A Dreadful Night

860 45 20

Shinichi watched the sunset with a deep and worrysome sigh passing his lips. He turned, pressing his lips against Kaito's cheek, earning a surprise noise from him.
"How long do you think we need?"
"To Hawaii? A long time. Alone with a plane it'd take more than 5 hours."
Shinichi let out a thoughtful hum as Kaito caught himself again from his surprise. Maybe that was getting a bit difficult, but they had to disappear.

"I could organize a jet for us. Kaa-san has an emergency number for such cases... From a public phone it would work, we'd just have to disappear as fast as possible."
Kaito gave a quiet nod, flashing a glance around. They needed a place to store their stuff- and while Shinichi and he himself felt as energetic as ever, he knew they needed a place to rest for a bit... so Kaito could prepare a few disguises for them.
"Shin-chan, did you take my emergency bag as well?"
"Of course," came the almost offended reply. Shinichi waved with his suitcase, smiling up at him.
"Everything necessary is inside there."
"Good. I've still got a lot of magic tricks with me... Smoke bombs and sleeping gas, too."

For a while these two walked in content silence with one another before Shinichi finally stopped, having caught on to a public phone.
"Look out," he warned Kaito before stepping in front of it, pushing in a quarter before calling his mother's emergency number.
While she didn't pick up, Shinichi was content leaving a voicemail on it.

"Kaa-san, it's time."

He hung up, satisfied with his words, before quickly following Kaito out again. Shinichi was as calm as day... there was no need for nervousity any longer. His parents could pay attention very well to themselves, Haibara was protected by Akako's magic and he had no one that could become victim to the Black Organization. Shinichi himself? Well fuck, he was immortal. What could this Organization possibly do to him?

That was right.


Kaito felt similar. Without any sort of contact to old friends, a mother that could protect herself very well and an immortal boyfriend, Kaito knew himself that he was on the safe side. Nothing and nobody could threaten him- that much he knew for sure.

"Kaa-san and I arranged a place where she would bring a jet if it was going to be an emergency somewhen... but we'll need a while to arrive there. And..."
Shinichi cut himself off, slouching a bit. He was starting to feel tired.
"...Pandora healed me. I need to sleep a bit."
Kaito frowned, flashing a glance at Shinichi's stomach. Right, a bullet had gone through there. How could he forget? They needed a place to rest and that quick.

"I don't think we can use any of my emergency hideouts, I'm sure the Black Organization surveils them already. We should check into a motel..."
Shinichi agreed with a nod, already working through a few places in his mind. Where could they possibly stay?

It wasn't long until Kaito and Shinichi finally settled down, both a bit exhausted. Kaito knew why Shinichi had grown tired, but he himself? Why? Did Pandora do work on him as well?
"Of course..." Kaito muttered to himself while putting the suitcase under their bed, "the fire... the explosions... Pandora saved me from all of them during my trick."
"Just a quick rest," Shinichi interrupted his thoughts, already settling down on the bed. Curtains were drawn, Pandora was tucked into their pockets. Undressing? Not this time.

And as soon as Kaito closed his eyes, his consciousness faded away.

One he awoke, he needed a second to clean his head. How much time had passed? Kaito wasn't sure. Shinichi wasn't next to him, probably guarding the room. Of course he would wake up faster, he hadn't been caught in this explosion.
Kaito sat up immediately and stretched his limbs before getting up. They had to leave again. He was going to find Shinichi now, and then they'd make a run for it towards this secret spot a jet would wait for them.
Stupid Meitantei, hadn't even told him where that was.

Kaito's hand paused on the doorhandle; a cold shiver ran down his spine. His gut was flooding with feelings of nervousity, downright fear.

Something wasn't right.

Kaito clutched Pandora with his other hand, concentrating. There... was a disturbance.

Something was badly wrong.

Kaito could just barely slide behind the door to hide as it slammed open and two agents entirely dressed in Black stormed the room, tearing up the bed and the wardrobe. Kaito closed his eyes, praying that his stupidly obvious hiding spot was going to be safe...

Shin-chan, where are you...? What happened?

"Where is that bastard thief?!" One of them roared, teeth gritting in anger. "Search for him, I know you can do it. Where is he?"
This voice was much calmer and yet, so much more threatening to hear. Kaito's blood ran cold.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Shinichi's voice...!

"Don't expect me to believe you this!"
Something heavy was tossed onto the floorboards and the voice spoke again.
"We know about Pandora and its abilities. You're immortal, Kudo Shinichi, and so is that bastard thief KID. And I also know you can sense him... sense the second half of Pandora. Where is it?"
A soft snicker came from the aggressor, followed by a pained hiss from Kudo.
"While you are immortal, you still feel pain. What speaks against torturing you infinitely? Someday you will have to break, Kudo Shinichi."
Kaito could feel the anger rising from within his guts, and yet he knew he had to remain silent if he ever wanted to get out of this alive. He stood there, stupidly behind the door, trying to find a solution to all of this.

He knew Shinichi could sense him, Kaito knew Shinichi had his exact location. One slip up... but he trusted him. Kaito knew he wasn't going to rat him out.
"So you're gonna stay quiet. Pity."
With a gesture of his hand Kudo Shinichi was grabbed from both sides and dragged out of the room, the other agents following behind.

At least they didn't part Pandora and Kudo... They seem to know he needs it to live, and to sense me.

Kaito took a few more seconds before he stepped out from his hiding place. Time to do things he never thought he would do ever again.
He felt so disgusted, so... wrong in doing this.

And yet, he felt a sense of familiarity as he opened the emergency suitcase in his hands, revealing his cardgun.

I am coming for you, Meitantei.

Hold on a few more hours.

When Pandora bleeds... (Shinkai)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora