Clarity, at Least for Once

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Indigos stared at the lone woman, weeping inside her car. What was she doing here? So close to the Hakase's? Was it purpose? Why was she crying?
His lips pursed as Kuroba Kaito stepped back into the store he had just come from, feeling like an idiot with his purchase in hand, refusing to leave. He felt eyes on him, yet it didn't bother him. Stepping towards the shop window, he silently watched his former friend.


It was weird. The emotions he thought he would feel upon seeing her weren't quite the same as he had expected. A sweaty hand raising towards his chest, Kaito grabbed his jacket just above his heart, feeling his pulse rampaging. It wasn't the same.

He felt... distance.

There was no urge to go over there, sooth her, cheer her up with a magic trick. Where was the love he had felt for her this entire time, where was the storm of emotions he had had when the Hakase mentioned a woman who knew him? When he had thought of her?
Kaito felt almost... relieved. She looked exhausted, her formerly neatly combed hair a small mess coating her head and arms, her face obscurred as she was hunched over, resting on the steering wheel, weeping into her sleeves. He could not see her face but Kaito could have never been more sure that this was Nakamori Aoko, a 27 year old woman, so different and yet so similar to the girl he had once called his love.

"I... don't love her anymore."

The words left his mouth before he could think about it, and he was glad it had been a mere whisper. For once, since he had been cursed by Pandora, he finally felt something akin to clarity about his own feelings and thoughts. He didn't love Nakamori Aoko. Those feelings had died years ago, together with the image of a childhood friend he had grown up with and lost on a moment's notice.

The corners of his lips tugged into a small smile. Nostalgy and relief was the only thing he felt by now, and Kaito knew it did good to him to have seen her, to have been able to finally end the chapter of Nakamori Aoko. His rampaging heart began to settle down, and Kaito felt a certain calm washing over him which he hadn't felt since a long time. He was at peace with himself, at last.

"Sir, can I do anything for you?"
Kaito whirled around to the surprise of the clerk that had approached him, and set up a soft smile.
" No, I'm alright. Thank you. I'll be taking my leave now... Thank you for your service."
"Ah... Have a nice day, sir..."
The clerk's confused eyes followed Kaito as he exited the store, and with a confidence he hadn't had since years, the magician strolled onto the sidewalk, away from the store, the car, and Aoko.


"You seem different," Shinichi mused, eying the former thief from head to toe. "And didn't you just want to take a walk? Why the bag? Did you buy anything?"
Kaito did nothing to hide his eyerolling, and dropped the bag onto Shinichi's lap with a lopsided grin.
"Curiosity killed the cat, Meitantei. You shouldn't keep snooping around in my business."
"But satisfaction brought it back." Rustling was audible as Shinichi opened the bag and peeked inside, only to find a secondhand plush of a cat, dressed in an obviously selfmade costume of Kaitou KID, a small monocle and hat additionally sewn onto the head.

"What is that?" Genuine curiosity in his voice, before a snort followed it. "Picking up your habits of thievery again? Don't tell me that's your way of letting me know."
"No, idiot."
Kaito threw his shawl at Shinichi, a playful grin on his face as his target caught it with a look of surprise. He was enjoying this, apparantly, far too much for his own good. Bakaitou.
"I found it in a second hand store. KID has been dead since ten years... I was surprised to find a plush like this, and thought you would appreciate it. I can burn it if you prefer that." A soft snap of his fingers, and a small flame began to dance on KID's thumb.

"No!" the detective exclaimed, storing the plush back into its bag to prevent anything from happening to it. "It didn't do you anything bad, and it'd be a waste of good fabric. Look how much effort went into this..."
Shinichi took it back out again and couldn't hide the smile on his lips as he examined it. Even the plush was made from scratch. Probably made from scrap fabric laying around, and it was a beginner who made it. But the love that had gone into this piece was undeniable.

Haibara stood at the stairs, watching her guests with an emotionless expression. Her eyes went from a stupid-smiling Shinichi to an even more stupid-smiling Kaito who was obviously pleased about his gift being accepted.
She took a sip from her cup, internally sighing. This was not the time to be merry, lazy and exchange gifts. They still needed to find a way to extinguish Pandora from their bodies and at the same time, keep them alive.

"You could join us in the living room instead of just occupying the staircase, Ojou-san." Kuroba hadn't even looked at her but Haibara wasn't surprised.

A smirk flew over her lips before being replaced by an obviously fake annoyed expression as she took the last few steps down and followed suit to Kaito's invitation.
"You two are just lazy."
Shinichi shot a small glare at her.
"KID had just had a huge conference this morning in front of I don't know how many journalists, cut him some slack. And me too, because I did your grocery run for you."
Haibara chuckled and promptly sat down next to Shinichi, shaking her head in disbelief.

Maybe it was a good time to be lazy.

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