress. Its much like my favorite one but it's a little longer. It also has long thin sleeves but I imagine itll get hot..
"Well.." i muttered and looked away, "i just dont wanna wear a corset.." I told them honestly. No one seemed surprised but they still laughed a little.
"Wheres the master off to?" Obi asked Mitsuhide. My face flushed red as more memories of last night popped up in my head. Not only did we kiss but he carried me to my room and was so gentle..
"Getting dressed. Y/n, you'll have to greet the crowd sooner or later so I would get ready for that" Mitsuhide told me with a sigh.
"Wait, how? Mentally or physically?" I asked a serious question but Obi laughed.
"I'd get ready to face Prince Dominic in a dress he didnt pick out" he groaned and rolled his eyes before leaving.
"Maybe I should wear the black one.." I sighed and looked over to it.
"I think this one is much better. I dont think your family liked black unless they wanted to intimidated someone" obi told me while kiki and I gave a short laugh.
"You're right" I nodded and put my hands on my hips.
"Prince Izona should be here soon as well. Zen must have to go greet him soon" kiki told us and showed us out the door.
"I suppose that means I'll have to go as well" I sighed a little.
"Itll be fine" obi told me and slapped his hand down on my shoulder. "Hey, how are those stitches by the way?" He asked.
"All the way down the back of her thigh" kiki told him with a sigh.
"What?!" He whispered as we walked down the quiet hall.
"Dont act surprised" I rolled my eyes at him. Suddenly zen walked out of his room in thought with Mitsuhide behind following. He didnt even notice us till we were around 5 ft apart when Mitsuhide warned him.
"Good morning" zen smiled at me and completely changed from looking worried to happy.
"G-Good morning" I smiled and felt a little nervous after my face began to warm up. I couldnt even look at him long enough as I talked.
"Prince Izona will be here in minutes. One of the maids told us Prince Dominic was waiting for you and Zen at the front" Mitsuhide told me and looked a little worried.
"Oh, that's alright.." I muttered and couldnt really look at anyone. My heart is beating out of my chest but it's not because I'm scared, I just can't seem to face Zen for some reason. What's gotten into me? Is it because of the kiss? Why do I feel so happy yet.. Sad. Will I be able to stay with Zen like this? If something goes wrong tonight I might never get to see them again.. i might never see Zen again..
"Y/n..?" Obi muttered my name as we all began to walk somewhere together.
"Hm? Sorry, I wasnt paying attention.." I answered with a smile.
"Did something happen?" He asked me with confusion written all over his face.
"What? No, not really..." I answered softly and looked away as my hand reached for the watch under my dress but I quickly realized it wasnt there anymore.. and that was my fault.
"The watch.. What happened to it?" Obi whispered and walked with me behind the others.
"I broke it last night in the rain.. the glass was cracked too.." I muttered and looked over at the back of Zens head. I feel horrible I broke it and now I dont have anything from him either..
"But that was the weather's fault" obi tried to tell me.
"I should have left it in my room.." I muttered and looked at the carpet under my feet as my fingers grasped onto the necklace I took from my home last night. Zen helped me put it on..
"Do you think the fire got to the basement?" Mitsuhide asked me suddenly.
"Hm?" I looked up and was hardly paying attention. "Oh, well when I was down there it seemed to be alright but I'm sure that's a different story now.." I told him softly and kept my eyes lowered but I noticed the glare Zen had given Mitsuhide as I talked.
"Zen, where did that ring come from?" Kiki asked. I looked up and at his hand only to find that the ring he's wearing.. was the one I wanted to give him. He's actually wearing it..
"No where in particular" he chuckled and glanced back at me. Suddenly my face flushed red and my heart beat increased after catching his eyes.
"I see.." she answered with a little smile.
Obi was looking at Zen's hand pretty hard even after he put it down. Obi shouldnt be able to recognize it, hes never seen it before.
"Did you by chance-" obi began to whisper to me.
"Nope." I answered a little too quickly as we all walked outside and to the front where we had all came in.. And there, again, stood Prince Dominic.
"Y/n, Zen, it looks like our first guests have arrived" prince Dominic told us with a smile. Everyone around me was absolutely furious, even zen, but I tried to play it off. He knows we saw him and went in that burning house last night.. We'll play his game a little longer and see how long it truly lasts.
"Dominic, how long will we greet the crowd before the funeral begins?" Zen asked with a much meaner voice as he made space between Dominic and I by putting himself in between.
"Not long after this actually. We'll go to the royal cemetery and wait for others to arrive before beginning" he told us and held his chin high as Prince Izona came into view looking scarier than ever. "But Y/n, I suggest you wear something appropriate" Dominic told me and gave me a side glare.
"I find what I'm wearing now is more than appropriate, wouldnt you agree Obi?" I asked for a second opinion and tried not to smirk too big. I'm getting a little too cocky for this thing to not even start yet.
"O-Of course, miss!" Obi stuttered and looked a little more than frantic but he was trying to stand up to Dominic too.
Zen glanced over to me and showed a little smile but didnt make it obvious to Dominic.
"I see. Do you suggest everyone changes as well?" Dominic asked while Prince Izona was basically in front of us.
"Not at all, highness" I answered and leaned on my good leg. The one with stitches was beginning to feel sore again.
"Lord brother" Zen greeted prince Izona just before prince Dominic had the chance. Prince Izona immediately put on this mask that covered every bit of feeling he had and pretended to be oblivious to what's been happening.
I expected to stay and greet others who may come soon but Dominic was eager to leave with prince Izona so the rest of us followed. Mitsuhide, obi, and kiki stayed far behind the three princes then.. me trying to hide behind them. I feel so overwhelmed. Maybe I'll screw up Prince Izona's plan and get kicked out of the kingdom then never see anyone again.. Maybe I'll get myself or someone else killed!? These thoughts raced in my mind as I walked close behind the princes.
"Miss Moon?" Prince Izona stopped and looked at me.
"Yes, highness?" I asked and stood up a little straighter after being addressed. I wasnt even paying attention again!
"I heard last night your old home caught fire and you were injured.. Is this true?" He asked me and seemed to look a little mad.
"Yes sir, I should have been much more careful while I was there. I apologize.." I muttered and looked at a golden button on his shirt rather than looking at him directly.
"No, it was my fault she was hurt under my care" Dominic spoke up and tried to act high and mighty.
"No, she should have been more careful.." prince Izona said as we began to walk again.
I put my hand over my heart and breathed a sigh of relief after they turned away.
We all kept walking for a little longer until we reached some nice room. Its large and has many big open windows that let the soft breeze in.
"Please, take a seat" Dominic told us. There were four chairs around a large square table with cups of tea and little snacks. Suddenly that court training finally came to use, I'm so glad. Kiki and Obi stood at the door while mitsuhide was close by the table.
"Miss Moon, I dont recall seeing those scars along your neck and chest. It may be inappropriate to ask, but how did you get those?" Prince Izona asked after we sat down. I knew the answers to his question but should I tell him truthfully in front of Dominic? No..
I looked down at my chest and noticed just the smallest bit of my scar pecking through. There is a noticable one on my neck but it had always been there, he's even seen it before..
"I cant quite remember, highness. I went on many missions when I was younger and I wasnt always prepared." I told him and lied through my teeth. The one on my chest was from a dagger Prince Dominic had his men drag across my skin and the one on my neck- well I actually cant remember that one, it's just always been there.
"I understand you and your family were sent on many dangerous missions before now." Prince Izona continued. I could tell this was making Dominic uncomfortable and angry very clearly which makes me wonder why Prince Izona is still going on.. Was this his plan? "Since when did you begin these missions?" He asked me.
"Since I was 8, sir" I told him truthfully and picked up my tea cup carefully, sat up straight, and took the most shaky sip of my life while no one was looking. This is so horrible..
"Her father suggested starting from a young age and observing would be best, as many other generations did" Dominic told them. Okay, first, that's not true. My parents thought teaching me how to use a sword starting young was okay not taking me on missions where I'd have to play dead 90% of the time. Also, my parents never brought that up to the prince.
While Prince Izona answered I noticed Zen's hand reaching out from beside me.. I'm sitting on the side between Zen and Dominic. In Zen's hand held the watch he had given me before.  Zen pretended not to be bother as he drank from his cup and sneakily passed me the watch. I pretended not to notice either as I took it and held it in my hands. I dont know how he trusts me with this.. Wait, it's working? How did he fix it?
"Yes, unfortunately lighting stuck and caught it ablaze" I chimed back in when Dominic said that. Zen coughed a little while he was drinking his tea and made a bit of it hit the little plate under his cup.
"Zen?" Prince Izona gave Zen a weird look.
