The Truth -p2

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<<Time skip>>

Zen's POV

Finally! All my paperwork is finished! It's not particularly 'hard', it's just very time consuming. Y/N and Shirayuki should still be in the pharmacy if they didn't go home yet. Well, actually I think they're both still staying at a little inn in town. They won't have to stay there for much longer, though. I'm almost positive they'll both be staying in the palace by tomorrow night, if not tonight, depending if they take certain job offers. Shirayuki is planning on being a court herbalist which I learnt about last night, and I'm going to talk to Y/N about maybe becoming my sentinel so I can keep an eye on her. Though I don't know about Obi.. we agreed to have him watch over Y/N, but I haven't seen him for a while. I wonder where he's sneaking off to now.
I came up to the pharmacy's door and knocked, "It's Zen, are Shirayuki and Y/N here?" I asked and walked in. Ryuu was the only person inside and it looked like he was packing up for the day.
"Shirayuki went home an hour ago but Y/N has been in that room sleeping for over three hours. A boy named Obi stopped by once to check on her but that was all. I think she's still asleep so don't be loud in there." Ryuu told me before walking out with a few books in hand.
Obi is still wandering around then. Where is he staying the night though? Maybe in Y/N's room, they are really close after all..... N-No no no! That's too crazy! Of course that wouldn't happen, she'd never allow it..
I walked into the room Ryuu pointed to. She was definitely sleeping. Y/N isn't a very graceful sleeper, I guess. Her legs were all over the bed and half of her body was sticking out of the blanket.
"Ah-Oo..." I tripped over her weapon belt and her old clothes that seemed to be washed but were stained from tons of mud. I covered my mouth quickly but it seemed she heard me and rolled over.
Oh no, she's going to think I'm being a pervert for watching her sleep!
She didn't wake up though.
Wow.. She's even more beautiful with the sun shining on her...
She's wearing a blue dress with sleeves but they seemed to fall off her broad shoulders. Her hair drifted over her lips and cheeks then slid off the side of the bed like a waterfall would. Her hair is really something to be dazzled by. It's so long had such a weirdly calming blonde color to it. It was almost white, not like mine, it had a light splash of yellow-ish gold. I remember last night in that room, she was standing up without a cloak or mask, her hair fell all the way down to her fingertips and even a little passed that, and it seemed like the hair in front of her face was a lot shorter than the hair behind her head which framed her face beautifully.
"... I wish you would just ask me for help but you would never do that. You'd rather go it alone, isn't that right Y/N?" I spoke to her sleeping self.

3rd person POV

Prince Zen moved his hand to Y/N's cheek and slowly slid his hand across her smooth skin and moved the hair from her face.
"But.. you don't have to be alone anymore. We're all here for you, I just wish you realized that sooner." He rubbed his thumb across Y/N's bottom lip before realizing what he's doing and removed his hand immediately with a blush. He sighed, still a light blush on his cheeks. "What am I going to do with you?" He asked himself while moving Y/N's leg and dress back under the blanket. "I'll give you the news another time.." he spoke and readied himself to leave but was shocked when Y/N took his hand just before he left.
"Don't go.. please don't leave yet, Prince.." She muttered unconsciously. She knew somehow he was there. She could just feel it but she has no idea what she was doing.
"Haven't I told you not to call me that?.." he whispered, then slowly took a seat on the floor beside her wondering how she was able to talk again. Maybe it only happens when she isn't aware?
They didn't let go of each other's hands. And as expected, Y/N didn't answer. She was still asleep after all. The Prince sighed lightly with a smile and laid his sword down beside him and leaned against the bed. "I will never leave you... Y/N.." he whispered to her and held her hand a bit tighter before he too drifted off to sleep.
Little did they know Obi had watched over Y/N the entire time.
"I knew she was in good hands but maybe it was better than I thought? She really does have that charm that hooks every guy in, even a true prince." Obi sighed feeling a tad bit jealous of the Prince, yet happy for his childhood friend. She had always deserved a perfect life and she'll get one as long as she stays by the one she loves. Obi, on the other hand, had only been in love once but his heart perished and burned to ash that day when Y/N came home.. Could anyone ever make his heart race again?

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