Overwhelming Energy, Poor Magician

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Kaito was used to a lack of sleep since he had begun to work as Kaitou KID, however by now, things had taken a different turn. Had they? Kaito had never put much thought into it. He was still a magician and just as famous as Kaitou KID used to be, maybe even more famous. But if he needed to compare his life as Kaitou KID to the one he was living by now, he didn't find too many differences. So much had changed and in a way, nothing at all. What was the point in continuing to live this all too familiar life?

Waking up from a particular good nap, Kaito was greeted by pure darkness. Was was going on here? A little nervous, Kaito tried to move his limbs but his body didn't obey him, his entire body was numb, tingling- it scared the magician a little.

I'm done for. The Crows. I've been captured. They probably restrained me and are going to torture me.

A wave of panic overcame Kaito. Where was Pandora? Had it been taken? He only remembered falling exhaustedly into his bed the past evening. Struggling, Kaito tried to free himself, his entire body burning under whatever surface he had been trapped. This felt oddly familiar... But Kaito was blind, he couldn't see a thing in front of him. Finally, his muscles obeyed- Kaito managed to wriggle himself free and sat slowly up, trying to remove whatever was covering his entire face. Another wave of panic overcame him as he tried to eavesdrop if anyone was with him inside the room. He had to form an escape plan. Done was his career as a magician, Kaito had to dive into the masses, take on a new identity-

Gloved fingers pried the rough and gross substance off of his eyes and Kaito blinked a few times, then shook his head. Sunlight pooled in through a very familiar window... a hotel room.

His hotel room.

Almost on cue, the panic began to die out. Kaito felt for Pandora as it hit him-
"...the moon-!" was all he could utter before he started coughing, face twisting into a grimace. His mouth was dry and had an awful taste; Kaito moved his tongue a little around to ease it up. His eyes fell onto his body as another shock drove into him.


Kaito wanted to cry, he felt like an idiot. How could he have been naive enough to sleep with Pandora?! He was covered in dried blood-
"Shit! A-am I-?!"
Kaito bolted out of the bed into the bathroom, crying out when he saw his reflection. He was a monster. A humanic looking skull covered in dried blood with a few puddles of greasy hair sticking out left and right. And his eyes...!
Kaito had to turn away to keep the contents of his stomach down, eyes automatically going towards the shower. This was definitely necessary and Kaito was one hell of sure he was going to take his goddamn time.

The effect he had feared so much had taken its toll- his entire body was crimson red. Kaito took a deep shaking breath as he glared himself down, finally rid of all the blood on him. Even his eyes had taken on a tiny hint of red. At least he looked like a decent human being again... aside the fake third degree burn he could see covering him.
Pandora sparkled innocently inside the shower, fallen from his body after twenty minutes had passed. Kaito screamed in frustration, snatched the gem back into his hands and shut himself up only a few seconds afterwards, trying to pull himself together. Fingers moved and fiddled with each other, Kaito couldn't keep still. The sudden burst of energy he had been feeling was close to unbearable- he wanted to do so much at once, do a somersault out of a window for example-

No, first I need to clean up. Oh my god the bed must look horrible-

Nearly collapsing at the bed's condition, Kaito began pulling the sheets off, only to discover that Pandora had coloured the entire mattress He had to replace it and hide the original, just how? What could explain any of this mess? Kaito pulled the stubborn mattress off, panting a little. Adrenaline shot through his body, the magician began to chew on his lip as he searched for a way to keep himself together. This was new, entirely different than his usual bubbliness. He could hear his heartbeat ringing in his ears, clouding any sense he could muster up, followed by an incredible panic over the loss of control. Colours began to swim in front of his eyes, he could feel every single cell pulsing in his body- Kaito gripped his hair in sheer horror, hyperventilating.

The heck is wrong with me?! I'm so full of energy- I-I can't concentrate, I-I-


When Kaito came back to his senses, he laid flat inside a dumpster of the hotel. The first thing he noticed was the despicable smell tickling his nostrils, forcing him to realize his current location. Sparing a glance upwards, Kaito swallowed down the lump in his throat.

Did I... jump from there...?

Touching his forehead, a quiet groan of discomfort came past his lips. His heart was still beating clear and powrful inside his chest. His window was certainly open- maybe even broken. What the heck had gotten into him? Did he seriously break through a shut window to fall down out of the 19th floor?

How the heck... did I survive that?

Kaito stilled and his mind began to work, cogs turned inside his brain until the next question unsettled him. Where was Pandora?! Panicking eyes searched for the gem and discovered it only a centimeter next to his body- though that didn't quite make his situation less bad since it revealed a new problem for the usual all composed magician.

Kaito was still butt naked.

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