A Trip towards a Grand Future

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"I'm surprised, Kuroba."

Kaito looked up, surprised, only to find his company smiling amused at him. Currently seated in a cushioned chair on an airplane, Kaito couldn't have asked for more comfort.

"You gave her a note, didn't you? I suspect it was your phone number... A means to contact you. How come? Didn't you tell me a while ago you had to be careful around her?"
Kaito tilted his head, leaning slowly back. That wasn't a hard one to explain.
"I'm going with my instinct, Kudo. She... changed. Subtly, but she has changed over the past years. KID lies buried since more than a decade... I'm not worried anymore to be exposed, and now that I own Pandora, there is nothing I need to chase after either."
He made a small gesture with his hand, letting a deck of cards appear to play with it.
"I have no reason to be reckless anymore. I can allow her closer, now that there is no reason to get myself into danger."

Shinichi nodded, yet the smile remained as he eyed the former thief up and down.
"True. I haven't seen you breaking into any place since quite a while."
"Of course not." Kaito rolled his eyes, not quite happy about the jab. Shinichi gave him an apologetic glance, falling silent.

"...in any case," Kaito began, lifting the tension around them again, "I'm glad to continue my tour again. Keeping in touch with Akako will be profitable as well... I'm sure as I know her, she will continue to make charms for us to be able to withstand Pandora."
Shinichi raised an eyebrow, a little surprised. "...but you gave her your number for more than that, I assume? Using her for only charms wouldn't fit you, Kuroba."
"Geesh, what do you think of me, Meitantei? Of course not. I hope to establish somewhat of a connection... she could become an ally, even a friend."
Kaito smiled, falling into thoughts, his voice turning just the tiniest bit softer.
"I would be glad to call her friend."

Relieved, Shinichi leaned back into his seat again, only to pull out a thick mystery novel. He had a lot of time to spare now, and this was the perfect excuse to avoid looking at Kuroba's sweet smile. Burying his nose into his book, Shinichi could feel himself fluster to close next to him. Yet Kuroba himself didn't seem to mind at all- his focus lasting on his task of shuffling cards, he seemed to be pretty occupied.
Shinichi suppressed a happy sigh. Right now, he couldn't wish for anything more.


Weeks later, the two had finally settled into their lives. Shinichi had followed into the footsteps of his father- beginning with his very own mystery novel, a suspiciously familiar thief as the protagonist. While he did keep himself hidden behind the name of Kuroba Shinobu, he knew just as well that his career of a detective was over by now. Too high was the risk of media coverage exposing him as Kudo Shinichi, and the attention gained from that would have put both him and Kuroba into danger.

Said one had settled down just well. Kaito had picked up his tour again, visiting fans all around the globe, and Pandora always with him. Well... half of it. His other half was patiently waiting in a private condo high up in Los Angeles, typing away at his novel.

The moment keys turned inside the lock, Shinichi perked up. Excitement fluttered inside his stomach; he jumped up with a huge grin.
He hadn't seen Kuroba in a week, and he was more than happy to finally see him again. Feelings of love and fondness overcame him as he rushed towards the entrance, only to pause in his steps as the person he expected wasn't exactly there.

"Hi Shin-chan~! Oh I'm so happy to see you!"
Shinichi's eyes grew wide as his mother flew into his arms, bubbly as ever, squeezing him in a tight hug. He couldn't bring himself to say a single word, his brain was unable to comprehend anything at all.
Kudo Yukiko squeezed the living daylights out of her son while a woman purple hair stood behind them, smiling amused to herself. "We were around and thought about visiting!! Kaito isn't here, is he?!"

"W-wait a moment."

Shinichi finally gathered himself and took a huge step back, forcing the arms of his mother off of him.
"H-how did you know I was here?! Alive?! And- w-who are you?!"
Yukiko put up a soft pout. How harsh her cute Shin-chan always is!
"Of course I knew! My Shin-chan wouldn't die that fast. Also Chi-chan spilled the tea on both of you~ Yu-chan couldn't come around, sadly, he is busy discussing his new novel with some high ups. But I get to hug you twice then!"
Yukiko caught her protesting son in another tight hug, and 'Chi-chan' snickered amused. She seemed at least a bit calmer than his own mother, Shinichi thought, and at least there didn't seem to be coming any danger from her. Who was she?

"It's so nice to meet you, Shinichi. I'm Kaito's mother, Kuroba Chikage."
She flashed the sweetest of smiles at him and Shinichi slowly jawdropped. This was Kuroba's mother? And she obviously knew his mother? But wait, that made somewhat sense. He had heard his father mentioning someone like this a long time ago.
"...a-a pleasure to meet you."
"Aww, he is all overwhelmed! Let's to sit down, I'll make us some tea- you do have tea here, right, Shin-chan?"
Shinichi shook his head, silent. How much did his mother know exactly? He was dreading to ask. Chikage shook her head as well, leading the two of them to a living room she knew eerily well.
"Shinichi doesn't eat or drink. Pandora is very clear about that." She winked at the male, and he shrugged sheepishly at his mother's horrified gasp.
"No tea?! No coffee?! Nothing?! Oh my poor little Shin-chan, I know how much you love your coffee-"

Shinichi inwardly sighed and stared at the clock hanging above the television. As he knew his mother, she wasn't going to leave for a long time now, and he had one hell of explaining to do as well. Kuroba Chikage was just as much of a mystery. Shinichi dreaded the next hours.

That's not how I imagined on meeting your mom, Bakaito.

When Pandora bleeds... (Shinkai)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя