Your Friendly Neighborhood Witch

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Haibara stepped out of her house, quietly raising the collar of her small coat to duck her head into it. A cold breeze went past her, causing her to shiver as she stepped into her car and drove off.

She didn't exactly want to tell these two where she was going. Haibara knew exactly neither of them would have let her, yet she needed answers... and this woman had promised her some.
Gaze focused onto the road, she inwardly worried wether KID had planted any bugs into her car but dismissed that almost immediately. He had zero idea where she was going, for all that he knew she could have just driven to the nearest park to take a long walk like she usually did. Or to her favorite tea parlor for a small break from all the stress. What was a woman without some secrets? Sometimes Haibara just wanted to be alone and she was glad Shinichi respected that, yet she wasn't quite sure about that magician at her house.

Rolling into the driveway, Haibara slowed down and looked up at the smaller house. Judging by the decorations, she just knew it was Koizumi-san trying to blend in despite her wealth... Tinted windows and yet flowers in her small garden, and... herbs? A lot of herbs. Some she had never seen before.
But she was a witch after all, Haibara couldn't fathom to understand her methods and ways.

The door opened before Haibara had even been able to knock, and an old man appeared before her, face expressionless. He had a stare that went right into Haibara's soul, and the woman did not like this at all.
"Haibara-san, Akako-sama is already awaiting you."
How did she know, Haibara wondered. It wasn't like she had announced herself beforehand; she had just followed the small address Akako had left her that one fateful day. For a moment she was really worried that there was another person who enjoyed attaching trackers to her car, but had to cut it short as the man led her into the hallway.

This... looks far bigger than on the outside.

The hallway stretched out into infinity, with endless doors neatly placed along. Haibara swallowed down the upcoming nervousity, perhaps a visit hadn't been the best idea?
Her thoughts stopped abruptly when a door next to her swung open and a familiar face greeted her, a mischievous smile on her lips.
"Haibara-san. I've awaited you."
"This would sound less creepy if I'd have announced myself."
Akako chuckled and threw a small sideglance at the old man who stiffed and immediately shuffled away, leaving the two women alone. She beckoned Haibara into her room, and the woman sat down on one of the comfy red armchairs.

"My servant will bring us a cup of tea. I hope you like green tea?"
Haibara gave a small nod, her eyes wandering through the room. It was a rather pompous looking bedroom, with a large king sized bed enshrouded by curtains, a huge wardrobe and a small desk, yet everything had been neatly organized and nothing was amiss.
Despite... the scratch marks next to the wardrove. Haibara inwardly chuckled. KID was better in hiding his secrets than her.
"If you have awaited me, then please enlighten me why I came."
Akako set up a sly smile and crossed her legs, calmly leaning back into her seat as well.
"You seek a method to seal Pandora forever, and for that you need my assistance. This gem is something magical... something that raw science could never fathom to understand. It works with different rules than known to mankind."

Haibara quirked an eyebrow, staying silent. Well, she was correct about this, at least.
"...will you help me?"
"Oh how couldn't I. Of course, only if there is something in for me as well... Saving Kuroba-kun's and Kudo-kun's life was a free sample."
Akako took out a small nail file and proceeded to correct one of her nails just a little... Haibara wasn't quite sure why she was doing that, her hands were perfect. Free from callouses and dirt, no birthmarks and in a beautiful pale colour.
Could it be...

"All things have a price, hm? Name yours."
At least Haibara knew how to speak this language. It was nothing new to her, especially as a former member of the Black Organization. Business deals was something necessary, and at times she had had to reach into her own pocket to gain the right information.
The same second, a soft knock interupted these two and the butler stepped in, a tray with biscuits and neatly prepared tea in his hands.
"Pardon, Akako-sama... Do you wish for anything else to be done?"
"No. Out of my eyes."
Akako seemed displeased, Haibara noted that. Her smile had become icy as she watched the old man hurry out of the room and close the door behind himself, before it switched back to usual the moment she laid her eyes upon Haibara again.
"My price... will be a rendezvous."

Haibara raised an eyebrow, slowly lifting the cup to take a small sip of her tea. It was... good. Surprisingly good. A lovely brand, and of excellent quality.
"I'm not sure Kuroba-kun will be up for that."
"Oh dear, you are mistaken."
Akako's lips tugged into a mischievous smile, her hand searching for Haibara's to hold it. Her touch was cold, unnatural cold. It did good to the sudden warmth the woman felt pooling into her stomach.
"You cannot be serious. Are- are you sure? This is your price?"
Haibara couldn't have dreamed about a pretty woman like Koizumi-san to show interest in her. While she wasn't quite up to dating at the moment, especially with the current situation, she did not want to turn this mysterious woman down just yet.
"I'll... accept. But... I cannot guarantee for anything. Right now I'm not in the right situation to date."
"That's just fine."

I have my ways, Haibara-san.

The teablonde haircoloured woman blushed, hiding it behind the lifted cup of tea. Well... that wasn't quite what she had been visiting for, but it had been a pleasant surprise nontheless.
"And how can you help me? Us?"
"I have studied Pandora for a long while... while my mother had been alive, too. While I do not have a way to reverse the immortality for Kuroba-kun and Kudo-kun... I might know a way to seal Pandora's blood, and create two seperate gems instead that can coexist with one another, without driving their owners into madness. But..."
Akako flashed a troubled smile at her company, slowly taking a sip of her own cup.
"...that would forever end the chance of Kudo-kun and Kuroba-kun to abandon immortality. And... it would possess double the danger if it would fall into wrong hands, since both gems would be 'Pandora'."

Haibara frowned. That far she knew about KID, the choice to end his own life one day by restoring Pandora was his only comfort at the moment.
She wasn't quite alright with just taking this from him.

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