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WE HID under a fallen bridge until the storm died down, we all rested to regain energy from our long travels, once no more sand was flying around I get up and walk.

I climb a rock that Aris was next too and sat down on it looking at the view, my skin was stinging, sand got into my cuts, that scratch and it burned my skin.

I wipe my head from my face, seeming I was far enough from everyone I put my hair up and let the air refresh my neck.

I get my sleeve and dab it on my skin, I then jump off the rock and hide behind it, I was too hot I had to take off my long sleeved top.

As I remove my top I take off my gloves, I wrap my bandana around my head keeping hair out of my face, I then hear someone slip to my left and let my hair down.

I then see newt and grab my top covering myself, he got up from the sand and walked over to me leaning against the rock, he looks at me as I cover my top over my front.

He sees the cuts from the glass on my arms, sides and stomach, he takes my arm and starts placing gentle kisses on each cut causing me to smile.

I put on my top and roll up my sleeves, he then softly pins me to the rock staring at my eyes, i return the gaze and he leans in kissing me, I was shocked at first but then kissed back.

He grabs my waist pulling me in, one hand stayed on my side and he placed the other on my cheek, there was a sudden gunshot making us pull apart.

We race towards the others "what's going on?" Newt asks, Thomas and Teresa arrive too "I don't know he just woke up and grabbed the gun and then tried to..." Frypan explains only to be cut off by Winston.

"Give it back, please" he says as he crawls "Winston?" Milly says placing a hand on him, he then starts retching black liquid from his mouth coughing.

She lets go as he falls to his back "it's growing" Winston heavily breathes revealing his stomach with black veins all over "inside me.." he whimpers.

I rush to his side and he looks at me as I stroke his hair "I'm not gonna make it..." he whispers to me and I shake my head with tears in my eyes.

"Please y/n... don't let me turn into one of those things... please" he begs and i look at him tears falling, Milly and Jessie go to his side too.

Newt then grabs the gun from Frypan and walks over to Winston "wait, newt.." Thomas calls as Newt looks down at his friend on the floor.

He crouched down, grabbing Winston's hand giving him the gun and placing it on his chest "thank you..." he whispers to Newt.

"Now" he said facing us girls "get outta here" he tells us and Newt gets up "Good-bye Winston." He says leaving him grabbing his things.

The others follow him and it's only me and the young ones at his side crying "Winnie... I can't loose you too..." I sob as he looks at us "it's okay.." he whispers weakly and I hug him one last time.

I get up with the girls and we grab our bags "y/n/n..." he calls after me and I turn around facing him "take care of them.." I nod to him as we walk away.

I catch up with the others feeling sleepy and exhausted we walk until we hear a gunshot, we stand still for a moment and the girls collapsed in one another's arms crying.

Night time..

We were around I fire and I sat on Newt's lap with my legs wrapped around him, my arms held his waist whilst my head rested on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"I thought we were supposed to be immune.." Milly cries, "not all of us I guess" Teresa replies hugging her for comfort.

"If Winston can get infected we should assume so can the rest of us" Newt says and my whole body freezes, Winston got scratched quite a lot and he died a day or two later...

If he died from a scratch then.. maybe this little scratch on my neck will make me do the same as Winston.. turn into a crank...

I rub my neck then I feel someone take me away from Newt and away from the others, I turn to see Teresa and Jessie, I give them a questionable look.

"Stop, Y/n." Teresa says "I know you got scratched on your neck." She whispers so the boys couldn't hear "no I didn't." I lied.

I then feel someone lift up my hair behind me, it was Milly she was revealing the scratch on my neck, the other girls look at it gasping.

I sigh asking "How did you-" I get cut off by Teresa "we saw on the day you tied your hair up.. after I gasped you put it back down hoping no one saw." She explains.

I go to walk away but Jessie stops me, tears in her eyes "y/n... are you... are you doing to die too?" She sobs and I collapse to my knees in front of her.

"I can't promise anything Jess..." I say taking her back to the others with Teresa and Milly.

I then see Aris giving me a weird look, did he know?... He signals me to come over "What's the big drama about your neck" he whispers in my ear.

He attempted to lift up my hair but I grab his hand "please don't..." I whisper and he lowers his hand nodding. I let go off his and he sighs "what's wrong y/n?" He asks and I don't reply.

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