Some Old Memories

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When his friend Haibara vanished into her chambers to catch a good amount of sleep for the night, Shinichi had just finished the book he had been reading the entire afternoon and noticed Kaito quietly leaving the house as well.

A nightwalk? Already?

Shinichi took a glance at his watch before closing the book and resting it on their small coffee table. But the stars were beautiful that evening... Maybe a walk wasn't all too bad?
Shinichi chose to wait another few minutes before leaving so Kaito wouldn't gain the impression of being followed, then carefully took on his coat. He didn't exactly need it, he barely noticed cold temperatures since Pandora and yet he would have been drawing more attention to himself if he would have ran around without a jacket.

The sleuth quietly exited the house and smiled at the soft breeze that mussed up his hair. There hadn't been a lot to think about lately, he had had all the time of the world for this. Night after night, day after day. Shinichi didn't remember how actual sleep felt. Was it pleasant? Did he like it?
The memory had become so strange and foreign to him it surprised him. Such an essential part of life, gone in a blink and replaced with endless productivity.

He didn't exactly pay attention to where he was going. Shinichi just knew, he had to get rid of all this energy at some point, and daily walks were a perfect opportunity for that. And gosh darnit, he missed playing soccer with the Detective Boys. Now he was 27, a huge gap from his former age.
The boy scrunched up his nose, not quite happy.

If you take it closely, I haven't graduated AGAIN.

A tiny snort left him as he wondered how many secret identities he would have to take up before he could FINALLY master the finals and graduate highschool without anything interrupting him.
Where KID was going to take him, he wondered.

Will we go on tour together? Will you try and hide me away somewhere? I'm honestly curious.

Shinichi couldn't await leaving the country and make himself a name as detective in another one. Somewhere far, far away. Perhaps he wouldn't even be able to keep his work up, he was quite famous after all. Maybe open up a coffee shop? But then he couldn't exactly travel with KID.

All in all, Shinichi was relaxed about the future. Leaving behind Japan was leaving behind the part of the Black Organization that had been most dangerous to him, and while it was difficult to accept his defeat and stop pursuing them, it was the best for himself and Haibara. For KID as well. Especially since both of them were guarding something far more precious than humanity could ever know about.
Shinichi shuddered. He couldn't even imagine the consequences of Pandora falling into wrong hands. No, he was going to aid KID's cause and protect Pandora as well.

Shinichi looked up, smiling a little surprised. He had reached the Haido City hotel. Maybe, just maybe... He eyed his surroundings before ducking into the shadows the moment he felt no eyes on him.
What was wrong about a hint of nostalgia? After all, this hotel had been their first real meeting as KID and Conan.

Another quiet glance. No one was around to bother him. The detective snuck swiftly into the hotel, making sure he remained unseen. He couldn't exactly tell anyone why he wanted to access the roof. The soft night breeze hit him again once he propped the door to the roof open, and he had to squeeze his eyes shut for a moment.

"Oh. How surprising to see you here, Kudo."
It still felt so foreign to hear his name spoken with that all so familiar voice. Shinichi opened his eyes and came face to face with a male dressed too familiar, and instantly he knew who that was. He chuckled. Perched like an oversized crow he sat on the edge of the roof, indigo eyes reflecting the sparkling street lights down below.
"I could say the same. What are you doing here?"
"Hm. I believe you already know that, so don't ask." Kaito made a displeased noise, and proceeded to stare down into the illuminated city. Shinichi hesitated, yet quietly shuffled over towards the former thief and let himself down into a comfortable sitting position next to him. Once this wasn't met with disapproval, he relaxed again and just remained silent.

"Do you want to jump?"
Shinichi froze, head whirling towards Kaito before shaking it wildly.
"Are you insane?! Obviously not."
Kuroba let out one of these tiny KID snickers Shinichi used to hate and love at the same time.
"Just kidding. But the adrenaline was amazing. Wasn't it? The free fall, the immediate threat of concrete down below... and yet you can make it out unharmed just fine."
Shinichi raised one eyebrow, then forced himself to look down into the filled streets again.
"What if it all ends up being a bore?" Kuroba mindlessly continued, voice gradually turning quieter, "What... if life ends up boring?"

Shinichi couldn't help but allow the tiny smile that came onto his lips.
"Life is what you make of it, Kuroba. Wether it ends up being boring is alone your option. We... have a long life ahead of us now."
His companion gave him a slow nod in response. Shinichi took that as a good sign to continue.
"And while the biggest adrenaline rush might die out for you someday... There will be new things to do. For all I care, my next identity might work as a librarian. There is always something new to learn."

Kuroba was afraid, and Shinichi felt that. Afraid to end up being bored of life, to become apathetic to everything around him as time was passing. Immortality was a different topic, something Shinichi hadn't ever quite grasped himself.
"And once we have enough of life... we can end it peacefully by uniting Pandora."
The male smiled at his friend, and Kuroba finally breathed out an amused sigh before spreading his arms melodramatical.
"The world belongs to us now, Meitantei~! There is nothing we can't do or can't become. I just want to know Pandora safe. That is all I ask."
"And I will help you. Just don't ever let this overcome you again."
The detective's expression turned hesitant as he eyed Kuroba's features in the moonlight. He was smiling. It suited him.

That is the first time I have seen him smile like this again...

His eyes dropped down towards Kuroba's hand and he immediately looked away again, feeling awkward.
"So... you just came here to be all nostalgic?"
"Can you say anything different? I enjoy it here. Height makes me comfortable."
"Regarding your past as moonlighting thief, I don't doubt it."
Shinichi let out a laugh and only a few seconds of surprise later, Kaito joined in with a wide grin so unlike his usual demeanor. It did good to laugh again, he realized.

"Kuroba... I'm at your side, I'm serious. I'm no longer a detective, and you no thief. I'll help you with this."
Shinichi felt himself growing a bit warm at the third genuine smile his friend tried to hide from him. He might just stay a bit longer, right here, with Kuroba.

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