"I'm sorry, I just had something in my thoat" Zen coughed again and used a napkin to clean up his mess.
"Sounds like it" Prince Izona sighed at Zen. "Miss Moon, is that really how the fire started?" He asked me. My eyes widened a little and my heart skipped a beat.  Why'd he have to ask me?
"I.." I muttered and caught the glare Dominic was giving me. "I didnt see it.. I just saw the fire.." I muttered and looked at the watch in my hands on my lap. I can feel everyones eyes on me..
"Thankfully the rain put it out pretty quickly but I would like to go back and see the damage" Zen spoke up with a smile and looked over to me.
"I think i would like to see as well" Prince Izona added and gave me a little smile as well. Oh, I really hope prince Izona wont interrogate me on all this stuff...
"Well theres time now. Guests will arrive soon so I must ask you to hurry" Dominic told me and tried to be polite but I could tell he was more than mad as we all stood up from our chairs.
"Shall we all meet in the royal cemetery then, Dominic?" Zen asked while Dominic hurried to take his leave.
"Yes, we will meet there" he nodded to is before leaving rather quickly.
I held Zen's watch in my hands tightly and was just praying I wouldnt get questioned.
"Miss moon" Prince Izona called me and stopped by the door with Zen to wait until I was walking between the two princes. "How much of that was the truth?" He asked quietly without looking at me.
"Oh, uh.." I muttered and squeezed the watch a little tighter.. That is until Zen's arm brushed against mine as a way to tell me itd all be okay.. "Well, i really did start going on missions when i was 8.." I told him with my eyes pointed to the floor.
"So the scars and fire.. Was that a lie as well?" He continued as Zen and I led the way to my old home.
"Yes sir.." I muttered and felt shameful for lying.
"Were any of those scars inflicted by that idiot?" He asked again with a sigh. I saw Zen's hands tighten into fists until his knuckles turned white.
"Yes.." I answered quietly.
"I see why you lied than.. I'd be afraid if I were you as well." He told me as we stepped outside. I glanced over at him with relief washing over my entire body. "So he lit a fire to your house in the rain and it actually burned?" He asked and almost laughed.
"Lord brother.." Zen looked to Prince izona with a glare and threatening tone of voice.
As it came into sight I was kind of left in shock. It definitely burned down good enough..
"The basement.." I muttered to myself.
"Do you think it caught fire as well?" Zen asked me as I pulled his watch around my neck and tucked it under my dress.
"It could have been" i told him with a little shrug.
"Was there anything important down there?" Prince Izona asked as we reached the burned down door barely hanging on.
"Only generations of family swords" I told him as I stepped on the first stair and.. it broke in half. "That's new.." I muttered and looked down at it before continuing. "I suggest you stay out, I'm not sure if itll hold up for much longer than this" I told the princes as I stood under the doorway.
"That only gives me more of a reason to go in with you" Zen chuckled and stayed by my side.
"Alright.." I nodded and continued on. I skipped every part of the house and went straight to the basement. It was burned too but mostly at the top of the stairs and below was just water. There wasnt much water though so it was alright. Everything was perfect from what I could see. To my surprise, Prince Izona came down as well.
"These swords belonged to other generations?" Prince Izona asked and touched the blade.. only to cut his finger.
"Yes, we um.. Like to keep them sharp..." I muttered and felt horrible I didnt warn him before touching it but I guess he didnt care.
"I see that.." he muttered while Zen tried to hold in a laugh.
"I think theres some bandages up-" I began but Prince Izona cut in with a sigh.
"No, that's quite alright. I'm going to look around the grouds for a while. Have fun you 5" he told Zen and I with a sigh- well actually, Obi, kiki, and Mitsuhide were upstairs as well.
As Prince Izona was leaving a short, quiet laugh left Zen's lips. I smiled to myself and looked over at his happy face.
"I can believe he would touch them in the first place-.." Zen told me and kept trying to not completely bust out into laughter.
"Guys, why is prince Izona hurt?" Mitsuhide asked as the other 3 came down the stairs to Zen and I.
"He touched the sword" I pointed to the wall behind me while Zen was silently cracking up.
"But not the sword" obi grinned and pulled out the sword my family kept for way too long. Obi is carrying it in my stead, probably for forever. It's not like we didnt think of Obi as family before anyway, he was always over and welcomed.
"That thing isnt even sharp enough to cut an apple" Mitsuhide chuckled which made Obi a little mad.
"Y/n, can you please sharpen it?" Obi begged.
"Seriously? That thing would probably break. It's not as cool as you think it is obi" I told him with a smile and a hand on my hip.
"You sharpen swords down here?" Kiki asked and put her hand on her sheathed sword.
"We did everything down here" I told her with a smile and walked over to the plain wall.
"Where did everything go, though?" Obi asked and looked around.
"No where really" I told him with a grin as I slid the wall to the side. It's an incredible wall, i guess it works too because no one knew it was fake.
"WHAT?!" Mitsuhide shouted and put his hands on the top of his head.
"Whoa" i heard zen mutter as he walked to my side with a smile. "You have something new to show us everyday, dont you?" He asked me with a short chuckle as I began to pull out the big machine my father made to sharpen swords.
"Yeah but I think I'm coming to a stopping point. This is all I've got to show actually" I told him happily and took Kiki's sword from her hands.
"Except for one thing you cant see.." Obi muttered with a deadly grin. I looked back at him in wonder and confusion. I really dont have any other secrets.
"And what's that obi?" Mitsuhide chuckled and put his hands on his hips.
"Well, sorry master but Y/n..." obi began with that devilish grin, "is actually a boy." He said it so convincingly that it actually made the other think for a second.
"...Shut up obi" I grumbled and threw the dagger strapped to my ankle at him.
"Hey! I was just kidding!" He shouted and moved away before it hit him. "I cannot believe you fell for that.." I grumbled to them and began to run Kiki's sword throughout machine a bunch of times. Its manual, so I have to push it in and out a ton of times but it heats up when I do that so it makes it sharper.
"Zen's face!-.." Mitsuhide shouted and was almost on the floor laughing.
"That sounded pretty convincing" kiki laughed a little.
"I totally got you!" Obi shouted and laughed just as hard as Mitsuhide.
"No you didnt!" Zen shouted back in full rage with a bright red tinting his cheeks.
"I know I'm not exactly girly but that was just mean" I grumbled mostly to Obi.
"I-Im sorry! It was so good!" Obi shouted and was rolling on the floor.
"No it wasnt!" Zen shouted and was pressing the heel of his shoe into obis chest with a glare.
"You know what else would be good?.." I asked with an evil smirk and turned around to Obi holding up Kiki's newly sharpened sword.
"I-Im sorry!" Obi exclaimed and put his hands up.
"As you should be, you monkey.." I mumbled and handed kiki her sword.
"I think that's enough messing around for one day, Obi" kiki told him as Mitsuhide and Obi straightened up.
"Yeah and if you ever do somethinc like that again-" I told him as I grabbed my sword from behind his head, "I'll cut you" I whispered. I wouldnt actually but it's fun to mess with him in return.
"Y-Yes ma'an!" He stuttered frantically.
"Whatd she say?.." Mitsuhide whispered as we left back up the stairs.
"She said she'd cut me!" Obi whispered in a panic.
"Cant take a joke, obi?" I smirked and looked back down at him.
"Not from you.." he muttered and looked away from me.
"Jokes aside," Zen chuckled and stood next to me after everyone got out of the house, "I think it's about time we go meet the crowd" he told me with a smile.
"We're not well known.. Why would prince Dominic invite royalty?.." I asked as my stomach began to turn.
"You're more known than you know. Especially now since the only living person is their only daughter" he told me and brushed his shoulder against mine like we had done before when he calmed me down.
"That doesnt help at all.. and now I have to go meet a bunch of royals. I'm toast.." I whispered the last part with a sigh.
"I think you'll be fine. They are normal people too, y'know?" He asked with a little laugh.
"Yeah but royal" I added and made him laugh again.
"You'll be okay and I'll be close by too" he told me with a big smile.
"Yeah.." I muttered and put my hand over the watch resting under my clothing.
We all made it over there in no time. I had to greet everyone who walked in.. but obi stayed with me so it wasnt that bad. No one but one woman asked me about my clothing. I told her everything I wearing was my family's and she then realized why I was wearing two swords. She must have told others as well. Nobles and royalty were scattered and I was trying my very hardest to hide but everyone wanted to know why they died so.. I uh.. I told them that.. They died on a mission... If I could tell them the truth I would but I'm not trying to die yet!
As I looked around I noticed one royal in particular who I blame for this mess..

Teach Me How To Live    -~Zen Wistaria x Reader~-Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum